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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Yeah i don't sell prints at all at this point. I give some away in the deal at the bridal shows, but only Canvases. Its just to easy for anyone to copy a photo and make as many as they want any size they want. I remove the problem. they can take the disk to walmart and get all the crappy photos they want since they will do it anyway.
  2. I drove through there just before it happened according to the time.
  3. Penske rents big enough trucks, but you'll need a cdl driver too.
  4. If people are pushing buttons on their serpa then they are doing it wrong. but yeah I could see how some dumbass could probably screw it up. Especially since we just watched a guy look down the barrel of a shot gun after a failure to fire.
  5. With most people, yes. With others, they'll feel entitled no matter what you do. It's just the human nature of dealing with people. At least when I'm dealing with them in photography I'm not just taking it in the ass to make my boss rich. So I do it with a smile.
  6. Yeah, was awesome, I was sitting in the car at a meijers with the baby while wife was shopping.
  7. hehe, my wife did the reflector holding today. Some people don't like them, I use them when I have only a couple human sized subjects that need light. Usually during outdoor bright sun days such as today. The only downside I see is that they really "blind" the subject. I need to come up with a solution for that.
  8. Yes, technically I could "go by the contract" and be a "butt" about it, it basically states that I deliver what I consider "the best", but to me I'd rather bend over backwards to make a customer "happy enough not to publicly complain somewhere" then cause negative rep at this stage in the game. In the end if I can't make them happy I have the contract to fall back on and play it tough later. In my other job I've learned you do what you can while keeping meticulous records to protect yourself later if your customer service efforts fail due to a client that simply doesn't want to be happy.
  9. Basically what I told them. If they push the issue il give them two thousand small jpegs
  10. The PPA (Professional Photographers Association) just announced that they will be adding up to 15,000 in equipment coverage to their membership benefits.
  11. Blah, I just had a bride email me wanting to know how many photos I took vs how many I delivered. I decided I'd go with my customer service instincts and simply tell the truth and explain my position behind it. Now we'll see if I have to mail out another disk full of photos I considered crap. Maybe it was a simple inquiry.
  12. Sweet, I've seen him run before. My dad and I watch tractor pulls when ever we can.
  13. Hope you find someone, I'd help, but I got an engagement session in the hocking hills saturday, and family stuff sunday.
  14. Yeah I'm long in the banks. Any of them can be had for a bargain these last few years.
  15. Hey! I meant to say that last set you put on facebook was really cool.
  16. I try to use only UPS, but I live in the country where they just throw the box on my porch and no one bothers it. Fedex won't even come down my driveway.
  17. I'd just make one out of rip stop nylon and hold it in front of the flash somehow, even if by hand. the goal of a diffusion type light modifier should be to make the light source larger. Also keep an index card handy, you never know when you may need to redirect light or block off part of the flash from the subject. I actually run around weddings with an index card rubberbanded to my flash and it works great.
  18. Oh one thing about the exposure gauge in the camera and using flash. Basically ignore it and everything you learned about getting a proper exposure without flash when using a flash, especially when using a flash in TTL mode. The gauge is only looking at the scene before the flash fires. the flash in ttl mode will fire a preflash 1/1000th sec before the main flash and photo gets taken. Also read the book, "understanding exposure" its very good for non flash and flash photography if you haven't already.
  19. Flash will help you get properly exposed shots and they will look cleaner even at higher ISO's due to being exposed properly. The biggest cause of noise is a dark photo being pushed brighter by post software or longer exposures. Your better off with a correctly lit subject. You should be able to shoot ISO 800 F/4 @ say 1/160th sec and get fine photos. If your noticing your flash working to hard simply increase ISO or open up the aperture some more. Shoot wide open with flash, the next thing you'll notice is you'll start missing focus. I prefer to get the shot then go for wide open unless I need shallow depth of field in the shot. Also if your needing to light up a whole room and just not getting the far wall, just max your ISO and you'll get it. I can light an entire ballroom with a 430ex at ISO 4000. Sometimes doing this causes close bright objects to get blown out. I fix it by putting my hand in front of the flash. Works very well for evening out the light.
  20. Hehe, in the industry we actually have a joke about "natural light shooter" really meaning, "I don't understand flash."
  21. Arena district is a favorite of mine. Lots of alleys etc.
  22. I use a rather nice for twenty dollars, walmart tripod for hiking and have it in my jeep everyday just incase I need it for a shot. I use a much nicer one on professional jobs but even then I barely use it.
  23. I agree with you, "bad battery" is something many shops will tell women and then replace the starter on a repeat visit for the same issue. If they can't fix a simple starter problem like your describing on the first try I wouldn't feel they are very knowledgeable or something is up. Either way I wouldn't go back.
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