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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. to power-level smithing, just make iron daggers and leather bracers (if you run out of iron ingots). iron daggers are the best XP/cost ratio to level up. you can buy ingots/leather strips (or make your own), smith, fast travel to another location where you enchant with petty soul gems, then sell those back to a smith in another hold where you buy more ingots and start the process again. all in all it shouldnt take more than half an hour from where you are if you ONLY do smithing. obviously this will improve your enchanting skill as well.
  2. Jim-Bob served in Congress, so yes the taxpayer has footed the bill. Beyond that, I see no reason we should celebrate 19 future fundamentalist Christian voters but that's just my independently moral, religion-free view. edit: beyond which is the social consequence of promoting a family like this on TV. Yes, they live debt-free and seem to have fair values, but why is this being portrayed as positive? If anything, having 19 kids is the perfect example of American excess and arrogance. Instead of promoting a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish or Sikh or what the fuck ever) family who does nothing out of the ordinary except live their lives well WITHOUT making their religion known to everyone they encounter, we instead are shown the inner workings of a fundamentalist family who actually believes they hear the word of God. I'm a vehement agnostic, but it makes me sick when arrogant religious shitheads pretend to be the humble lambs of God. I don't care what you believe, but believe it in private and don't try to involve me in your twisted-ass world view that pretends that they, who have been "blessed" with 19 well-fed children, are the greatest concern of God while children elsewhere in the world starve because one parent was killed in a war and the other parent struggles to make enough money to feed FOUR children let alone NINE-FUCKING-TEEN. ok rant over
  3. What it appears they do is get your account number (as if to transfer funds to you), then email you from a legit-looking paypal address to try and direct you to their fake paypal page where you enter your acct name and pass, then they have it, then they can attempt to make fraudulent purchases with your acct, then your credit history is the one that gets fucked because it shows that you have a dispute with Paypal.
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/image.php?u=2229&dateline=1323390698
  5. He gives you a million excuses to not suspect that he's a scammer, stopping only short of saying "MY GOOD SIR I AM OF THE BEST ASSURANCES THAT YOU ARE NOT PARTICIPATE IN SCAM OF SAID GOODS". Tell him you will accept a certified check issued by a state or company owned bank. Then send him a cardboard box with a picture of your junk in it.
  6. I'm a sneaky archer that can dual-weild like a motherfucker. My favorite is the double sneak attack equipment perks that I can use to get 30x damage with dagger sneak attack murders. I use J'zargo as my companion because he's got some great shock spells to soften up necromancers/other magical bitches.
  7. Be Orion, think that 5 hours of gameplay is too far in to just start playing the way you want to and fix your character that way.
  8. I submit that a simple white tee with this image would represent CR well: http://aboutgarden.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/garden_bench.jpg
  9. I believe it's artificially capped at 81 based on the XP needed to level to 100 in every skill. that said, it's taken me 100 hours to get to level 41.
  10. I'm level 41 now and still feel as though I've only scratched the surface. I have not done any of those cheap leveling tricks except to quickly level a Smithing stat to open up the next available perk. I think it takes away from the game if you hyper-level smithing/enchanting/alchemy, you just end up with ridiculously powerful weapons and armor that take away from the challenge.
  11. 9mm? I sold mine to Firebush several weeks ago. My next purchase will be from AimHi, I just dont know when it'll be.
  12. When I came to redeem my token, Ron remembered me and asked how I was liking my XDM.
  13. I bought there knowing I might pay more but I did it because of the quality of service and the tailored experience. Ron did not try to upsell me on anything, he demonstrated the products I said I was interested and offered alternatives when I asked for them. As a salesman, I can recognize a superior sales experience when I see it. For ANY firearm purchase, my first stop will always be in New Albany.
  14. The beauty of older cars is that you have to about half of those things. Turn on car: check Floor gas pedal: check WHEEEEE
  15. I'll be the huge drunken brute in C13 with the Chara jersey on. Go Bruins, GLWS!
  16. This post wins. I don't know why our justice system doesn't start and end with "hey, if you don't want to get the shit beat out of you for vandalizing someone's car, DON'T FUCKING VANDALIZE CARS"
  17. have irrational anger! trollfail :no:
  18. You must prefer On-Fire Orange. Problem is that only lasts a few minutes before its Carbon Black. Too soon? :gabe:
  19. see my post on page 1 is all of CR colorblind or something? how is the columbus car community at large so obsessed with shades of gray, black or white?
  20. The fuck are they talking about? I've had perfect coverage today. EDIT: turned off LTE, still have perfect 3G coverage too.
  21. As long as you have the new vehicle titled in the same name, it's a breeze. Just go to BMV. If you've got different title names, you need new plates
  22. GO SMS Pro > Handcent IMO, but yeah I love that I can turn off that text msg splitter with either.
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