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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. Unless your structure has permiability roughly equal to the surrounding rock, you are disturbing it. What would this have to do with your question?
  2. You could go deep enough to hide the heat, but all electric generators, wiring, and appliances give off an electro-magnetic field which travels through earth/rock/concrete. If power is cut off to an area, one could track electro-magnetic field fluctuations to your location.
  3. Your problem wouldn't be a heat signature, it would be an electro-magnetic signature from your power source/grid.
  4. When you wanna graduate from the "minor league" and play with the big boys, just let me know. The more notice the better.
  5. Your grammar sucks. Please punch your english teacher in the throat for me! Welcome, Grammar Nazi
  6. Dammit Skinner! I thought this was a real vacation. I haven't had a day off in 105 days.....
  7. http://media.funlol.com/content/img/disney-beads.jpg
  8. Partially fixed the other abomination, besides your car. It's your grammar. Also, ellipses(...) are not common punctuation, you toad. Love, Grammar Nazi!
  9. No. No it is not. It reminds me of this: http://www.ridelust.com/wp-content/uploads/ambig_gay_penis_mobile.jpg
  10. I see at least one a day in the parking lot at work. Fugly does not begin to describe it....... If it was made by Pontiac, I'd rock a Aztek before I'd be seen in that.
  11. She's a delicate flower, not a beast. But she would cave your manhood in at the pool table.
  12. I'm bringing a Diana to play you. I'm just her backer. Game? Or are you skurred?
  13. I may show up if I get finished early. Bring your money......
  14. Hmmmmmm. This could run on used cooking oil. I'll get back with you Crossle.
  15. Damn....that car looks familiar........ Good luck with the sale. Mine is a 04 in white as well. Great daily car....in the summer.
  16. Me too. I 've been bouncing around Omega, Tissot, and Tag for a good month now.
  17. You'd be far more likely to win the lottery than have me organize anything at this time.
  18. I'm calling Bullshit! He has either found the heartiest yeast strain know to man, or he's is fortifying it with a distilled alcohol. Beer and wine are limited to a maximum alcohol content of about 20% ABV, as most yeasts cannot reproduce when the concentration of alcohol is above this level; consequently, fermentation ceases at that point.
  19. Anyone can get on Little Turtle Greg.
  20. Dear Johnny, I still have your poster on my wall, and listen to your CD's religiously. That is your legacy in my eyes. Your Pal, Rotarded
  21. It's highly possible there is someone lurking on Ohio Hondas
  22. http://editorial.autos.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=434545
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