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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Non. Fucking. Stop. my social life is over. Lvl 15. Dunmer battlemage/sniper. Lots of ranged archery attacks followed by one-handed blades with destruction or dual wielded destruction. I've already lost my main companion (Lydia) to a frost troll that knocked her off the side of a mountain. I'm still completely overwhelmed by this game. I feel as though i've barely seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of gameplay and I think I got away with robbery only paying $60 for the quality of gameplay and AI. Protip: the best place to get attacked by a dragon is the mages college. I got attacked there and those mages had knocked it outta the sky in roughly 6 seconds. Moral of the story: Bethesda has spoiled me with games like Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim, so now when I pay $60 for a game I expect that kinda gameplay. A quick list of the game's I've paid full price for new in the past 5 or so years: Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham Asylum NHL12 NHL11 Skyrim Oblivion Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas (I would regret this except for how much I love Bethesda's other games, and I still enjoy playing this). Red Dead Redemption GTA: IV
  2. i think all banned members should have their own section where everyone has mod powers and can change anything in that section at will. then they can troll/threaten each other and leave us in peace
  3. Just click here to accept the terms of use which in no way includes you agreeing to be part of a human centipeded where you may or may not be forced to eat feces*. *By reading the explanation of this asterisk, you hereby agree to waive your right to a trial by jury or join a class action lawsuit against Apple, Inc.
  4. where'd you get this? i sold almost this exact marker and barrel several years ago to someone on CR (not you) but i wonder if its made its rounds. either way, it was a great setup and $65 is a steal
  5. Grooved rotors - check peeling clearcoat despite claim of perpetual garage life - check sellers says nothing about his car, only talks about his experience buying it and chrysler's concept behind it - check interior with the color of rhino ass - check. well that about covers the bases for me, I'd say for $15k you're buying yourself $15k more worth of repairs only to end up with a $30k hunk of shit you can only sell for $12k after it drives you insane
  6. A true pimp would never remove his hat
  7. Coming from a supportive family with good parents, this is true. When you're talking about kids whose parents suck, its not. Yes, the onus is on parents to make sure kids are responsible in school, but you can't just tell a kid to get motived or get better parents when they're in a home situation that is not supportive and is detrimental to their motivation and life. I think schools are where many kids get their start down the wrong path; they come from a home where no one cares about them, and if they are in a building that gives them the feeling that no one cares about them, being taught by no one caring about them, they'll go through life feeling as though they do whatever they want because who cares, all their life they've never been anything but punished. I constantly talk about my uncle's experience, but in Hartford th buildings feel like prisons. My uncle is a great teacher who has helped some really bright students achieve, but he laments the fact that there are so many more he couldn't help due to lack of motivation and support. Why we don't throw all of our support behind those who help raise our children is beyond me.
  8. haha no that was my gf at the time. i'm the one who looks like elton jon raped the village people (right) important note: those amazing glasses came from the estate of my good friend's dead grandmother.
  9. I was not condemning teal deer, i was simply stating the obvious. page 4 is for single line responses. :gabe: problem?
  10. you mean dress like any one of these people? 80's party from college. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/glamparty.jpg
  11. banana hammock and a bowtie is all you need
  12. I see your point but I disagree. If you make a school a place where at-risk kids want to be; maybe resort-like is going too far, but if you make it a pleasant place to escape the shitty home lives they may have, they are more likely to want to get an education and less likely to skip school and turn to a life of crime. That's my opinion based on my uncle's experience teaching for 37 years in one of the worst school systems in Hartford, CT. Most of his students simply came to school to get away from abusive parents, but the school didn't do anything to give them the idea that they could be better than their environment. It was sad to see kids simply floating through for 18 years, coming and going as they pleased because there were absolutely no consequences. If they were good, their parents didnt care and told them they were trash. If they were bad, they'd just get kicked out and spend their time learning to commit small time crimes because they were under 18.
  13. page 3 is tl;dr material. Bottom line, SB5 has the right idea in mind but Kasich saw his election as a mandate to bring sweeping hyper-conservative legislation in. The people have spoken and what they said was that while they agree with his principles of conservatism, trying to neuter one group of people is unacceptable. IMO this may be the beginning of Americans stepping up for some shared sacrifice. I don't think the public sector employee is saying that they're entitled to everything they currently have and taking any of it away is bad. I think people are simply saying that SB5 unfairly targets one group of people, and that while some of its changes are necessary (merit-based raises for one), they cannot stomach the whole of SB5 just to make a couple of those changes. I think Kasich needs to start small with merit-based pay and, although it unfortunately increases the government's role, a whole hell of a lot more auditing in how dollars are spent (that UA fire dept expenditure story is a great example of wasted dollars). the solution to that, however, is not to take away their right to argue their case.
  14. Yeah, why sorry? I disagree with you, as I prefer killing kittens, but why would you apologize for your opinion?
  15. I agree, headsets are retarded. I wasn't calling you specifically out, I was more just saying that arguing over which is better is basically the same as arguing whether you like being screamed at by 10 or 11 year olds more.
  16. I have both Xbox Live and PS3 and buy almost exclusively single player games. When I play multiplayer, I play it with my friends who are in the room so every time i score a touchdown I can make comments about their mothers instead of having to wear a headset to do so.
  17. Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
  18. <3+<3 = 2<3 2<3, so your statement is true.
  19. Fuck making a difference, I go to the internet to raise awareness
  20. Issue 2 is exactly as stated in the OP. Yes = Puppy death, no = kitten death.
  21. Thats pretty much how I feel whenever I click on a serious political thread
  22. Ah the logical fallacy of the entitled middle class. Union workers have gotten used to a certain lifestyle, and some will undoubtedly have adopted puppies recently. By voting yes, you will be responsible for the inability for those workers to take care of their puppies, leading to their deaths... You fucking puppy killer. Of course, the middle class, if they are forced to continue to support the union workers and their puppies, will have to make sacrifices of their own, including but not limited to allowing their kittens to go hungry. And every time someone doesn't vote, I make rabbit stew for dinner.
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