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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. well I was waiting on the announcement to see what I would do for my next phone on VZW. After hearing a lack of LTE compatibility, no outstanding features other than Siri, I went and got myself a Droid Bionic for $200. 32GB (16 internal 16 removable)8MP cam, dual core chip. i'm happy with it.
  2. my fam's been with Verizon since it was Bell Atlantic, in all that time they've always been phenomenal with CS. my dad used to have AT&T and after a few snafus he switched to VZW.
  3. I'd be all over this if I had the cash. GLWS
  4. trying to sell my fullsize a few threads down, GLWS! edit: and 525 is a great price
  5. TTT Where my interested parties at? 2highpsi had me interested in the S&W Bodyguard but haven't heard back from him, so if anyone else has a bodyguard or cash, LMK
  6. Am I the only matte black elitist? It doesn't look right to have a car with such bizarre, nonsensical lines with such a minimalist paint. edit: and to leave the front badging shiny? wtf?
  7. I'm (fairly obviously) a fan of quirky cars, but I can't get over those hood-mounted lights paired with the boring, buggish rounds in front. It seems like a compromise or a design that hinged on laws and regulations. Also, with that high stance I can't imagine it handles all that well.
  8. U.S. Spec Abarth 500 Q1 2012 :gabe: EDIT: Thank Jeebus we don't have anything like that shitty computer rendering of a Euro-spec here.
  9. That is only a positive quality in the way that potential death > kinetic death. What is it they say, at least its fast enough to outrun the shame of driving it? This is just one of those cars that allows people to find out who has no idea what to do with their money. edit: it looks like someone pulled the skin of a catfish over the body of a Kia Soul.
  10. Apple apologists are going to make the next several weeks of my life so entertaining. They really screwed the pooch with this. Only true upgrade IMO is the new A5 chip and 64GB offering, which is pathetic for 16 months worth of "work"
  11. I agree with this and your previous post. That makes two of us grumps this morning
  12. I've got an old as fuck steel helmet from vietnam era I think. My uncle gave it to me. If nothing else pops up it looks like it could be a helo pilot's helmet or something.
  13. It helps that I sell cars for a living. There's a fine line between being a greasy car salesman and trying to understand the psychology of someone buying a car. I probably don't make as much money as I could just by my unwillingness to cross that line. And yet, there are plenty of people who would call me a greasy car salesman just because I defend my stance. edit: I'd be happy to write a car buying/selling guide for The Corral to be stickied, mods feel free to PM/email me.
  14. This is the most important thing. Car buying is an emotional experience, especially for a "car guy" looking to invest his hard-earned cash into a performance machine. A complete list of mods isn't going to bring a buyer in on a $9500 car. Maybe on a $95,000 car. Its the same thing with the "known issues". Don't detail them. Don't tell the buyer everything wrong with it in the ad. If you get a call because someone is excited and then they don't want to buy it because of a bad horn, no big deal, they were never a true buyer in the first place. If they're looking for a heavily modified, pristine car at that price, they're crazy to begin with. Don't hold back in discussing issues with a buyer when you've established contact, but you may miss out on the opportunity to establish contact by making it seem like theres a lot to be done before the car is worth getting excited about. It also doesnt hurt to be excited yourself. I don't know why you're selling the car, but when someone calls, be excited that you get the opportunity to pass this awesome, well loved car on to them. Your dedication to your car, not your knowledge of its foibles, will be what builds a potential buyer's confidence in you and your product. I'll break down your known issues for you: Its a 1999 car. Of course it has scratches. And if the paint bubbles are notorious, anyone lookin at your car knows that. Let them ask, and make it look like one less issue. Leak is a deal killer of a word. Leave it out. Find another way to word it or leave it out and detail the issue when a potential buyer asks "are there any issues?" Let them figure that out when it comes for a test drive. Negotiating tool ("If I go to $9000 are you happy taking her as she sits?") If it works, this isn't going to kill any deals. See above for how to handle it. Remember, you took stuff like this into consideration when pricing the car to begin with. Fix it or see above 2 comments.
  15. I agree with much of what you wrote, but I think the Casey Anthony thing is a bad comparison. If she was a terrorist, but lived in the U.S. and went quietly when authorities came to arrest her, then she should be afforded Constitutional rights. In the case of bin Laden or al-Awlaki, neither was n the U.S. or willing to accept their right to a trial as an accused terrorist. Both fled the U.S. and in an attempt to capture them, I have no doubt that more American lives were at risk. I think a closer comparison could be made with the Branch Davidians and the siege in Waco, TX. It was another instance where arguably excessive force was used and many likely innocent people were killed. Those people were not afforded the right to a trial due to a number of circumstances, stemming from the death of several federal agents attempting to serve a warrant to initiate due process. IMO its a tough decision, but people who have shown themselves to be unwilling to cooperate with the due process until the point at which they've been captured do not deserve due process. Throwing in the mix innocent people makes it very very difficult to maintain this opinion, but I'm speaking in isolated terms such as al-Alwaki and his companion Samir Khar.
  16. You ARE 100% correct, I was just trollin. Still, the National Guard is not the true definition of a militia in that it is not the duty of all able-bodied citizens to participate. I kinda wish we would go back to the conscription draft; for better or worse, it'd force policymakers to consider the will of the people and it'd force the people to participate more actively in democracy.
  17. Hey have you guys listened to Fuckdick and Retard? They're this new show and they play pretty much at all times on all stations. They are funny because they're a form of mental masturbation for people without enough brain capacity to create opinions.
  18. this is marginally relevant to this thread http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/ifuckedyourmother.jpg
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