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Everything posted by GonneVille

  1. Because not even the Christians can puzzle out the connection between the date of Christ's birth and the beginning of the Gregorian calendar, which BTW wasn't invented until several centuries after the death of Christ...so not even the Pope himself could actually tell you when Christ was born or when he died. Gregory basically chose an arbitrary date sometime during the era when Christ was supposed to have lived as the starting point for his calendar.
  2. Well, a pigeon sh*t on me yesterday...does that count?
  3. GonneVille


    It is called a theory only because of continued and strenuous objections from pseudo-scientific religiously-funded organizations. It has long been accepted as scientific law by all credible institutions. It has been observed, documented, and tested. Not one study conducted obeying accepted scientific method has ever concluded that evolution is disprovable. The results of evolution are indeed observable. Changes in physiology have been observed over only a few generations in creatures that breed rapidly. On the other hand, no study conducted obeying accepted scientific method has ever concluded that "intelligent design" is possible or even plausible. Support for intelligent design comes solely from the philosophical and theological arenas, precisely because the scientific world has already examined it, disproved it, and discarded it. BTW, fruit flies have evolved the way they have because it makes sense for them. Breed like crazy while food is available, then lay eggs that can survive until the conditions are right for more food to be around. What happens to the individual fly after that is beside the point. Evolution chooses for the species, not the individual.
  4. In fact, Bradbury specifically used the Bible in 451 to show that ALL books were banned, and that religion had gone out the window right along with everything else. Frankly, I would love to see 451 as required reading in EVERY high school. For damn sure, I will make certain that any child of mine reads it and understands it before they're 16, right along with Stranger In A Strange Land and a few other books that have been "banned" over the years. It's not a matter of "exposing" our kids to this, it's a matter of making sure they grasp the lessons to be learned by reading these books. EDIT, "Down grading" should actually be "degrading". EDIT2, in the book, firefighters became obsolete with the invention of a perfect flame-proofing spray that could be applied to any surface, thus rendering even ancient houses totally safe. "Firemen" didn't appear until considerably after that.
  5. And the reason you don't make a living fixing Ford crap is because "burnt" ain't fixable... I normally don't care what people do to their cars unless it's either rare or the mod is unsafe, but that swap is just silly...for the investment made in that motor, they could bought, built, and tuned a 4.6 DOHC, and gotten way more out of it... And for the BBC Mustang group, WTF? I doubt you will ever find a Ford powered Camaro...
  6. Umm, the Jimmy Kimmel Live logo might shed light on this subject?
  7. Tell you what, you can have your GT-3, I'll take a Cobalt SS Turbo, and use the rest of my cash to buy a G8, a PCM burn for both vehicles (when they become available), serious mods to both cars, and a motorcycle. I love when somebody looks at a list like that and says, "Well, I'll take this one..." and names a car that's FIVE TIMES the cost of the car that you're talking about, yet is only fractionally faster...
  8. Light weight fiberglass, and the light covers are sheet plastic screwed to the outside of the body. Piss-poor work. I'd give him $2000 for the motor and frame and tell him to throw out that POS body and interior. I mean, there's a f*cking HOLE in the fiberglass door skin so you reach in to use the original door handle, and the grilles are hardware store expanded aluminum. My Dad uses that sh*t to cover his gutters, and the first rock to hit it will punch right through it...
  9. Big HELL NO, here. Bought my 95 Bonneville SSEi at a small place. Engine blew about two months later, found out they never completed the paperwork for the warranty I bought from them. Had to fight like hell, and in the end they ripped off the warranty company by claiming the warranty company f*cked up. All the same to me...got the new(used) motor in, and a month later it blew again. By that time the warranty had lapsed, but the vendor's guarantee on the replacement motor was still in effect. Once again I had to fight, this time with the warranty company, then the vendor who sold them the motor. The first motor they sent out was f*cked. The dealer I went to for the work took out the spark plugs, turned the crank, and water shot 