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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. The only difference between MA and CT is there's a reason (Boston) to visit MA. I've lived in both, and not even Lime Rock is worth going to in CT. edit: also, props to you for being able to correctly spell both Massachusetts and Connecticut, a task most of CR would fail even if their lives depended on it.
  2. :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:
  3. In Watertown, MA? :lolguy: Everyone's either too poor or too lib'rul. And whoever said the family of these psychos should be deported, I hope you say that in jest. I'm not even going to get baited into a long-winded response to that idiocy, presuming (as we do in 'murica) that the family members are innocent until proven guilty.
  4. i'll add on to this by asking if you'd want some sort of protection in case you sold a firearm to someone who you didn't know was dishonorably discharged? let's just say you sign a bill of sale with legal disclaimers; by doing that, all you've done is render a sale null, its still your gun then that has been involved in the crime. I'm actually ignorant on that scenario, are there any past cases where that's been decided?
  5. the whole 4chan thread on it has a LOT more people than just that guy who had similar backpacks. there's shots of a couple darker skinned guys, a couple military-looking dudes, an ominous looking guy wearing all black... lots of possiblities
  6. I admit I didn't watch the whole thing. I stopped when I realized it was going to be the same goddamn arguments everyone makes every time and that no new ideas were brought to the table. No ownage either way, both guys look like clowns
  7. I've heard the Turbo is basically the same; slightly faster in a straight line but still drives like a Civic. We had a guy trade one in with 385 miles on it.
  8. Dude probably heard from a friend of a friend of a friend who saw an article about a car show about an appraiser who mentioned that a perfect condition original numbers matching XR-7 would be worth close to 6 digits. The only part he didn't catch is that it was a 1968 not a damn 1993 :dumb: edit: also the autocheck shows multiple leins reported, I wonder if he's convinced the dumbest banker in the world to loan him $50k against that car for collateral over the years. :lolguy:
  9. he said reliable and that won't break the bank :dumb:
  10. Yep, I've got 2 trips calculating; with the first I've not reset it since taking delivery and seen the aforementioned MPG. on #2, I've been averaging my more typical driving which is around 26-27mpg average. Hopefully this rain washes away the remaining grease/salt on the roads and we can run R vs ST vs Dart
  11. Drive a Focus ST. I love mine. Currently averaging 23mpg with "spirited" driving.
  12. More importantly, who really cares who the real perpetrator of this bombing is. It's important we get him/her/them, but I hope the name(s) are buried and the "why" is never answered. That's the reason they do this; to bring attention to their cause. One of the trending things on a lot of social media was PBS Parents' statement; “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” -Fred Rogers Those are the names that need to make headlines.
  13. Brokedicks don't know bout payin' quarterly. Through some creative accounting I managed to go from owing a net of $4k (taking into account quarterly payments) to getting $275 back.
  14. I do agree with most of the theories that this is domestic terrorism, however there are a TON of international students in Boston. I can remember some pretty radical students from Asia and the Middle East when I was at BU; a lot of rich sheikhs send their kids to Boston/DC for political science and/or finance degrees.
  15. This source is also reporting a lot of wrong or otherwise unconfirmed info; there's no firm info that more than 2 have died, the 3rd explosion at JFK has been disproven. I give very little serious consideration to that article right now. edit: Also, it's the goddamn NY Post. Pretty much a lie factory.
  16. One thing the media isn't doing a very good job of explaining is just what an event this is; pretty much ALL of Boston shuts down to watch the marathon, I know I was there every year in college cheering runners on in a pack of people thousands deep and 30 miles long.
  17. I'm in if it ends up happening on a Sunday. Otherwise no go. I'll play in the "chug a beer for every 3-putt" group
  18. I am not a lawyer but here are a few well-reasoned arguments for her to take to her lawyers to waste her money. FACT: TX is a one-way consent state for wiretapping, but the one party consenting MUST BE A PART OF THE CONVERSATION. Thus, you are legally allowed to record your communication with her, but she is not allowed to record you if she is not party to your conversation. Strike one against her recording your conversation at the end of your driveway. FACT: Video recording is legal if someone is in a public place with no expectation of privacy. Thus; her recording you in your garage on your property could be illegal. Strike two. FACT: You are entitled to civil damages up to $10,000, damages above that for legal costs/etc, and injunction against her recording you in the future under Texas law. Thus, you could conceivably BRING THE MOTHERFUCKING PAIN TO THIS BITCH. http://www.rcfp.org/reporters-recording-guide/state-state-guide/texas
  19. Bill Cochran is a customer of mine, he's a good guy. Never used him for a home inspection but he's a friend. http://billcochranrealestateappraisalsllc.appraiserxsites.com/AppraisalInfo
  20. An idiot arguing with idiots on an idiotic FB page; that's some primo marketing right there. Let me ask the professionals (in any field) of CR something; when someone asks you why you haven't done something, or you're asked why your work is not thought of as good as someone else's what do you do? In my line of work, I find it best to step back, examine my processes and current goals, and figure out a way to best achieve those goals and what changes I need to make. I also know that if I was seen mocking people on facebook while charging an arm and a leg for perpetually delayed project I would hope to the almighty Vishnu that my clients didn't see it. This assflute apparently thinks it's a better policy to tear apart the work of someone else so his looks better by comparison.
  21. Well there's the problem, he shouldn't have been using tubros.
  22. I've never seen my dad get truly furious; but he was close when get walked in the door after the 3 hour drive home.
  23. As soon as I get mine done next week I'lll let you know as I'm cancelling my QWT appointment so you can jump up a few days edit: also, $500 is higher than what they told me...sketchy
  24. Actually back in 2005 they ran a very clever tire strategy that got them some points :gabe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_United_States_Grand_Prix#Race :lolguy: That was the first USGP held at Indy I actually DIDN'T go to, lucky me.
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