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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. My duba-wide burned down. Thanks for dredging that back up!
  2. While it may be true that Anthony can sing, I'm told that this is the only thing you have a talent for: http://www.littlemidgets.com/downloadsnew/sub_1623.jpg
  3. Go ahead, egg her trailer. She deserves it!
  4. I need to borrow a big friggen tap (5/8) for a project. Thread pitch is not a concern. It will be used once to tap an existing hole in aluminum, then cleaned and returned. Michael
  5. I'd have to agree. He's been whoring up the Open Comp section since he got on here. 31 out of his 61 posts are in the only three threads in the section.
  6. Isn't it called spelunking? Try a search using the term "turbo slut". graemlins/grin2.gif
  7. I think they should be using this instead! http://www.cyberium.net/imagine/S/weapons/wierd-shot-1.jpg
  8. The RE (13BRE or Cosmo) manifold has a plenum for more equal air distrubution than the stock one. Pics on this thread: http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=123577&highlight=cosmo+manifold+pic The 20B T-body is larger to allow more air flow. These would only benefit you if you were flowing a massive volume of air, like Vila's (Rmagic) T-78 set-up. The ported motor/ported non-seq twins will give you the good spool (15psi by 4k rpms), best low end(ask Venomess with the modded 03 Cobra), and reasonable top end. The only single that would give you quick spool, very good low end, slightly better top end would be the insanely pricey Apexi RX-6. The next step up would be the GT35R (same as GT35/40 which DriveRight/Nocab72/Kyle has)which spools very well and has very good top end. Tony (Badog) is running the new and extremely hard to get GT40R. Good spool with MASSIVE top end. The twin GT28Rs could be the best of both worlds but there is no data on them yet, as the first prototype kits are currently being fabricated. [ 26. January 2005, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]
  9. I think it's time to bring back the "tool of the week". The IQ pool has been shallowed in recent weeks. Anyone agree? Nominees?
  10. Just some ported, non-seq., stock cassette, twins...for now.
  11. 415 miles. http://mq-mapgend.websys.aol.com/mqmapgend?MQMapGenRequest=FDR2dmwjDE%3Byt2l%26FDJnci4Jkqj%2CMMCJ%3AHOEvq%3Batau02%3A%29rb5gz1%3A%26%40%24%3A%26%40a%3Ada8%3Aqa8%3ATD%15JFE%3AHOHQJ%3Ba1wgu2%3A%29rawhr1%3A%26%40%24%3A%26%40%24w9f2%3A%2AE%14QXO%2Axdwrx9%40_glfb05%40%24%3A%26%40%24%3A%26f2w1%40%3AHO%1593bdWik1mf%3BNSC%12JDBJ%40bwhy7x%26%3Dylhfyg%26%3Dyx%26%3D2xh%40_xdw%24.10%24.g42%3A%29yzn%26%3Daa1%40_a5w%24.908a%26%3Daw10%24.0ra%3A%29u8su%40_nuwt%3A%290rw1%40_ghy%24.1a7n%26%3Dba0%40_n16a%3A%2942l%26%3Dts5%40_0qu%24.gyt%3A%294an%26%3D2w5%40_x5f%24.1r2%3A%29uta%26%3Db0d%40_luf%24.lr8%3A%290tn%26%3Dawu%40_n5w%24.9r2%3A%290rl%26%3Da%3A%290a2%26%3Dbag%40_lla%24.da1%3A%29482%26%3Daau%40_n1wz%3A94z%3A%29zax%26fa%3A%29u2xu%40ax5%40_au6%245d%40_ghf%24.dw%24.gy2%3A9r1%3A%29y2n%260%24.dyb%3A90r%3A%29uasq%40bxu%40_a5y%24.9a%24.la7%3Ag47%3A%29atx%26w72%26%3Dr2l%402gd%40_n9a8%3Ad07%3A%29wyw%260bg%26%3D229w%2459%40_n142%3A5w%24