10 feet out of the plug hole. They fought me again, and I told them I was hiring a lawyer and they gave in. The next motor held out until I sold it, then blew on the guy I sold it to. Before that happened the supercharger shattered it's coupler. Unfortunately, it was the original S/C, so the warranty couldn't help me. I also had to replace a front hub soon after the first replacement motor, that wasn't covered by the warranty. I had the car just over a year. ALWAYS get a pre-buy inspection at a factory dealer. If you're buying from a factory dealer, take it to a different one, if possible. If not, take it to a trusted mechanic. If the UC dealer won't agree to it, walk away, no matter how nice the car looks. NEVER trust that a UC dealer is going to file paperwork. If they tell you it's been done, check on it.
  10. http://gonneville.smugmug.com/photos/204099499_2VPTS-M.jpg
  11. Wanna break your heart? Go down to Woody's junkyard on McKinley. There are FIVE 914s sitting in there. One was obviously being restored, 2 others are fairly easily restorable, and 2 are pretty much only parts cars. Looks like somebody just gave up, or their scummy kids couldn't be bothered to see that something their Dad cared about got a good home. I was so fucking pissed, those cars will never come out of that place, it's a crusher lot and they won't sell off the whole vehicle.
  12. 1959 was also the ONLY time a foreign manufacturer had a win. And it wasn't anywhere near a factory team, straight-out private effort, a Jaguar at Watkins Glen. There were other imports entered in races, but I can't recall who other than Jag and Mercedes.
  13. Actually, at will means they can reduce hours or terminate employment without having to give reason. HOWEVER, if they do give reason, then it is contestable. It is also contestable if a direct link can be made to some incident or statement.
  14. Dude, just get yourself an M1A. It's effective at longer range than you're likely to be shooting anywhere in Ohio. Is there even a range closer than Camp Perry that has a 700yd lane? As far as hunting goes, you can't use rifle in Ohio anyway, and if you go to PA, you're never going to need that kind of range, cause you'll be hunting in fields and valleys. If you want a rifle for serious competition, get it accurized to National Match specs.
  15. Hmm, turns out that knowing is only about .03% of the battle after all. The rest is recovering after getting pissed that Hollywood is fucking with your childhood again.
  16. No complaint. Some dick released it to the news... She came in after her friend was arrested for public intoxication, and hung around hoping for a ride. Started climbing furniture and flirting with the cops. Good for them, perks of the job...
  17. Is it wrong of me to hope for a little spilled lubricating grease?
  18. Actually, if he causes property damage, or commits an illegal act, it's considered criminal trespass. If he has been warned to stay off the property before, it's simple trespass.
  19. I'll be there. Not a whole lot of point to it, considering I average .4 better at EDGEWATER...but I'll still be there. Maybe I'll actually come down off my street-weight-only high-horse and do some race prep, like losing 50lbs of subs and spare...hopefully, I'll be done porting, well, everything, by then.
  20. GonneVille


    Actually, it's not. It's quite the other way around... Scientology is a result of a bet between L. Ron Hubbard, Robert A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov. As related by both RAH and Asimov, they each agreed to pay $10 to the one who could found a completely new, stable, religion. RAH addressed religion briefly in many of his books(usually in tones of great scorn and derision), and Asimov addressed it in the form of psychometrics in almost all of his robot and Foundation books. Neither took it any further than that. L. Ron Hubbard, however, was struck by the idea, and addressed it by creating Dianetics, which later, after his death, was organized into the Church of Scientology. It is unknown either RAH or Asimov paid up, and will remain that way, seeing as how all three are long dead...
  21. GonneVille


    Heh, heh. Heheheh. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA, AAAAHAHAHAHAHhaaaa...cough, wheeze...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...gasp, thud.... Dude, you do realize WHY it's called the King James Bible, right? It's because King James AUTHORIZED it's translation under the condition that it was edited, in some places even outright CHANGED, to support the authority of the Church of England. Talk about corrupt text.
  22. I see no problems beating the stuffing out of that. But not with a stock bottom end...but he's still N/A. do a mild crank and turbo the bitch...
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