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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Some dealers are waiting to see if the TDI loyalists will pay out the ass for these once the heavily discounted ones disappear. I don't know why they'd want to hang on to those lumps any longer than they have to.
  2. Section 117 is the best place to watch the game IMO. Close to bars, bathrooms, and Mike Todd. Wish I could make it tonight, GLWS!
  3. I think it's a function of a number of factors that have been a long time coming. Cash for Clunkers had a very long term affect in the car market by taking away a ton of supply in the market. Used cars became more expensive, so all of a sudden short term leases, bolstered by historic interest rates and aggressive lending to slightly less qualified individuals, became much more popular in the interim. We're now into the 3rd cycle of lease turn-ins. 2009-2012ish, 2012ish-2015ish. 2015ish-early 2017 now. As a result, there are a LOT of cars entering the previously scarce used market, and those cars are of good quality, lower miles, and with better fuel tech. These used cars are lasting longer and there's less incentive to buy new now that used prices are dropping again. IMO it's not an indicator of a weakening economy, it's simply a result of manufacturers riding the high of the previous years' success and only now responding to market conditions. Honestly, 90-days supply for domestic manufacturers is not bad at all. 45-60 day is ideal, but under 100 is well within reason. They just need to shrink it down a bit and I think this will.
  4. You might save a few percent on the agent but if an agent can match you with a buyer that will pay high to get it done quickly, it comes out in the wash and you have less BS to deal with. There are very few sellers right now, agents want to do business with you.
  5. It may be worthwhile to check out Huntington. They finance deals based more on the buyer than the car. If you're over a 720 FICO Auto you can finance just about any car you want with them unless your DTI is shite. Obviously interest rates are gonna be slightly higher, but I've seen 'em do 30 year old cars on a 4-5 year loan. Military-related lenders (PenFed, USAA, Navy Fed) often give the best rates for people with utter dogshit credit, but their rates for high credit are not insanely better. Their strength is stepping up for servicepeople with shit histories, but they also do right by others as well. Check into Huntington's fees. It's been a few months since I've been out of the business but I believe they have a $195 fee at the beginning. Always ask about prepayment penalties too.
  6. It's not the up front cost, it's the opportunity cost. Have you ever ridden the bus to get to work or class? You have to budget a ton more time into your commute, there is an opportunity cost to that. You have to live AND work somewhere that is accessible by public transit, that is an opportunity cost and limits your overall choices. Even buying a $500 car and fixing it when it breaks; you then have to carry insurance which is very expensive in poor areas, you have to buy gas, you have to spend time learning to fix it and there is opportunity cost to all those things. Some people are born on 3rd base and spend their whole lives thinking they hit a triple. My old man was born and raised in the slums of Lisbon til he was 15. Came to America a poor immigrant with only an older brother in this country. You know how he became a wealth manager in charge of a $66bn portfolio at one time? Hard work. Solid education. And a fuckton of help from assistance programs and friends who helped him meet the right people. Nobody does it on their own, and to think poverty is simply a symptom of laziness or stupidity is one of the most arrogant, narcissistic views in the entire world. I struggle to understand how people think that poverty is proof of someone deserving to be poor.
  7. Somewhere there is an African Warlord who got his Benz repoed and is getting ready to come git ya.
  8. I do believe there is a line in the sand where we need to say someone is so stupid they are unable to help themselves, and I believe rent-to-own tires are past that line. How do you even speak to someone who thinks this is a good idea? How can you explain simple math like this to someone who can literally only understand the up front number, and who has no concept of time or long term commitments? This is the kind of person who lights a match over a 55 gallon drum of gasoline to see how much is left in it.
  9. http://www.r2otires.com/ I am disappointed by humanity. From an example on their site, using a brand on their site, Dodge Neon 185/60R14 tires from Sumic (I believe that's a Wally World brand) cost advertised at $20/week, plus 2 weeks worth for installation, minimum 52 week terms. That's $1080. Priced out those size Sumic tires on some shitty website, it came to $180 shipped plus install for ALL 4 FUCKING TIRES. This is gonna get as bad as those native American reservation lending scams.
