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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. As an American you are free to say what you want. You are not free to threaten those whom you deem a threat to your way of life. Big difference.
  2. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." -Nietzsche That's all I'll say about this impending shitstorm. EDIT: Nevermind, gotta have one last bit. Since you're so obsessed with the absolute letter of the Constitution, please do us a favor and rid yourself of any firearms you may be in possession of. In case YOU missed history class, Amendment II reads "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." A well regulated militia is not necessary to the security of our free State. We have a standing professional army. Therefore, your right to bear arms, by the letter of the Constitution, is no longer necessary.
  3. Thanks for the words man. Also, would consider accepting cash+trade. Looking for Ruger LC9 or LCP (9 preferred).
  4. Jeez, go below $500 and 2 interested parties. David, PM me if/when you've allocated said funds and we can arrange a time to meet. Scott, stay in contact. Things fall through, I'm in no rush to sell so if/when the timing is right, hit me up and I may still have it.
  5. Itching for something smaller, $475 and includes roughly 150rds of Winchester 9mm. Will be fewer rounds after this weekend (going shooting saturday). I know KennyFKINPowers just sold his regular XD .45 for $450 so I'm trying to price myself in the ballpark for the XD-m upgrade.
  6. The same shit happened to a friend of mine. He had to eat his deductible but the guy who hit him got deported. I think the ticketing officer just didn't want to deal with a bunch of paperwork, it sounds like he should've been a bit more diligent in figuring out why an at-fault driver is driving unlicensed and uninsured
  7. had the same surgery when I was a bit younger than he is, and i turned out to only be 40% raging asshole!
  8. Some pics. I see 45 views and not a single offer. Try me, I'm a salesman with thick skin. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/xdmdisassembled.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/xdmclean.jpg more pics by request. Also forgot to mention I will only sell to someone willing to show me they're 21+.
  9. size is his biggest concern (harf harf harf) he doesn't want something that is gonna prevent him from throwing a few sets of golf clubs or whatever in his trunk. Mitch, that one looks nice but definitely too big. I think a 12" is even too big for what he's looking for. I'll let him know these options though, thanks guys.
  10. I clicked this thread to post that...b10. So........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8T095mFdW8
  11. My friend is looking to get something to improve the crappy sub he has in his Legacy. He wants: -box, sub, amp. -nothing over the top, just something that doesn't sound crappy with his otherwise good speakers -something that will minimize its effect on trunk space (aka shallow and/or small) -price-efficient. he's willing to spend to get what he needs, but its not the most important thing in his life so he doesnt want to overpay for something he won't need
  12. What I was saying was that no matter how much initiative they may have, the world is against them and attitudes like that are doing no help. One thing I've heard from talking to homeless people that really unsettles me is how no one ever makes eye contact, as if to treat them as inhuman or to prevent human contact. That bothers me. If you are stuck to your beliefs and will defend them to the face of a homeless person then I have no problem with that, but I [mis]read your comment as the idea that you won't pay heed to anyone unwilling to demonstrate initiative in your presence. If someone is asking me for money, I at least try to look them in the eye and say "sorry, no" or "I don't have any on me". On a lighter note, I knew a homeless guy who was severely mentally disabled. Connecticut Valley Hospital was once one of the largest mental institutions in the country but had to release a ton of patients due to budget cuts. Anyways, Middletown, CT became a bit of a Mecca for the homeless and this one guy was basically their king. He had "the best fawkin spot undah tha bridge" until one day he disappeared. Everyone assumed he'd fallen into the river and died until one of the Red Cross people who knew him said that he'd met up with the guy at a Phish concert in Vermont, and he was currently touring the country with them. I suppose the moral of that story is that people willing to be friendly and outgoing occasionally get their due.
  13. Have you ever filled out a job application where your "home address" was a homeless shelter? I can imagine its pretty funny. This is the kind of homeless person I would give money to; the kind who asks for a bite to eat, or the bare minimum to survive. There was one homeless guy in Boston I got to know. He was possibly the nicest guy I've met. Whenever he asked for something, he'd always start with "how are you doin today?" and when people would ignore him he would just jovially say "well I hope you have a good one, and go get a coat if you don't have one its gonna be windy today!" or something in that vein. I later found out that he was one of the only homeless guys in the area who was able to read and could tell homeless guys the weather, which is important when a bridge is the best form of shelter you have.
