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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. theres one sitting in my car you have have for $2, but only if you pay with a $2 bill
  2. Anyone know anything about this? Don't we have a few members who live out this way? http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/oct/17/9/shooting-investigation-closes-wb-sr-16-licking-cou-ar-788901/
  3. http://autoweek.com/galleryimage/CW/20111016/CARNEWS/101609998/PH/1/1/wheldon-kisses-bricks-with-son.jpg A generation of race fans will forever choke back tears at the sight of this image. RIP Dan Wheldon
  4. good luck. We tried to find a shipping company to bring my old Apache from Oakland to Columbus; after 3 months, I just flew out and drove it back myself
  5. Even if it gives you the slightest glimmer of hope, this happened to me when I was an infant. I'm still here. My thoughts are with your son.
  6. TTT Please, people, all assistance is appreciated. They've already had a 10% jump in fans since yesterday, so thank you to all who helped!
  7. I find that oftentimes the people who deny they have ever had to deal with a crazy neighbor, ARE the crazy neighbor.
  8. kennyFKINpowers is the prez of his IIRC, and a pretty diligent one at that.
  9. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, or as I like to call it, "We all know what breast cancer is, we'd all like it to fuck right off, so lets do what we can about it" month. My mom is a survivor, as are pretty much all her best friends. She was lucky and discovered the cancer during a routine mammogram, but not everyone has the medical access that she did. The foundation she helps run, called Team Towanda has a donor that will be putting up $.25 for every "like" the Team Towanda Foundation Facebook page gets, with a goal of 1000 fans that will pay for 2 uninsured women to get the screening mammograms they would otherwise not be able to afford. CR alone could triple that number and potentially prevent half a dozen women from discovering breast cancer until it is too late. As the offspring of a very strong woman who could've been taken too early by an easily detectable disease, I ask all of you to do what you can to help us out. It's a very small foundation with nearly 0 overhead, and they carefully screen where their money goes to ensure as much as possible is towards actual research or benifitting people unable to provide for themselves. Mods, if you can help me out by keeping this at the top of a page through the end of October, I'll do what I can to get each of you a Team Towanda cookbook (their other method of raising funds). Thank you all for your time and attention, Alex Caxide CR Fuck Cancer Crew EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, the money donated gets spent in central Connecticut where the foundation was started. They have purchased mobile mammography devices for Hartford Hospital, who has used to go to impoverished neighborhoods and help underserved women get the care they need. They have done quite a bit more than that, but thats an example of how donations are spent.
  10. I live and work right off highways; I live in grandview right off 670, I work at i70/brice rd exit. Start eating Wendys thrice a day, it'll fit in no time at all.
  11. I see 25 big fellas have clicked on this and not one of you wants to be warm this winter? c'mon.
  12. Yeah bro I've got $3500 cash for you. *shows up* actually I just spent that cash, but I'll trade you a jetski trailer, a 1988 chevy express van with 3 wheels, and a pop up camper.
  13. Not mine, but this is the only carnage so far involving any organic material http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/manifold1.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/manifold2.jpg
  14. Lost some lbs and its too big for me. Its this coat except not as shiny, a duller, more natural looking dark brown. Bought it last winter to help survive standing out on the car lot, so its been worn probably less than 3 months (my pea coat is still my go-to). $100. EDIT: Click on the "Vintage Brown" to see what I mean by my description and so you don't have to see it on Captain Metrosexual. Its a big coat, I'm 6'3" 270 and this feels big on me, so bigger than me could probably fit.
  15. yeah definitely lookin to get smaller than either of those. sale pending to someone though.
  16. The bottom line in this thread is that there has been a small gap in communication, a large gap in expectation of work performed and deliver of quality work, but a consistent desire of all parties involved to get the proper job done. I have consistently worked with people on CR, even paying more to keep business "in family", and I have never, EVER been disappointed with the PEOPLE I work with. You can't always control the outcome of a job but at the very least, people here take their reputation and commitment to excellence a little more seriously than most.
  17. My uncle just got a Frontier and loves that thing
  18. If its a wide board you'll be fine, if its narrow you're SOL. I am an intermediate-advanced, when I bought my last board I was 250, still am 6'3", also size 13 boot, and I ride a 163 wide board. However, I spend comparitively little time in the park, I prefer carving steep slopes with skiers, so I like the slightly longer board. Before that I was closer to your weight and height (when I was 13 :lolguy:) and rode a 153 wide board. edit: I suppose it also matters how your stance looks. mine is something like \ | so i can't have my back feet dragging when I turn
  19. Oh god. Must...not give in...to...Alfa. Going to call a few friends on your behalf, I know a couple Alfa/FIAT restorers.
  20. depends on weight and skill level, but its on the small side
  21. A customer of our body shop got her company to cut her a check for $2800 AFTER she had left it at our shop. Our shop completed the work, called to let her know to come get her car and pay, she says "I already spent that $2800, I thought insurance would send you a different check!?" Yeah, we still have her car.
  22. Forgot to mention getting super sloppy and giving Nashville an almost uninterrupted 6-minutes of PP time. Don't quite know what Dorsett (I think?) was thinking not skating back to the bench for a new stick/change, as a result he was on the ice too long and made a sloppy mistake, leading to another PP for Nashville. I too was disappointed to see CBJ's power play back at the "so bad they might as well decline it" level. I'm slightly less harsh in my assessment of the team though. I've always thought Tyutin was a massive waste of resources and I still stand by that, but despite a lack of scoring the top 2 lines looked VERY coordinated and very comfortable passing blind and to space. Umberger looked slow as hell but that was probably due to having to play a lot of PK and D. Nash and Carter definitely have the kind of chemistry you want from a pair of topliners. It was good to see Mason playing more conservatively but you could see him get flustered and forget his positioning a few times. How long is Arniel going to hold off making a move to get rid of him? Also if there isn't one already, there should be a stickied thread in the Garage Sale for a ticket exchange.
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