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Everything posted by GonneVille

  1. Skunks actually make pretty good pets if you get them de-scented. They are smart, fairly easy to litter train, very personable, and they definitely get attention! Finding a vet to remove the scent glands can be difficult though.
  2. Buy it back and get that engine at the very least. I think it could be repaired fairly easily. I don't see heavy frame damage...I think the worst that would be needed is a new subframe, but it's not like you don't have access to those... Anyway, if worst comes, buy it back and part the motor. With the parts on there, you'll end up ahead...
  3. You know, for once, I'm actually on the Christian side of this one...it's just plain disrespectful.
  4. Try it with no pads and full tackles allowed...it ain't rugby, but I ain't stupid/crazy, either...
  5. Silly non-ricer, that's where the VTAK kicks in! No seriously, that's the kickover point for the VTEC is...it's hilarious, he'd waste me, but he'd be doing it from a 3-4 length disadvantage off the line, because he ain't got jack til 5K, and the real power doesn't start till 6k...
  6. OLD, not real. It was a damn commercial. It amazes me how long these things keep going...
  7. Well it was actually me. You need to get your eyes checked though. I drive a tan Buick, not an orange Vette.
  8. Don't shoot him in the head. Just blow his nose off. That way he can find out first hand what it feels like to be saddled with that much fake shit on his face...
  9. Musta been one of those knives Ron Popeil sells at 4:00am...
  10. Yeah, as soon as knuckle met jaw, knuckle-owner should have been the new NON-employee of the forever. If he isn't going to be fired, you would be doing a smart thing if you made it as easy as possible for him to leave the company.
  11. BTW, for those who do not believe in evolution, say hi to Mr. Super Virus, AKA drug resistant staph infection. I hope you enjoy his stay. Since you don't believe he evolved, you'll no doubt be using the mild antibiotics that killed off his weaker cousins. Have fun with your amputation.
  12. Umm, just wondering because of possible bad grammar, but are you referring to me?
  13. Go to Pick-n-Pull, grab one from an Avenger or Sebring coupe. Same exact parts, might even have your color. They usually have a couple Avengers there, and I know that Woody's had one or two as of Friday.
  14. Ooh, best thing since sliced bread: sliced ricecake! j/k, looks like you had the proper typre of fun for that thing...
  15. God, I wish my non-DD was finished, but it's not even started. My Bro's car is still sitting in the damn garage after three months of me telling him to the damn thing out...Next weekend is it, it's gone...I want to get the damn motor stripped... In the meantime, my damn Buick needs less salt on the roads...anything more than 2/3 throttle in first, and it spins like a spaz. The other day, I thought for awhile the trans was going, but no, it was just the tires on top of a 1/2" layer of salt.
  16. In spite of my DD being a monstrous blubbery tub of a Buick, I still like small cars to play around in. That said, Civic=FAIL. They're cheap to buy, but ridiculously expensive to mod beyond the basics. Do like me, mod a V6 Shadow/Duster. Cheap to buy, cheap to mod, and with the right tweaks, they're an absolute beast on a road course.
  17. I used to play football over on the feilds by Cannon Drive on campus. I had one game where one particular guy kept getting his hand on the side my neck off the crouch, and talked shit when I complained. I finally had it, so I just stayed crouched a bit late, and as he came out of his crouch to lock up, I grabbed him round the waist and just flipped his ass completely over my shoulder...no more problem.
  18. coupe_no, everything you just posted is so incredibly, retardedly wrong that I don't even know where to begin to educate you otherwise. So I'm not going to. Have a nice life in your little world.
  19. Go back and watch the video. You're spouting the same crap that the people who were bitching about the book were. You ARE saying the book should be banned from the schools. And as I said, if you want to get rid of fiction in reading and language classes, you've just eliminated almost every great work of literature in human history.
  20. OK, let's ban Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Twain, Dostoyevski, let's ban every fiction book...hell, there goes half of American History 101 right there...while you're at it, why don't you ban Dr. Seuss and all the Golden Books? I hope like hell you're joking. If not, please don't vote and don't have kids, because in my eyes, you're too stupid to be allowed into politics or the gene pool...
  21. The same MUST be said of Fahrenheit 451. A character in a book must behave in a realistic fashion, or the reader can have no connection with them. This means that the character must speak, act and react in a manner both consistent in himself, and consistent with the society in which the book places him. He must also be relatable to readers raised in the society in which the book is released. In other words, only a book that reflects the author's society can be truly successful. 451 is considered one of the greatest works of literature of the 20th century. What does that tell you about our society? Do you thing you can somehow shield your children from that? Do you think it is wise to?
  22. You know, I am actually astonished by your attitude, Dr. Rick. It simply amazes me that someone as apparently well-educated as yourself could be so completely ignorant. Have you actually read Fahrenheit 451? Are your children so stupid that they would completely forget their religious beliefs because they read a book in which a character took the Lord's name in vain? Or do you think you might have raised responsible, intelligent kids who can think for themselves and get past the occasional profanity to find the message the author is trying to convey? Do you seriously beleive that reading a few "controversial" books is going to cause your kids to turn into rapists, thieves, or murderers? Or even turn them away from your religion? Give your kids more credit, they CAN think for themselves.
  23. Well, they would say that, wouldn't they?
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