.hzb%3A%294b%3A%29urnd%40_n96%24.dat%3Al6a%3A%29ztl%264ra%26%3Dbxl%408sd%40_w5a%24ggw%24.9u8g%26%3Da5%26%3D22hu%24.qu2%3A%29frg%26%3Danh%40_glu%24ngr%24.lwy%3A9f1%3A%294ts%2608w%26%3Dzgq%40_xla%24.0r7%3A%29rzs%26%3Dr20%40_0gz%24.lyr%3Alu1%3A%29w20%26a7a%26%3Drg1%40z%3A%29ata%26arl%26%3Dbwg%40rl9%40_51u%24slf%24.grb%3Ag41%3A%29a2x%2602g%26%3Dbsh%401s%26%3Dr2u%40a0h%40_lg0%24lgw%24.9a7%3A9zt%3A%29u7s%26%3D25h%40_nh4%24.1y%24.lrt%3A%29w8%3A%29aa2%26%3D85%26%3Da25%40_x0%40_l06%24.9w2%3A%29azg%26%3D2su%40_x0r%24.1z%24.9yz%3Au%40_lqz%24.l48%3A%29at5%26%3D2ad%40_ldf%24.9f8%3A%29uys%26%3D2sh%40_l0z%24.9a8%3A%290ag%26u8%3A%29uz0%26zt%3A%29uza%26z1%3Ag%40b00%402xh%40blh%40_n0f%24nq0%24.1w2%3A0y%24.hf%245q%40_lg%402su%40a5%26u72%260r%3Adu%24.du%245g%40_lg%4080%26%3Dr%3Ahw%24.dr%24s1%40_gl%40_x9%40_00%408%3A%29wz%3A9u2%3A%29f8%3A%29y%24.9wa%3A%29f2%3A%2941%3A%29r7%3A%29u8%3A9a
  12. I think someone around here would be happy to scare the bejesus out of you during a test flight! tongue.gif Also we have many different set-ups here locally: Ported Motor/T-78/ported manifolds Ported Motor/T-78/RE manifold/20B T-body Ported Motor/GT42R Ported Motor/GT3540 Ported Motor/stock seq. Twins Ported Motor/ported non-seq. Twins
  13. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Got Photochop?
  14. Ummmmmm, I beg to differ! Time slips = FACTS: http://www.columbusracing.com/trackcomp/ Capable doesn't mean jack shit. Ask most of the local FD owners with cars "capable" of going 10s. And IF someone wants to add that their "new setup" will be faster, so will everyone elses..............
  15. Have your ever had a Marketing class? Textbook promotion. PROMOTION Pronunciation: pru'mowshun Promotion keeps the product in the minds of the customer and helps stimulate demand for the product. Promotion involves ongoing advertising and publicity.
  16. http://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10538/dead-kitten.jpg
  17. Not like you can't guess what I voted for.....
  18. I was speaking in the "least" terms, as in take the used motor and mate it up with the FD drivetrain. No porting, no turbo upgrade,no fuel upgrade, just bolt it in (yeah, like it's that easy ), plumb it, wire it, and make it run. 35k and you'll have a properly built and reinforced driveline putting down 700 RWHP, at under 18 psi boost. Not including car, wheels or tires.
  19. The RX7Store can get you a 20b motor and do the swap for you. The motor is the cheap part of the equation. Plan on at least $20k for the project.
  20. This, coming from the same person who just posted this a few minutes ago, in the meetings section, about going to the Elevator tonite:
  21. Turkey breast on egg bagel, bbq Lays chips,an orange, and 20 oz of dark roast irish cream flavored coffee.
  22. ....and the volley return....Oh noes, Z's hit a high lob close to the net.....the crowd waits anxiously as Scott races in for the overhand smash......... graemlins/popcorn.gif
  23. ....and the volley return....Oh noes, Z's hit a high lob close to the net.....the crowd waits anxiously as Scott races in for the overhand smash......... graemlins/popcorn.gif
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