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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/notthedaddy.jpg
  2. If you vote yes, a puppy dies. If you vote no, a kitten dies. If you don't vote, a bunny dies. WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE FLUFFY LITTLE ANIMALS?
  3. Perform vasectomy at puberty, and the more times you fail the test the more likely you are to never have it reversed. Win!
  4. I think I heard it on 97.1 but someone had a great idea to prevent tard breeding. Every male, at birth, is given a reversible vasectomy. They are then free to do as they like until they are 25, at which point they must pass a couple tests; one physical, one mental. At 25, most males will have had sexual encounters, have experimented with drugs and alcohol, and have done some really stupid things as most young males are prone to doing. The physical test will be to see that no serious damage has been done by chronic drug or alcohol abuse (and to make sure they arent currently abusing), you can make sure they don't have a BMI over, say 40 (or some morbidly obese level that not even Billy Blanks could come back from), and make sure that there are no STDs floating around. The mental test would be relatively simple, just to see whether they are an adult capable of creating a budget and understanding the importance of staying out of debt (not demanding that they are not in debt, but that they understand that debts carry on to your young'ns). If you pass the tests, you get your ability to reproduce back. If not, you get another shot in a year.
  5. Best troll ever. "I would've paid $4000 over asking price for this car but due to lack of picture with CR verification, YOU JUST LOST A CUSTOMER"
  6. I have my PS3, 360, SNES and N64 hooked up to it. It is great for NHL12 and Madden, though it leaves something to be desired on GTA:IV and games with very dark environments
  7. I have that 37" vizio. Its a phenomenal TV for the price, but you get what you pay for. there are many better options out there for more money, no better than that for the price though.
  8. I have no clue. They've claimed they won't reveal it at the launch event, and that they're only debuting performance and on-sale date specs, but I'm hopeful that they'll at least give dealers pricing info. edit: my educated guess (based on performance estimate of 170hp) would be starting price around $22k, though my gut tells me it'll be closer to $26k and it'll have better performance.
  9. More FIATs sold in recent months than Coopers. And the reason this one will sell? 170ish HP (tune in to find out exact #s, I don't even know them yet) and 2000 lbs = obscene fun.
  10. PM me contact info and I'll add you to our list
  11. Bankruptcy > Abarth? EDIT: I meant Pang Da/Zhejiang Youngman , not Bankruptcy When I get my Abarth I'll meet you at Mid-Ohio, Jones :gabe:
  12. I'll let him know to do so if he hasn't already. I've got calls from a couple collectors in Indiana right now.
  13. November 16th, 1:35PM launch at L.A. Auto Show. http://www.fiatusa.com/abarth/ http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/fiatabarthusspec.jpg
  14. It allows them the freedom to not adhere to reality. If they were to call it Hollywood, all the fanboys would complain that Rodeo Drive is actually 500 feet longer than is represented in the game, and Beverly Hills is WAY disproportionate. Instead, everything they do is a clever tribute to reality. Same reason that The Simpsons used a car called the "Lamborghotti Fastossa".
  15. "Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon or one day understand that Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life." -Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca-Cola
  16. San Andreas: 2004 IV: 2008 V: Hopefully 2012
  17. Here's some dealer math for you: $17,000 x 1.0675 = roughly $18,150. That's what a dealer is giving you if you're purchasing a new car, the 1.0675 reflects the tax savings at a 6.75% rate. If you're buying used, you don't get that tax savings though.
  18. Everything I didnt like about GTA IV looks as though its been fixed. -LIGHT!!!! HOLY CRAP WE'LL BE ABLE TO SEE AGAIN. I appreciated the shadowy realism of "Liberty City"/NYC in IV but it did not lend itself to a pleasant gaming experience that took advantage of the reflections and textures the engine was capable of handling. -Map size: Smaller map in LC was good for what they wanted to do, but felt like getting short changed after how expansive GTA:SA was. -Planes: The best part of SA was having your own airstrip and being able to earn fun big boy toys to blow shit up with. I hope they bring back the whole gang element from SA as well.
  19. My mistake on the listing, he asked me to list it at $11,500. I had suggested $12,500 as a price and just didn't change it when I hit post. So fellas, $11,500 is a damn STEAL for this car and he'll still bargain with you a little bit. can a mod edit the thread title to reflect $11,500obo? thanks.
  20. I never thought it'd be a big deal, but it bugged me for about 3 hours when visiting a friend, is the fact that Uverse boxes do not show time. Its ridiculous of me to be bothered by that, but it REALLY bothers me.
  21. The first step on the short road to failure is thinking you actually know what is going on in the mind of your woman.
  22. I dont know if TWC works this way, but with Comcast in Boston you can just take your box to a customer service center like the TWC one on Olentangy River Rd and exchange it for free. They refurb those things often enough that I ended up exchanging probably 5 times in 2 years in Boston instead of dealing with customer service reps in New Delhi.
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