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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. You must mean XR-7 cuz them RX-7's aint gots no heads, or cams, or valves! tongue.gif
  2. $75 entry fee + $600 in tires + food and drink just to impress a handful of pimple-faced males. Hmmmmm, I'll think about it............
  3. Mine was slapping on several upgraded FD parts that I whored from Kyle, during his 6 month modding frenzy. tongue.gif BTW. I'm done with alot of them already as well.
  4. Free bump! Are you gonna change your forum name to something a bit more car appropriate like, say ....... SMALL PENIS? graemlins/grin2.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gifgraemlins/popcorn.gif
  5. It's an SE. Vila (R-magic)went and checked it out this morning. He says it hasn't been looted yet. Unfortunately, He is looking for a 87-88 LSD that was only on GXL's, GTU's, and TII's. If anyone happens to have one, I know at least 3 people who would be interested in purchasing it.
  6. is it a GXL, GTU, SE, any model markings??
  7. You sneaky bitch! Better get the spray on it soon, or be left behind!
  8. Your either too young to know, not very well read, or both. Fear and Loathing..... I'm saddened by the loss of an American Journalistic Icon. They say there is a thin line between genious and insanity. He walked that tightrope. Bill Murray's character, and the movie itself, "Where the Buffalo Roam" was based on, and patterned after, the antics of Hunter S. Thompson. Google is your friend!
  9. You need Pete Remner, from Cleveland, to come down with you. He is the only one I would know of with the kind of experience you need. I will try and get his contact info for you asap.
  10. Sofaking Racing, the latest name for Marionfishing. Why are you looking for the fastest car on this board. A few of us came to MCIR back in August and showed a few of your "fastest" members some tail lights. Just ask your buddy TY, or the person who goes by the name "initfive". Those were not even the fastest cars on this board. Here is a list of those who have been to the track, and might I add, not all of the fastest cars on here are listed. http://www.columbusracing.com/trackcomp/ You are the second person from that site to come on here and make a complete ass of himself. Congrats!
  11. Do not get coolant in the opti or you will kill it.
  12. looks like he detailed it.........with a belt sander!
  13. You didn't happen leave the compressor box out, at the curb, with the garbage did you? Between Ricart, Saturn, and Budget there are technicians test driving cars all day through that area, not to mention the Groveport area hillbillies. A compressor box by the street and they know exactly where it will be. A little knock on the door to see if anybody answers, then kick in the garage door and it's gone. Sorry for your misfortune Sam!
  14. Steps to an intelligent post: 1. Form thought. 2. Convert thought into structured and cohesive sentences. 3. Use interrogatives and question marks when asking questions 4. Type thought in Word or WordPerfect. Run Spell and Grammar Check. 5. Correct errors. 6. Repeat step 4 7. Copy message and paste to this forums message box. 8. If you have to start the thread with "who gives a fuck", you are probably right and refrain from actually posting it. 9. Refrain from labeling work safe posts, "NOT WORK SAFE". 10. Post message.
  15. Just turned off the land line. Doubled the cell phone minutes and still saving $20 a month!
  16. Chris, you never cease to amaze me with your consistancy. What would we do without your wisdom and kind words? Thanks for being the dick that you are! graemlins/thumb.giftongue.gif
  17. Yes, it is a nice touch. Breitling, the only choice for aviators! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. Where and by whom did you get the ticket? Jason got one at lunch yesterday on southbound 270 at the Roberts Rd. exit courtesy of the State Highway Patrol.
  19. Wow, impressive #s! Asking because I dont know but, like Bradon asked, is a GSR driveline capable of handling that much power without major and expensive upgrades? What is the "stock" threshold?
  20. UPS will be delivering a little something for me on Tuesday. Muahahahahahahahahahaha!
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