  10. Clearly I'm asking too much. $20, someone come get it.
  11. I agree, Samsung is fantastic when it comes to building devices. However I have never liked the Notes, for me the 5" screen or thereabouts is the sweet spot. I've been looking forward to the convergence of tech and design in phones to be able to compare things more objectively. It seems like this 10yr phone design for Apple is looked at internally as a "do or die" design, because they've stagnated big time, and they've repeatedly failed to innovate. I don't need them to be far beyond everyone else in terms of tech, I, like all other phone users "just want it to work." For the longest time that's why I liked Samsung; I had awful experiences with LG and Motorola, and Samsung just offered what I liked more than HTC. I've always tried to keep an open mind and be objective; I don't like Apple's lack of a file system, but I don't like the fact that my fucking Samsung phones always get Android updates months after everyone else does. I get that QA is a thing, but it's ridiculous.
  12. Is it raw Android or does it have some shitty UI overlay? I'm very much looking forward to not having TouchWiz anymore, and the main reason I like the Pixel is for raw Android.
  13. Getting rid of a good condition queen box spring. It came with a mattress we bought 2 years ago, but we have a platform bed now and it's just taking up space in the spare room. Come get it in Grandview. $40.
  14. iPhone 8/X/Edition/Pro/whatever they call it looks to be a strong contender. Especially since I'm leaving Samsung b/c I hate the bezels of their curved glass phones. It's gonna be either that or Pixel 2.
  15. FWIW I'm pretty sure the Samsung people at BB are actually Samsung employees, not BB employees. It's totally separate from Geek Squad and I actually had a solid experience with those Samsung guys when I bought my GS6 there a couple years ago; they basically helped me setup Samsung Switch and carry over my GS4 profile to the GS6. And it was free.
  16. Depending on the type of leather you select (super basic vs patterned/suede/multi-color/etc) that's a pretty good price installed. Auto Additions does a LOT of Katzkin interiors for dealerships and they stand behind their work. Josh Poulson is a great guy, known him for years. He handles higher up stuff now but if any of our customers ever had an issue, he was on top of it. I only ever had an issue with Auto Additions once, and he personally delivered a loaner vehicle to the client's house and took care of the problem. Then he sent me and my fiancée to dinner on him because he felt so bad that his shop had caused an issue.
  17. Sounds like Bushmaster/Windham.
  18. Strickland was a jackass but inheriting the clusterfuck that Taft left behind was no help. When I moved here in 2000 it seemed the state was madly in love with ole' Bobby, I don't know how people didn't see straight through his bullshit. Then he left office with a big fat IOU for the school system he "saved" which we're still dealing with today.
  19. To boil down your argument in an extreme way: "Mental health issues are a form of faggotry and needing any kind of help is un-American." Sort of the modern mutation of one of my favorite sayings, "Some people are born on 3rd base and lead their entire lives thinking they hit a triple." Regarding the latter statement; if your immediate thought is "UGH YOU DON'T KNOW THE STRUGGLES I'VE BEEN THROUGH" you're right, I don't. But the gut reaction should be the same when someone says they need help. Rather than say "I had struggles and pulled myself up by my bootstraps, why can't you?" maybe try to fix that upturned nose and see that some people don't even have the boots to stand in.
  20. I just looked at his wiki, looks like one of my college buddies went to HS with him. VERY closed minded school. Funny how he talks about indoctrination by universities after going to a Yeshiva high school and being majorly pro-Israel. Oh well, no one is safe from hypocrisy. Given how obsessed he is with transgenderism, I think it's pretty safe to assume he likes to dress up like Ann Coulter and get pegged by his wife.
  21. http://www.gunbroker.com/item/633597348 Buddy of mine has one, loves it.
  22. Just a note to anyone considering this who doesn't know, Midwest Bayless is among the best FIAT restorers in the country, especially when it comes to "regular ole" restorations. They're not making show cars, they make cars for people to drive. I know the Brannon family well and they are FIAT nutjobs through and through, and their specialty just so happens to be X1/9s. If their hands have been on this car, it's been well taken care of. I would trust Matt Brannon to dis-and-re-assemble an X1/9 motor in his sleep. Plus their race X1/9s look stupid fun. GLWS!
  23. Yeah you used to be on Jagrbombs, right? I'm still in E, although this is the first time ever we've not been a bottom feeder team. I'm the C/#33 for the Chili Dogs.
  24. Good to know! Would love to meet up and see what life has brought you. Still growing trinidad scorpions? Did I ever tell you that I temporarily blinded myself with those peppers? I had taken them out of the bag you gave me and put them in individual containers, then thoroughly washed my hands with orange gojo. But of course, I didn't wash my hands after then throwing away the bag...I'm an idiot.
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