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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. My entire building is floor to ceiling glass, set back into the wooded golf course. We have this happen almost daily. Almost always it is Robins. Sam, you are correct. It is LOUD, followed by flapping and death.
  2. Dont dump the clutch at 7000 rpms and you wont explode it. Mine actually lasted 6passes on ET streets. The last 2 were clutch dumps. BTW if you want the 99 spec circle tail light conversion, I still do them.
  3. A Hub Tamer is your friend. Find someone with one, borrow it. IRRC Skold has one.
  4. I've done it with GM and Mazda locks. It was remarkably easy. I assume it can't be much different. Just lay out a cloth on a table, remove the tumber and springs from the cylinder and lay out each part, in proper order and position relative to the cylinder, on the cloth. The tumblers usually have numbers on them so record them. Then either repeat the process with the 2nd lock cylinder...Reassembling, in order, using the tumblers you removed from the first, or visit the dealer or locksmith to get new tumblers using the numbers marked on the originals, then reassemble.
  5. Awesome! But you forgot the 1981 Chateau La Mission Haute Brion...... I didn't: http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/Haute.JPG
  6. http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr180/daphish21/soccerinjuries.jpg
  7. #1 sport in the world and a true World championship. It doesn't get any better than this! Fuck all you haters!
  8. Your steps are woefully inaccurate. The following is a better, albeit breif, how to change lanes, merge, turn: 1. Check your mirrors frequently. If you are merely changing lanes, this will allow you to guage the speed in which the vehicles behind you are approaching. 2. Check your blind spots. 3. Signal your lane change or turn. 4. Change lanes The way it's actually done in Ohio: 1. Be sure to be immersed in a cell phone conversation. 2. Approach the rear bumper of the car in front of you. 3. Hit brakes and slow to 45mph while wildly looking to see if there is a 30 foot gap in the left lane, where traffic is moving at 75 mph. (Cell phone still being held to ear) 4. Change lanes 5. Either fail to signal at all, or when halfway into the new lane.
  9. http://www.getincensed.com/wp-content/uploads/vagisil.jpg
  10. I love port! You should try Blandys 5 year Madeira called "Alvada". It's quickly become my trump on ports! Triple wine geek post bitches!
  11. Northern Ohio produces some excellent quality "Ice Wines" that are surprisingly cheap. They are sold in .375ml bottles, and will last in the refrigerator for a few weeks without noticable oxidation
  12. The muscat grape is used in Astis and Proseccos, but not the only grape. Muscato is not necessarily a dessert wine, by also an aperitif (you can google the word yourself) The muscat grape is harvested late in the season to maximize the brix (sugar content for you PBR drinkers), or for use as raisins. Muscato di Astis are medium sweet without being sickeningly/syrup sweet, with a very light effervescence. Astis and Proseccos are made using a second fermentation in a stainless tank (Charmat method) which does not produce the fine laced bubbles that Methode Champenoise (2nd fermentation in the bottle) does.
  13. Are you sure you want white? You could pick up one of these cheaply, plus they can do landscape and roofing too! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3274/2687422928_735f8c3446.jpg
  14. Either you go broke M.C. Hammer style, or you go broke because you have the IQ of a housefly. My guess he'd be more likely to go the second route.
  15. He's a large, educated, cool guy. You do not want to get into a battle of wits with him. You being un-armed and all.
  16. Hey Matt! Good to see you on here. You were the smart one getting out of "Brad's black hole" aka Lizards. Mike
  17. The series 4 (86-88) turbo II differential is a direct swap to the FD case. I installed one in mine after sploding the torsen at LaRue. You most likely will need to buy some shims for proper fitment.
  18. Noobs posting in noobs intro threads. Fail much?
  19. can. not, comprehend. eyes bleed.
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