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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. What "major media players" called for the deaths of those who support gun rights?
  2. I think the Bengals should win. Schaub has been unreliable and the Bengals D can take care of Foster.
  3. Revenue of $15bn, profits of $2bn, and it's on the public to pick up the $60million tab for storm damage. Fuckin ridiculous.
  4. Your father has accomplished, at the very least, the most important thing in his life; raising a loving family. If the only thing he needs is to see your brother one last time and then he can move on, then try to remember as you grieve that is really all you can hope for in your life; to have your family by your side as you depart. Being sad and being depressed are very different and I hope that you're able to get past whatever sadness may come.
  5. IE is the only thing our customer database will work on, but I use Chrome for everything else. Used to be IE only and it sucked.
  6. A friend of mine in VT has 9 solar panels and a pellet furnace and the electric company pays him.
  7. TC is more for unpredictable weather like what we've got now...water/ice underneath a layer of snow/slush makes braking, turning, accelerating and avoiding other cars unpredictable. I hate it on my santa fe because the ABS kicks on super early and the TC almost never. then again there's nothing i don't hate about my santa fe.
  8. Scumbag Kanye writes a song about the perils of dating gold diggers. Knocks up a gold digger. Seriously though they probably set black people back 100 years.
  9. not sure on the cost difference, but having the screen built in to the rearview mirror is really nice IMO despite the small screen size. in my experience, screen size is of minimal importance but i have good eyes
  10. My parents love their 135i. My dad says its like a 21st century version of his E36 M3 with 100 more HP.
  11. Cliffs: if you don't support guns in schools its because you're too stupid.
  12. He brings up some good points but the overalls message is, IMO, diluted by a lot of self-contradiction. Claims the gun controllers who freak out about worst case scenarios of teachers with guns are irrational, yet uses worst case scenarios to make his point.:dumb:
  13. I was curious so I googled him. looks like he's got a satisfied customer (w/pics): http://ohiosubarus.org/forum/showthread.php?t=708
  14. This. They do a good job. Messed up a tiny corner on one of my customers' cars and they re-did the whole job.
  15. They probably try to sell you a bunch of stupid kitchen shit you don't need too. I can picture it now: "OHhhhh honey we could do this at home every night if we just had a nice mandoline ($100) pasta machine ($100) pressure cooker ($200) and everything else we used during this class ($kajillion)" Tell her if you're going to sit through this BS expensive cooking class for a date, you're going to make her go on a hunting/fishing trip so she can learn how the food she eats gets to her table. Then make her gut a rabbit or some small fuzzy animal.
  16. I heard that Subaru is splitting the Impreza off completely to make it more economy focused while allowing the STi to be a strictly performance developed car, instead of having to make compromises for the average econobox buyer on the plain jane Impreza.
  17. HOLY FUCK A WHOLE YARD FULL OF RUSTY SHELLS? I got about tree fiddy for it all.
  18. this needs to be quoted. Are you friends with Schick or Bishop?
  19. yes, especially if you ever want to rent again
  20. It already has...they're living the type of scum life that leads to them needing to ruin people's xmas by breaking into houses and stealing shit. I don't think you can break the lease but you can absolutely sublet.
  21. It's important to remember that prior to this tragedy, gun control was still a somewhat untouchable subject. Now it's on the table and while we who believe in the 2nd Amendment accuse the gun control advocates of rushing to judgement, it's important to look in the mirror and think maybe this NRA clown is doing exactly that. To me, this guy got up and showed me that the NRA doesn't stand for what I believe in. I'm trying to open my mind to other opinions which is the purpose of this thread, but I feel conflicted because I see the effect of this on people like my own mother, who burst into tears at the thought of losing me and my sister in such a way. What should I do to comfort her? Hand her my Makarov and say "Mom take this, it'll make you feel better"? I think she is representative of more Americans than we realize (fiscally extremely conservative, socially liberal), and I don't think that's the way to talk to her at this point. What would I have wanted? I would have told him to get up to the mic and say "This is a national tragedy and it would be inappropriate for the NRA to suggest action publicly, but we look forward to working diligently with lawmakers to make schools safer while protecting Americans' 2nd Amendment rights. Thank you and good night." Instead we got some political grandstanding that, in effect, condemned political grandstanding. I'm a proud gun owner and I do think it is my right to own guns, but I still sit at home and wonder what sacrifice I could make to prevent this from happening in the future. Would it kill me to have mandatory gun safes? Would I suffer undue hardship if I had to pass a more thorough background check? I have yet to know what conclusion I may reach but I think it's still inappropriate to suggest action while victims of this tragedy have yet to be buried.
  22. All in all I think this presser the NRA had this morning will do infinitely more harm than good. I think most law abiding gun owners disagree with the stance taken by the NRA, and it will have a backlash [unfortunately] greater than the message it attempted to send.
  23. Lots of individual districts do, the national debate is "is it a viable way to increase security at school". I have no problem with teachers bringing guns to school. I have an issue with the security mandate being put upon educators. We already have enough issues with police judgement in using their firearms, asking teachers to put themselves in similar situations is asking too much IMO. I also think that it puts student lives in danger if a particularly gung-ho educator who exercises his rights feels it is his/her duty to provide security in an instance where it may not be right.
  24. Thank you all for your responses so far, I'm already dismantling some of my own opinions and coming up with new ideas and challenges to think about. because triple post.
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