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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I wish I got legal counsel when I get called out about something. I also wish I got to move to a new job and get to start out like I have up to ten years in already like your saying you could do. Must be nice to not have to start at the bottom.
  2. I've never heard anything good about them. I don't think I've ever heard of them helping an end user either.
  3. I have a Mickey Mouse pes dispenser that I filed down to fit into the groove of my hot shoe. It works, but really once they get to where they can run around, but not listen, its best to just chase them around and grab candids.
  4. If you did shoot someone in a "walk by and see a rape" situation It would suck to find that it was just a couple of weirdos engaged in a public rape sex fantasy.
  5. Well for one I think the browsers use what is called "web colors" which will limit your color pallet by a lot. I think firefox does a better job normally than IE, but MS may have updated since I last worried about it. I also think there are some settings in lightroom to export as a more web friendly jpeg. The way I see it, you can do what you can to make the image look good on your "calibrated" monitor, in your "editing software", but in the end clients are going to be viewing on all types of uncalibrated crap that you can't control. Just make it look good in lightroom or photoshop and you've done what you can.
  6. Well one thing that drives up fuel prices is "economic growth" more movement of goods, construction, and just general commerce = more fuel gets burned so oil prices have to adjust. It is one of the things which adds balance to grow and recession.
  7. Thing to member in this market even though sometimes it feels like more profit can be earned is "plan the trade and trade the plan". Sometimes you will miss more profit if you'd held another 6 business hours or whatever, but you can just as easily have something stupid come out in the news and get set back. Its way to volatile to use stop loss orders right now IMO, but I am in a job where I can watch things very tightly and can have an order executed within seconds of making a decision.
  8. How do you guys pick stocks? I typically stick with stuff I know via watching it's movement in a simulator I've used for years before I put real money on it. Then I watch technicals such as macd and stoastic(sp?) For good in and out points. Typically I just swing trade, sometimes I pull day trades but rarely. I also have some dividend earning long term positions that I add to when prices are good.
  9. Tractor

    Survival theory

    Haha, see now theres a reason to have me around. I can learn to make some kickass general tso.
  10. Tractor

    Survival theory

    I vote for someplace with a better growing season and warmer winters. Dont care where
  11. Tractor

    Survival theory

    I agree though, we start a CR colony. The talent on here would be cool to watch rebuild society. Oh and two men enter, one man leaves
  12. Tractor

    Survival theory

    Figured I'd add some history to think about along with the collapse of society as we know it. I won't try to hard to be accurate with dates as I'm just trying to provoke thought and add to an interesting thread. We now live in a country and world of huge population centers and logistical networks to support them. We all know ancient people lived in small tribes/clans for a long time. This had a lot to do with the hunter/gatherer skills and lack of anything more advanced. 5-6K years ago we developed agriculture which allowed for more people to gather into small city states. A bit after that came more advanced grain storage and mills which gave way to cities such as Rome (population of nearly 1million). They had a pretty advanced aqueduct system and huge mills to make flower. This allowed many people to live in a city and not need to farm or hunt to survive. They could use their time making things that everyone could use to add to the collective ease of living. This type of advancement gets repeated over and over again throughout history, another notable one comes as canned food during the time of Nepolean. This allowed long term storage of food in easily transportable containers (helped Nepolean's army do a lot of moving and fighting.) In the last century we got cold storage, fast and cheap transcontinental logistics, mechinized farming, preservatives for long term dry storage, etc. My point is we lose the monitary system or just society stops for some reason and we got problems. Hundreds of millions will get hungry and they will be the "zombies." This isn't even going into medical advances even as basic as penacilin, which I would consider the most important drug in exsistance in the SHTF scenario. Without it and a few other things our life expectations just went back to something like 30-40yrs. A lot of us on here got one foot in the grave in that case.
  13. Tractor

    Survival theory

    I think a few regions of the world have the type of people to help each other, but look at katrina. Lots of people with zero survival skills waiting to be helped. If no help ever came to those people what would have happened next. How long would they have waited.
  14. Just took some uri profit and bought an AR. Yay for free guns
  15. Yeah, I think wife and I got that a couple years ago. Was so sick and it was so nasty.
  16. Tractor

    Survival theory

    Just yesturday I got on a "lets build a fire" kick so wife got marsh mellows while I collected fire starting stuff from our woods. I used flint and steel because my wife called BS that I could do it effectively. So I got flint from driveway, old knife, and dryer lint from dryer filter. It took a few strikes to make a spark, but in a few minutes I was fueling a nice cooking fire. I only mention this because even boy scouts back in my troop down in Southern, OH had a hell of a time making a simple fire. Mostly because they didn't understand and collect the right amount of igniting material, tender, small fuel, and large fuel. Everyone would grab the first wet branch they could find laying on the ground mid winter and a few huge soaked logs. Scout Master used to only do camping/hiking in winter because that was the best time of year for difficulty of survival in Ohio, we learned very well and ate a lot of cold cans of soup till we did. God I'd love to do that stuff again. Wonder if scouts are still scouts or did they join up with the girl scouts. Of course this thread goes way beyond making a fire, I mean I don't remember anything in the scout handbook about zombies.
  17. Tractor

    Survival theory

    I have a feeling the biggest threat will be the millions of people who are going to overrun the "prepared" types. Its not something we who can survive like to think about, but its likely true once the true desperation sets in. Only the strong groups will survive and to do so will require numbers and seclusion. The lone hermit family could be taken out with one or two well placed bullets from afar. You would have to at least get a tribe sized group and out live the worst of the chaos. Once the masses starve off you can live off whats left and what you can hunt and grow.
  18. Yeah, been sick for weeks (colds, flu symptoms, then it got bad). Spent 3 days in riverside doing tests and found nothing. I could only take extremely shallow breaths or my whole torso was racked with pain and a fever of 102+ for about a week. Now I think I'm getting something again so I should go to bed, but I'm not smart enough to actually do it.
  19. I know that a shipper would cost me about $800 to ship an old army M35A2 Deuce and a half (14,000lbs) across a few states. If that truck only weighs 7K even an open car hauler (I have a 7K one myself) could handle the load and a fullsize truck could tow it easily.
  20. Anyone else mess with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (KKD)? I've made a good bit on them over the past year swing trading. Its a low priced stock which has been making very wild swings lately. so easy money if you watch the technicals.
  21. I think everyone agrees with "its been there, so leave it" because its what even the city would normally do. I do know that I heard on the radio that the local cities would be actively looking for violations for revenue.
  22. I'd think you could fight that type of violation, considering its been their since 2003 and through multiple home sales which means multiple inspections.
  23. I'm pretty sure a parking pad is allowed. Parking in grass I'm pretty sure isn't. I looked into this issue years ago when I lived in westerville and I think the pad just has to be stone, concrete, etc. Now as said above it could be to close to a property line or something technically making it a code violation. Tell us the exact violation. Or is it a violation simply because no permit was ever issued for its construction?
  24. Tractor

    Lets Hunt

    All you need is an assault lama.
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