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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. She just got you to get tested so she'd know it was her and only her that gave you the AIDS. Congrats bro
  2. I like this noob, he takes insults in stride. In other news, whens the last time you were laid by something that doesn't eat dinner from a bowl or trough?
  3. I refuse to believe there is anyone on earth who can balance passion for WoW, cars, and hold a steady job.
  4. thats what i meant, people who get 3 series, A4s, and boxsters and live in apartments are usually overreaching or at the very limit of their ability to pay. and things go bump in the night to upset their finances and thats when you appear.
  5. with all the BMWs, Porsches and Audis you're probably right
  6. Well, you're in high-pressure sales, so I'm gonna go ahead and take your advice and ignore what you say in this thread.
  7. Yeah this is true, its not like Runaway Bay is the only place where hot girls congregate. There are some Shamu's at my complex, but I'd say 60% of the girls who jog around here are 8-9s.
  8. June 2011 join date, 17 posts. WAY TO CONTRIBUTE.
  9. Love this place. Their Cajun fries are amazing
  10. English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
  11. 60 mph on a 3-lane freeway =\= 23 mph on a 1-lane (each direction) road :dumb:
  12. I think we're reading void in different ways. My understanding is that if you are chugging along towards Mid-Ohio with warranty protection and, say, your steering were to suddenly come loose, you're covered. However, if what you do on that track once you get there causes the steering to come loose, you're screwed if it happens on-track. If you are driving home from the track and your steering comes loose, you're covered because it happened on the road, but the burden is on the company to prove that negligent use on-track caused the fault. If they're successful in that, you're screwed. In my view of the Raptor issues, their issues arose due to abusive usage off-road (description of absive usage is subjective and to be decided by the courts I guess). Regardless of the way the truck is marketed, I highly doubt that these issues would've come to light in the course of daily driving within the speed parameters of the law. That burden will be on the consumers, apparently, to prove.
  13. Does not compromise factory warranty which does not cover anything done at a race track. EDIT: Trackey and LS package are 100% independent of the front splitter. You do not have to have the splitter on to race, or use trackey, or have the LS package.
  14. It didn't void the warranty. It simply isn't covered under warranty. I see what you're saying, but I would never expect that deterioration of my vehicle due to use anywhere but public roads would be covered under warranty, even if it was marketed as having been built with offroading in mind.
  15. http://www.ford.com/cars/mustang/2012mustangboss/?searchid=426441|28115804|205351754 at about 1:48 "It's ready to take on everything on and off the track" They then talk about Trackey, which is an aftermarket unit installed by Ford authorized dealers and, when the key is used, turns the Boss into a track machine by essentially reprogramming everything. I see nothing in this release regarding how it'll affect warranty or degradation of the vehicle's components, but I bet if you drive into the dealer with Trackey on, they won't fix your race-destroyed warranty parts.
  16. "Know your vehicle, the course, and the required equipment before high speed offroading" is the first thing that comes up when I go to ford.com/f150raptor Does that not count as a disclaimer? Oh and the LS package disclaimer only refers to the front splitter because its not road legal and tested on the car during crash testing.
  17. Shit or get off the pot. Either wifey files suit on behalf of Raptor owners and gets a hearing your you stop vagswinging off her law degree. EDIT: and I'll , I dunno give her a high five if she gets her hearing
  18. Thats the kind of answer I'd expect from a 12 year old, honestly. Some people never learn.
  20. At what point has Ford ever claimed that such use would not result in the deterioration of the truck itself, and that any such deterioration would be covered under factory warranty. Watch this advertisement, and then tell me how your expert lawyer wife would sue the pants off Toyota. So, the Toyota Hilux is marketed as UNBREAKABLE. Would she then represent a customer who was suing Toyota for not fixing their Hilux under warranty after they dropped a shipping container on it and it was broken?
  21. Unbelievable that she would deny responsibility when there's clearly no one else who would've or could've taken the car. As unfortunate as it is for her, you have to call the cops. You don't want to end up getting screwed out of money and/or time and dealing with a ton of stress by not getting everything official up front. You have shown incredible compassion and patience and given her multiple opportunities to do the right thing. If the opportunity arises for her to get away from you and this without paying anything, even if it harms you more, she's going to do it. She has shown a willingness to screw you over when she has a lot to lose by doing so, what makes you think she won't screw you over when she potentially gains by washing her hands of you.
  22. but what if it deploys its parachutes
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