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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Wow that is a great price for this vehicle. We would probably be asking a bit more than this on our lot and have it sold pretty quickly. I can say from experience, the 2007 Edge w/leather rides more comfortably than the equivalent Lincoln MKX. GLWS, someone should jump on this.
  2. Don't need vcast TV, i got netflix, NHL gamecenter live, and sunday ticket. so the answer is I dont know.
  3. So...instead of texting, you speak into your phone, which the phone then translates to text, and then presumably your recipient uses Siri to read back to them. Why not just call :dumb:
  4. I have the same old unlimited plan, just signed a new contract to upgrade to a Bionic, retained unlimited plan.:fuckyeah:
  5. if you're holding out for a flatscreen, i got my 37" vizio from woot for $325 shipped. Keep an eye on them daily, they usually get great TV deals and I haven't seen one for a while, so they're due. can't help you right now though, GL.
  6. Lets say for arguments' sake my beacon scores are 815, 780, 790. What kind of interest rate is your lender going to give me on a high mileage 12 year old car? Oh, and I've got a good debt to income ratio. I ask out of curiousity, we don't get a lot of those kinda cars through here.
  7. Truth, but CUs generally need a car that books out well; something with good history (no crashes etc), lower than 75k miles and newer than 2005. Basically, something like this is what she should be looking for, though I didn't check the history. And no, I don't work at Freddy;s Big Lot :lolguy:
  8. its tough to find a non buy here pay here $3000 car to finance.
  9. Not a bad option; especially now, a lot of manufacturers are offering service warranties. our lease isn't the best in terms of monthly payment, but we have 3yr/36k service (oil change, tire rotation, brake pads, wiper blades, clutch discs, spark plug check) warranty included so for a 36mo lease, really all you have to do is insure and make the payments. many other mfrs are catching on to this and offer much more aggressive leases.
  10. this that $200/month is what you'd be looking at with a 6 or 7 percent interest rate. if her credit is shot, you're looking at triple the interest rate, inability to stretch out the term to 72 or sometimes even 60 months, and a lot of times they'll demand 2 or 3k down. i'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but don't go getting her excited with thoughts of a brand new car for $200/month.
  11. Reasons why (I believe) Skyrim is a step above the rest. Pre-ordering or buying the uber upgrade gets you know discernable in-game advantage (not like it matters in single player).
  12. I work in car sales, and before you lock her into 7 years of paying 25% interest, look at what cash options are available.
  13. THIS. I have sold and bought numerous times on CR because its a community of people who do what they say they'll do. If you don't want to be that kind of community member, that's every bit your right, but kindly fuck off from our community.
  14. 1) Borowitz is satire, for all you clowns who couldn't recognize it if it sat on your face. 2) that's fucking hilarious
  15. GLWS I have this phone and its great. I use it all the time and battery lasts about 12 hours with a million widgets and apps running. $375 is a steal with no contract.
  16. You develop power armor and plasma rifle, I'll develop rail spike gun and start hoarding bobby pins.
  17. I'm thinking the IRL cataclysm will use Yeungling bottlecaps. Or at least thats what I keep telling people who ask why I drink so much of it.
  18. That would imply that she doesn't already have 3 dozen:masturboy:
  19. If he is indeed a good guy, then he may be the greatest troll ever. Otherwise, he's just another ignorant moron incapable of comprehending that problems in this world can be traced to more than just one group/ethicity/race. FWIW my one interaction with him ever was pleasant and he was incredibly helpful.
  20. I'm hoarding bottlecaps, assuming that the only people who survive will have played Fallout
  21. This one time I went into a bank and fapped in a cup for them but when I went to hand the lady my cup they called the police. Anyways, thats why I use Huntington now instead of PNC.
  22. This thread deserves a bump for this article: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/10/bitcoin-implodes-down-more-than-90-percent-from-june-peak.ars
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