Shit, you should have seen the funeral procession going south down 315 from Lane Ave yesterday. I've never seen such a cluster fuck of idiots in my life. Motorcycle cops weaving between cars from behind at 90+mph, then the whole stupid thing has to change lanes back and forth twice because, apparently, nobody actually knew where the hell the damn cemetary is! First they all line up for 670 East, then everybody slams over at the last minute to line up on 670 WEST, losing two cars in the process. Those two cars go zipping up the shoulder past the rest of the procession, and jam in behind the hearse. Then the motorcycle cops realize that they actually aren't going to 670, so they sling the whole clump over into the middle lane AGAIN. Then one cop apparently tries to lead everybody off onto Broad St, and damn near dumps his bike when he realizes he's alone. They went off onto 70/71 heading for the downtown split. I decided that even though I needed to go the same way, it'd be quicker and safer to drop down to 104.