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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. Wow just watching him pump the jack with his foot makes mine cramp up.
  2. My settings for the ocean room start at 1/125th f 4 iso 1600, flash in auto mode with an index card rubber banded to it for a larger light source. Then I move from there. I love the ocean room and the old city street sets there because the lighting matches what I find at nice receptions.
  3. find a jeep rental and hit the trails.
  4. Ain't gonna get any argument from me.
  5. I agree, B&W saves trash or changes mood (so it only works well in very specific shots). Also always think about what your shooting for (if its going to be black and white, light it correctly for that conversion and it will make it that much better and less time in post making it look right.) Viewing on a calibrated equipment here and they are almost all under exposed. No big deal to fix, but it should be fixed before delivery. Its a wedding and white is supposed to be WHITE. You say not much photoshop skills? Get some fast if your going to be doing this stuff. Also get a copy of Adobe Lightroom, it will make proofing and editing 1000X faster.
  6. Wow dude, I've fought on this map in battlefield http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/47711_466747045398_500655398_6921401_5630758_n.jpg
  7. Yeah original contract is what you should go by. If he did work that wasn't authorized and was specifically told not to do, you should have made it a huge deal right then and there. Hopefully by doing that you get what you deserve. The part about the menu signage is simple, you owe nothing because there is no agreement and he can stick it.
  8. 1, 2, and 7 are cool. Horizons typically look best straightened, but thats minor. I'd probably try to bring out more contrast between the shadows of the foreground stuff and the sea/sky in #2. #7 is nicely composed, the only thing that might make it look better is some type of filter or maybe just a white balance adjustment. The yellow look is very odd looking.
  9. +1 for royal caribbean. Pretty cool photos, a point and shoot is often the best camera for long depth if field photos such as landscapes.
  10. I'm viewing on my phone, but that is a beautiful scene. You should get that printed on a metallic paper.
  11. Doesn't nikon have a 50 1.8 that is AF? I thought it was very cheap to.
  12. shutter speed of 1/60th is slower than I use for any wedding shot even with a flash unless I'm intentionally going for rear curtain sync trails in the photo. I just looked at the specs of your camera, You've got ISO 6400 as a maximum so you should be able to get photos at ISO 3200-6400 that will look awesome. if you still don't like the results get a copy of adobe lightroom 3 and use its noise reduction to fix them.
  13. I've heard some agencies will stop you if you try to put on enough gear as a rider on your home owners policy. Not had that problem myself though. Also FYI some wedding reception venues require the photog to prove $1-2million in liability coverage to work there events. Then there's indemnity coverage thru the PPI (professional photographers international) Its a little under $400 per year for wedding photogs and have some seemingly good benefits. Hopefully never have to use some of them though.
  14. You can get that grain look without photoshop, just turn up your ISO and convert to B/W. You shot most of those photos below ISO600. As stated you need a faster lens, and these days you also need to bump your ISO to at least 1600. From the odd ISO numbers you were at I'm gonna assume your in an auto mode or at least have ISO set on AUTO. You should probably set ISO at 1600, dial in time priority (Tv if your canon) not sure on Nikon, but it allows you to adjust shutter speed only. then lock the shutter speed at like 1/100th - 1/150th and you should get much better photos. Are you the offical photog for the events? If so you should be allowed to install a flash or two way up high over the ring and remote fire them. You could buy remotes called cybersyncs that won't cost a lot and will work great for this type of event.
  15. I prefer cars shot in interesting settings, but that's just me. And as always a circular polarizer is a huge help when shooting cars.
  16. If its a DSLR body to me it wouldn't really matter since the shutter assembly is the only moving part and can be completely replaced anyway. It it were a lens I'd stick with mine if I liked its results refurbed if I liked the quality of the glass already.
  17. I'm sure to get over any "mentally strong" types drugs are employed. So now your drugged, and being water boarded, something that they tell you is going to keep happening daily for the rest of your life unless you spill the beans. I think they spilled the beans.
  18. Very nice. Backing takes practice and several nicely placed mirrors.
  19. I use a Celestron C8 with what they call a T-adapter and then a canon EOS style coupler. Later tonight I'm gonna give the 5Dmk2 a real test by shooting the Veil Nebula through either my 70-200L 2.8 or 28-135 lenses. Depends whether the dew stays away long enough or not as its a very faint object and will take a lot of time.
  20. yeah no screaming = FAIL. Very nice work though.
  21. Oh and, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3W8ejjT3tow/TCcfchWPROI/AAAAAAAAAV4/uPHPX3CKnLI/s1600/FreeDeadCat.jpg
  22. I picked up a canon 5Dmk2 last winter and finally got a clear night to use it on my telescope. I'm very impressed with what a couple is quick frames looked like and can't wait to do some serious imaging with it to see how it turns out. Ring Nebula, C-8 at 2032mm 30sec frame at ISO 6400. I was very impressed for a single JPEG straight from the camera. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_0955.jpg Whirlpool Galaxy, C-8 at 2032mm 30sec frame at ISO 12800. Not bad at all at about 70deg ambient temp. If I shot a few more frames and processed them I could easily remove the noise and have a nice shot. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_0957.jpg
  23. This, we used to fight on them and throw people off, I'm sure I sprained things many times on them and we got the wind knocked out of us lots of times. All good memories:-)
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