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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. I need two tires removed and D.R.s installed on 18 inch rims. Does anyone have any reccommendations as to who will NOT mess up my rims, for a fair price, on the west side?
  2. I'll be there also, raising the bar. Yes! From experience, it was 67 miles to my house. Hope your rear diff. survives. Mine will! graemlins/popcorn.gif
  3. http://sc.tri-bit.com/images/e/e5/mypussyhurts.gif
  4. Ya think? 25 hours @ work in the previous 48.
  5. Oops, goofed in my exhausted stupor!
  6. Sheriffs are always parked and triggering somewhere between the lot you speak of and about a mile west, in the one blink town of Amity. If you are out at Brian's (Dynotune Motorsports) getting tuned DO NOT test your car out on West Broad. It's hilarious that this post is about a speed trap located less than a mile from the notorious, but former speed trap, shithole that is New Rome.
  7. Sam, I'll bring one or more of the following Kyle,Tony,or Vila with me, and satisfy your request by the 16th. I promise!!
  8. Damn, I wish they'd fit on 9 inch rims. I'd be all over them. BUMP! BTW Nick, PM me your thoughts on putting a 275/30/18 on a 9 inch rim? The tire rack lists 265s for 9's, and 275s for 9.5 inch. I'd really love to put some 555s on the rear!
  9. Prepay is also a marketing ploy to get you into the store to buy crap. Most gas station's profits are heavily based in selling you soda/candy/snacks/lottery/ephedrine/smokes. The thing that annoys me most about pre-paying with cash is that it takes almost as long to pump the last 30 cents worth of gas, as it takes to fill the whole freaking tank. This is particullarly infuriating when it's raining/snowing/windy/frigid. I use a debit card at the pump almost exclusively and avoid the hassle.
  10. DAD! I've been searching for you for years! Oh the memories......When my sister's boyfriend(husband) showed up with a yellow Mach 1 and I, who had never seen one before, asked him "when are you gonna paint the hood?" graemlins/doh.gif
  11. Neglecting to mention in my previous post, I quote from the thread in the Meetings and Events section: "No power adders" DOH! That being said Anthony, My car (which is a good launch from 10s)is bordering on uncomfortable to drive casually. I always smell like exhaust and Sunoco 94 after a cruise. The 6-puck clutch gives me leg cramps when stuck in traffic and the suspension hammers you on expansion joints, even when set as soft as it will go. And we are not even talking about 10 second N/A cars........... [ 29. April 2005, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]
  12. OK, so someone has coined an upcoming event as the "REAL STREET SHOOTOUT". Let's think about this for a moment? First and foremost I like to start this off by stating that I am older than 98% of the people on this board and that I grew up in the "muscle car" era getting my drivers license in 1978. Therefore don't bother judging this post as banter from some snot-nosed import-driving kid. REAL STREET SHOOTOUT? What does "real street" mean? To me it does not mean a semi-prepared chassis, sporting an open headered big block, a rear end gear the size of a hubcap, and a cam duration long enough to fly a Cessna in and out of the valves. A "street" car is one that you can fire up at 7:00 in the morning and not set off the car alarms in the next county. One that you can drive for more than 5 minutes at highway speeds. A car that you could take your wife/girlfriend/significant other out to a nice dinner in (I do not mean McDonalds or Hometown Buffet)without wearing ear protection and popping Excedrine migrane tablets. A car that your wife/girlfriend/significant other could drive home when you've had a few too many PBRs! Why do they just call it like it is as the "ALL MOTOR SHOOTOUT", and leave the "street" to the cars that are actually able to drive on them. Discuss!
  13. I love the crater after blowing up the fuel truck!!!!!
  14. I will guarantee that you will see at least 5-8% higher at Passen/Auto Assets vs. Dynotune. The RX7Store's dyno and Dynotune tested the same car within 24 hours, with nearly identical temps and humidities, and found less than a 1% difference when the Mustang Dyno was set to factory settings (without correction). Auto Assets dyno'd (Brrrfest) Carl's car 11+% higher than we did just 40 days earlier. (378 vs 340) Any Dyno can use a correction factor to show as high of # as you want. We prefer to be consistant with the other quality and reputable dyno operators.
  15. Jason, Do you have an inspection plate on the bottom of the trans large enough to get a socket into and on to the pressure plate bolts? The reason I ask is that on our (FD) trans, we take the pressure plate and clutch off of the flywheel and put it on the trans shaft. That way you have 2 -3 inches more room to get the trans lined up, and also do not have to line the splines up to shove it in. The inspection plate hole then can be used to put the pressure plate bolts in, and torque down. Jesse and Vila helped/witnessed this with my trans last night.
  16. I'm been running twin turbnados since February! 60 HP more and now getting 35 MPG CITY! These rock! Jack Meoff Upinyourass, Montana
  17. You need 24 psi to stop time, more to turn it back! I thought I told you to change your avatar! I had it first homer!
  18. If I were your grandparents reading this, you'd get nothing! How caring a grandson who lets the e-world know of his desire of only the vehicle that he can get more money for, by selling it! Why don't you think a little bit, love anything your grandparents give to you, and be happy they are still amongst the living!
  19. Vimax, the official sponsor of Team Z06: http://www.vimaxpatch.com/ graemlins/burnout02.gif
  20. It's literally right at the East Main St. exit, off of 270, in Reynoldsburg. You cant miss the sign and the neon palm trees on the south east corner.
  21. "The GM radio unlock code is....six..six..six. To repeat this code press one." You have AIM Ben.
  22. There are 2 Sonics in Dayton All of the Ohio IHOPs are 80 miles from us: http://ihop.know-where.com/ihop/cgi/selection?mapid=US&place=&region=&map.x=299&map.y=100
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