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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Yeah #3 is cool, I also like 4, its got a nice mood.
  2. Tractor

    BBQ Sauce

    Cool, I love BBQ sauce will have to try it.
  3. This made me spray pepsi out my nose.
  4. I know that people don't typically run "offroad" diesel in their trucks. A few reasons being; 1) its not approved for road use by DOT or EPA, 2) the typical fed/state road taxes aren't collected on it because its supposed to go in farm equipment. I'm going to assume that someone is supposed to enforce those regs, but I'm not going to pretend to know how or when. I'm guessing I'd be more of a target if I used the truck for commercial work, but then it would fall under a whole other set of safety rules, etc that it would not meet either so that would be a bad idea all around. As soon as I can get some barrels I'll be hitting some of you guys up for oil. Not sure when that's going to be as June is extremely busy for me.
  5. Been doing little things lately, installed a mechanical oil guage (reading 50lbs at warm idle, yay.) Tonight I tested the fuel tanks lift pump and found it not working. I checked the fuse and at some point someone actually did the "chewing gum wrapper" trick so I put a real fuse in it and now it pumps fuel. The trucks in great running condition so I'm mostly just joy riding it this month due to being extremely busy. I think its using antifreeze somewhere and I've looked all around and there's no signs of a leaking head gasket so I guess I'll have to keep adding water until my dad (mechanic and ex military mechanic) is around to help diagnose that problem. I'll have it at a military vehicle show in July in Marengo even if I have to tow it there with my tractor;-)
  6. Well, I agree and normally would never follow some type of law like that, but at least in the case of people getting busted in NC its about $2000 in fines which I don't like the sound of.
  7. yeah drums are the first things on my list. I saw on CL that a guy up north of me has hundreds of the plastic ones. I'm not sure they'd work so well for oil, but at least they wouldn't rust. I also like the idea of being able to use a drum lift to move them around and I'm not sure that works with a plastic one, but I'm sure I could rig something up. Very interesting reading on steelsoldiers.com in the alternative fuel section on this type of project.
  8. My 4 yr old knows I don't have a problem with spanking her, but with her it doesn't really work. She has an extremely strong will and couple that with a 4 yr olds reasoning abilities and it makes for a lot of fun some times. My wife totally can not handle her, but I can 99% of the time get her to understand how things are going to work and help her think through it to make her decision. The other 1% happens after she's been around my wifes relatives (a couple of lesbo old ladies who annoy the crap out of me.) They along with my wife have a way of making her completely crazy.
  9. $1 per gallon sounds good to me considering the alternative. As far as laws, I'm looking into that one. It seems that I may have to pay the gas tax on it in order to run it on the street and keep a log. Thats assuming I ever get pulled over by the commerce guys and they dip the tank. I hear its very likely in North Carolina. I'll never have my truck on an interstate due to its max speed being 50mph, I'd prefer not to block traffic. In the worst case I'd like to be able to have at least 1 55 gallon drum of the stuff at my house and processed into clean fuel to make longer road trips cheaper.
  10. Anyone know where I could get a real supply of used oil and/or ATF. I'd prefer it be free of water/antifreeze, but I can always separate it. I'm planning to build a waste motor oil processing system so I can offset the cost of fuel for my Duece and a Half, but I'll need a lot of it. Ideally finding 50+ gallons at a time.
  11. Anyone wanna speculate whether this is the bottom or will there be more down? Speaking of the broad market, nothing in particular. It would be kinda cool if we could collectively work to time our moves. I've been in cash since the end of March (I could smell a down spell and it paid off this time.) So now I'm getting back in. I missed what it think might have been the lowest point by a few days because I was way to busy to watch properly. Working to see if this is the turn around point now though somehow I expect European news to push us down further.
  12. I'm not even going to get started.
  13. If I didn't have to have one for work I wouldn't have one at all. It is nice to have the internet in such a small package though, but not necessary.
  14. I was just thinking about this for my army truck and daughter. She rides in it now out in the country using the upgraded lap belt (it's a 65 so seat belts werent original.) I'd probably put her car seat in it if we drive it to town though (shes 4 today.) I'm not worried about safety, simply legality.
  15. Looks cloudy here, but if it turns out nice I could bring my scope to somewhere and set up for the evening.
  16. You might see if the columbus astronomical society is setting up around town for it. Sometimes they do COSI's parking lot for planets and the moon. If not then perkins observatory would be the next best idea.
  17. In all seriousness that photo of the bird being feed by momma is awesome and you should sell that to a micro stock company asap. Might get you a couple of bucks eventually.
  18. This, an established bird expert told me the same thing.
  19. If everyone else fails you might be able to get it done at McAllister Photos on Sawmill, he's real cool and helpful.
  20. If you have a original print a scanner can enlarge it a great deal. Some will argue, but the fact is a scanner does this by doing an analog/digital conversion. Afterwards just a few adjustments in photoshop will finish off the image. Coming from 4x6 all the way to 24x36 will be a good stretch though so I hope you got something like an 8x12, as that would be perfect. I'd give it a shot and you can take the photo file to Cord Camera or where ever to get it printed.
  21. I like the new ones. I forgot to get back on here to explain landscape focusing a little. In a scene such as columbus skyline, it's good to try F/8 or higher number to get sharp deep DoF. Also you should focus on something between 1/3 &1/2 way to your most distant subject.
  22. Personally I like the gravel and sidewalk. It leads you into the scene, though I'd try to clean up the debris on the sidewalk a bit. The buildings are a little soft or it would be perfect as a large wall print. The only other thing that might make it better would be an earlier dusk shot where you still have color in the sky.
  23. I really like the first 3 and the 5th one is awesome. Bird shots are always cool too.
  24. Here's a few I took, I wanted to do a black and white set though the color at night is also cool. 1 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7382-6.jpg 2 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7379-5.jpg 3 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7375-4.jpg 4 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7373-3.jpg 5 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7351-2.jpg 6 http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_7345-1.jpg
  25. Lol maybe, I did see a guy and a girl, dude had a DSLR taking photos. I was pushing a double stroller with the kids in it, wife was walking. We didn't have our cameras out at the time though. We went to the Supreme Court's reflection pool and began our shooting.
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