  14. http://www.barbariangroup.com/assets/users/nick/images/0000/5595/combo_breaker.jpeg
  15. These are people who not only society, but their families and friends have given up on. In my life I've done very little to help the anonymous vagrant, but when the opportunity arises to show a little humanity and connect with another human, you're being bigoted if you reject that opportunity just because that person is homeless. I know that I could accomplish very little in my life without the opportunities afforded to me by not growing up in a shitty situation.
  16. You bring up the issue of food and FDA. If I had to venture a completely uneducated assumption, it would be that the amount of untested chemicals in our processed food far outweighs any benefits afforded by having the FDA. Not at all a factual reference for my opinion, but this humor article I think highlights some of the nutrition problems we in America face (even though it takes quite a few liberties with the inferences it makes). http://www.cracked.com/article_19433_the-6-most-horrifying-lies-food-industry-feeding-you.html
  17. As the previous poster said, if you can't see a doctor, there is no one to diagnose you. You can also see where manufacturing with little pollutant regulaton takes its toll (China, North America), though I am surprised at the extremely low rate of lung cancer in South Central Asia, as I always assumed they had an awful pollution problem. Maybe thats just Bangladesh/urban India. Of course the most important thing about this representation is not the numbers themselves but an understanding of how to interpret them, something I don't think anyone on CR is entirely qualified to do (says the guy who just went ahead and interpreted the numbers anyways). EDIT: OP, if you were looking for people to come in and say that vaccinations are the cause of cancer or that they're bad in general, I don't think you'll find that kind of mindset here. It's difficult to judge CR, but I think its a very small fringe who believe that vaccinations are bad. Just like it is impossible to keep "genetically mutated" products out of your diet in this country because at this point, everything has been genetically mutated by humans at some point in history, I think its nearly impossible to scientifically refute that, as a whole, vaccinations have been good for humanity.
  18. Fuck that burrito, man. After 2 bites there's just no point, its just pain.
  19. :dumb: Isn't that the point of the kitchen
  20. That sandwich is still one of the most delicious things I've had. Whatever spread they put on the bread was simply amazing. That place is disgusting though. I've never eaten somewhere (indoors or out) where there were so many flies.
  21. One strategy when dealing with clowns like this would be to keep an eye out for similar cars to yours parked in driveways. Take note of the address, and tell him he can have it for his price, and that he should come up to your place to inspect it sometime even if you're not home. You trust him, and he can inspect the car and it will be left unlocked for him. Then give him false address. As was said before, its interesting how many people make ridiculous offers and act under the assumption that you've accepted it and its only a matter of time until they'll arrive to do the deal, only to turn into a desparate sob story. We had a GTI for a while and you wouldnt believe some of the idiots who thought we had a $5,000 markup on a $10,000 car. One guy sent an email saying "I will be there tomorrow with $6,700 to cover the car, taxes, and fees and I would appreciate if you would not sell it to anyone else between now and then." As soon as I explained to him that would leave me owing my manager roughly $1000 to make up the loss on what we paid for the car, let alone us being a for-profit business not in the habit of giving cars away at cost, his story turned to "well my son just got a job but no way of getting there and I only have $6700 to help him out and can't you just sell it at cost to make a sale? I know you guys have quotas, I used to be a car salesman in the 70's". Then he got pissed when I told him I had 3 cars under $5000 that would be perfect for a first car, because this is 'Murrica and if he can't get the car he wants for the price he wants then I'm a commie bastard. tl;dr clown gets mad at me for not taking a loss on a car because he used to sell cars 40 years ago
  22. Did you do the Dagwood sammich or the challenge? I coulda put down the sammich alone in 15 minutes but I did their challenge that includes 1.5lbs of fries and I tapped out after 20 minutes; I decided that tapping out and having a pile of fries to enjoy the next day was far less shamefull the blasting puke for miles around in the parking lot...which is exactly what my roommate's brother did.
  23. i've been lusting after the 1911R1 for months.
  24. Tip Top is one of my favorite places in Columbus, I love their whiskey selection. I also kinda like the slow service, it encourages a social atmosphere instead of just "chow and run" like most chains. The servers don't just try to hustle you out the door as soon as you get your food. Also, its basically packed with 20somethings so its a good social scene.
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