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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. This is the first I've seen of this thread. Well done! However, The rubber caps you have zip-tied to the four nipples on the inside of the lower intake manifold are useless. Those vacuum tubes do not pass through the intake tract, they just travel though the aluminum between the intake tubes, to the other side. No vacuum leak possibility at all.
  2. Where did you get this ticket? Dublin? At what time?
  3. 10MM = 180 grain slug @ 1358 FPS 9MM = 115 Grain slug @ 1320 FPS Just the math in my head says: "Still not a good idea!"
  4. 0 points, I lose (loose for some of you tards)!
  5. I has 10MM. Love's me some Delta Elite. Not the best round to use for home defense as it will go through several walls and into the neighbor's house.
  6. Dear Dr. Johnny Ossum, I doesn't no if u amember me, but we met that 1 time, at dat place (Ur hair was whack!). We otta hook up, soon! Ur pal, 'tarded
  7. You have failed to present a logical statement, point, or arguement. Therfore I cannot argue something that does not exist, which in this case is logic.
  8. I hate you. Looks good for making out on the 24th. Let me know if I should just swing by and kidnap Tony. P.S. I hate you.
  9. Year? 1.8T? Quattro? Hard Top? I loved my Audi, but I'd never own one again with over 100K. 1.8T have sludge issues.
  10. No so fast there! You are hoping a fully insured US citizen hits you. I got raped when an unlicensed, uninsured, illegal ran a light and hit me, to the tune of about $20k. It's hard to sue someone who you cannot find, or even confirm is still in the country. And I can't forget to thank the CPD for taking him home, instead of to jail. Be careful what you wish for.....
  11. I wish your parents would have given you an education.
  12. Sorry for you loss. Maybe you should find something to take you mind off if it. I would suggest an English class or twelve.
  13. you looking to do 100 to 180 rolls? Stomp.......lag.......lag........lag..........lag............BEWST!
  14. So, what they did was shallowed the pool, instead of raising the bar?
  15. Did any of the 4 letter, first named, begins with the letter P get axed??????????
  16. Thank you for for the correct tense. I feel it necessary to compliment someone for the proper use of grammar, mainly due the overabundance of borderline illiterate's mind-numbing posts that have been flooding CR in the last few months.
  17. Grow up, and shut up! Welcome to adulthood! Today is my first day off in 107 days. I have averaged over 12 hours a day in that period, on SALARY. Your whining just shows how much of a pussy you are!
  18. I would think it shouldn't be more than 20 feet.
  19. While you can mask the physical(visual) signs of underground facilities with structures located above them, you cannot hide the electro-magnetic emissions. Yes, EM can cause mutations in plants, and hallucinations in humans, but they are talking in the scale of a photon particle accelerator, not a fan and a toaster. I would assume if you were to dig into an area of higher that normal magnetic geological formations, you could confuse detectors.
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