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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. my buick is still louder
  2. arent gauges only for fast cars?
  3. i get scared when i drive behind a rx-7, something about an apex seal hitting my windshield..... tongue.gif
  4. wish i coulda checked out this lot. my boat wants some snow time
  5. alraedy have a th400, and 2 200 r4s. the 700r4 wouldnt be to bad, but would need an adapter plate, and the ratio from 1st to second is a big jump. ill look into the above mentioned people. This is mostly an inquriy for the planing process. Not planning to have it completed for about a year or so. Thanks Andrew
  6. a powerslide would be to expensive to build for that heavy of a car, + i want overdrive. a 200 r4 is a BOP bolt patern, so i know it bolts up to an olds. now to start saving alot
  7. the setup is going to be a big block olds 425, 2 t3/t4 hybrids, ~10-12lbs, 4200 lbs of ass. thanks for the input
  8. how much cant hese tranys take, and who does a good job on them? might be rebuilding one if it isnt to expensive, so i have an overdrive tranny for a big block
  9. Lustalbert


    sell it and buy an f-body j/k, try pming mazda claus, she might have some info from one of the honda boards, or some other good info to check out
  10. nifty stuff, but that is a little expensive. Mybe if i already had the good parts and wanted to do a little extra
  11. doulble checked all my connections, played with my grounding, still no dice. And im prety sure msd isnt open today, so im sol till sat when i can play with it some more....
  12. i dont see a problem with it, but you may want to run a seprate pump for it, so you dont lose to much pressure to your engine.
  13. first, the background: 307 olds, bone stock, Running holley 750 squarebore and an accel billetproof distributor as the only mods. Problem: i just installed a msd 6 ignition module. runs fine at part throttle, but wont idle for shit. the gap in my ditributor between the magnetetic pickup and the rotor is correct. When i go below 1200 rpm, it sounds like it is missing on 3 or so cylinders, rythmicly like it is the same cylinders. when i attach the tach to the output on the msd, it bounces ~300 rpm when it is trying to idle. When i connect the tach to the output of the distributor, i get the same reading. It clears up above 1200 at both conections. It is wired up properly, so i am at a loss for ideas. It still runs fime when i go back to just the coil and distributor. any idas would be helpfull, or if you know of any compatibility problems. Thanks Andrew [ 29 December 2002, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Lustalbert ]
  14. could there be a wire rubbing a suspension component, or a steering shaft?
  15. ebay. other than that, theyre a little hard to find just laying around
  16. not sure how your wiring harnes is, but: if you are running lean all the time, you probably hooked it up to the 12 v lead and fried the gauge. Mine did that after a 12v lead acidently touched it. it would stay lean all the time, and move very slowly. when you first start your car, it should stay rich till the o2 sensor warms up. If it isnt, then it is fried. Hope this helps
  17. al this technology... put some damn displacement under it and we would have some whoop ass engines around (dream with me for a minute.....) 426 hemi, electronic valve timing, turbos, direct fuel injection. hmmm, i can only dream of having the money to make it happen though
  18. also check: bent rim bad thought, but it happens tire out of balence could be amplified while braking, or else tires that havent been rotated in a while. more serious: upper or lower ball joints could be getting worn (dodge intrepids do this, had 3 of em in the past month with that problem)
  19. ditto 1987 chebby 2500, 220k miles, all synthetic, still runs good [ 04 November 2002, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Lustalbert ]
  20. depends on your underhood clearances. A tube would be etter to keep the exhaust gasses moving faster and pull some heat away from the engine. HOwever, if you dont have enough room, a box or"log" would work. Also, with a tube, there is more distance for the shock wave or puse of your exhaust to travel so it dosent feed back into the other cylnders.
  21. nope, 1200 the dyno couldnt get a reading on my spark, so it said 1200 ft lbs brian might remember it, not sure though
  22. What do you need turn signals for? Nobody else in columbus uses them.
  23. my 86pontiac does the same thing also. Ge used to it or buy a manual tranny
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