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Everything posted by GonneVille

  1. I've always wondered how well those things could be balanced. The top of the rim must be thick as hell to even come close.
  2. Good Lord, you almost can't tell what's going on for all the logos.
  3. Shit, you should have seen the funeral procession going south down 315 from Lane Ave yesterday. I've never seen such a cluster fuck of idiots in my life. Motorcycle cops weaving between cars from behind at 90+mph, then the whole stupid thing has to change lanes back and forth twice because, apparently, nobody actually knew where the hell the damn cemetary is! First they all line up for 670 East, then everybody slams over at the last minute to line up on 670 WEST, losing two cars in the process. Those two cars go zipping up the shoulder past the rest of the procession, and jam in behind the hearse. Then the motorcycle cops realize that they actually aren't going to 670, so they sling the whole clump over into the middle lane AGAIN. Then one cop apparently tries to lead everybody off onto Broad St, and damn near dumps his bike when he realizes he's alone. They went off onto 70/71 heading for the downtown split. I decided that even though I needed to go the same way, it'd be quicker and safer to drop down to 104.
  4. I wouldn't take anything to Ace. They've been busted for stolen cars, stolen VETERANS markers from graveyards, and just last week for about 50 manhole covers.
  5. Hydrogen Peroxide rocket, I think. Can't recall the other chemical, but it makes a cold jet of steam.
  6. Second gayest rims. Ronal made rims back in the early 90s shaped like teddy bears. Seriously.
  7. I shot both the Springfield and the Glock in 5in .45 before I went with the Springfield. The XD just feels better, the grips are dead perfect for my hands. Also, the XD recoil is almost all straight back along the arm, the Glock has an upward kick that I just don't like.
  8. New Albany gun club. Great place. Heat and no rain=teh win!
  9. http://www.mustangworld.com/forums/showthread.php?t=457943&page=1&pp=20
  10. OMG that is cool as hell! Sucks that the owner pays for a nice new car, then the factory drops it off a cliff! (Watch to the end, the car is about to fall off of the table.)
  11. Check the other doors. I know, but it happens. Make sure each of you has a copy of the others keys on your own chain.
  12. I'm not surprised somebody was "allowed" to remove the drivetrain from "their" car. The impound lot is pretty damn shady, lots of stuff disappears from cars taken there.
  13. Not even close to being every gun. Just some of the highlights. These are guns that have collector value, or are unique, or connected with famous cases. I'd love to see their pistol room, this is all long guns, except for those Liberators and the Mausers. CamaroAJ, hate to tell you this, but those aren't Tommies. They are Stryker shotguns. Full auto with a 50rd drum of 12ga buck rounds.....Think about what that'd do to a postgame riot...... Benz Guy, that puppy is a pre WW2 Soviet anti-tank rifle. It'll drive a round through 1.5 inches of rolled steel at 1000yds. I'll take seven, myself.....
  14. 2 days before Christmas, and he sets fire to a swingset. Uh huh, bet those kids didn't give him a broken Barbie after that.....
  15. One of the many reasons I don't go to the downtown library anymore. About the third time you walk around a corner and some filthy bum is jerking off in the corner, you realize that just getting your books through their website is much easier.
  16. http://bimmer.roadfly.com/bmw/forums/test/8098907-1.html I.....Um.....Oh my........ME WANT!!!!!!
  17. Ain't the heights, ain't even the falling. It's the icky icky "SPLAT" noise on landing.....
  18. Ah, I see. So when you forget to turn it off, or something goes wrong, and you end up driving down the road with your license plate blanked out and a cop pulls right behind you..... So after spending many many hours getting your car ready for a show, you won't have what, 30 seconds to pull your plates off? People that lazy aren't going to be at car shows, or at least, not winning them.
  19. Too bad they don't work. Debunked by Car and Driver about 3 years ago.
  20. There was a shop in Groveport that was doing 6-speed swaps a few years back, but I don't think they are in business anymore. They also did at least one turbo motor.
  21. Yeah, they must've changed the thing while I wasn't looking. It used to be some chicky thing, or a dead channel, not anything good at any rate.
  22. http://www.gomini.com/fs/vtec/vtec.htm Not a bad idea.
  23. Oh man, I didn't even think I had Versus. Yeah, Speed has sucked lately, quite frankly I'm getting sick of Dave Despain and NASCAR all the time. The Run-offs coverage has been great though, especially the Touring Sedan class.
  24. What keeps the turbos from sucking in rocks kicked up by the front tires? Are they going to have a huge cone filter sticking from the side of the car, or is this one of those "power-of-prayer" things? Wait a minute. Did Cobras come as Targa top cars? Or did they cut the roof off of a car making a claimed 1000hp with no visible cage?
  25. Yeah, and there will be no coverage of it anywhere. I don't think even Speed has anything planned, I haven't seen any commercials for anything at any rate.
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