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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. he even has a bus to shuttle them around in http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/12/2011/06/xlarge_puppies_candy_clowns.jpg
  2. "Chris Hansen's lawyers were quick to point out that, despite her only being a toddler while their client was courting his wife, his mistress was of legal age at the time of the affair" /madeupquotesarebetterthanrealones
  3. Saw this thread, been feeling like a worthless shit lately, so its time to lose some lbs. June 28 2011 ------------- 283lbs, 44inch waist, can't run to save my life. Target ------------------- Don't really know; 220lbs, 36-38 waist? Going to start leaving water jugs at work, at home, full at all times so i can just drink instead of eat. Also going to try to start waking up earlier to get my body running sooner and I want to get to bed earlier so I don't eat at night. I'm going to try to bring fresh fruit into my diet in a huge way.
  4. They don't need to break the encryption, they just need to find the stupidest insider and get into their computer...like what happened already according to wiki (which is obviously fact and in no way not true). As long as I can't get a virus in my leather wallet, I'll still use fiat money over everything.
  5. You can build a trebuchet out of carbon fiber and magnesium tungsten alloy, but at the end of the day its still archaic technology. The same applies to auto racing; making more obstacles and challenges to car developers will breed innovation in regular cars. It seems these days like NASCAR is more about maximizing advertising space/revenue than anything.
  6. I like this post. In the late 80's BMW's M12 turbo 1.5L I-4 was making 900hp under regulation, but in qualifying runs it was anywhere between 1300-1400hp. I don't know how I feel about the rev cap, but I'm sure I'll have a more solid opinion next June in Austin:gabe:
  7. I think the real question you're asking is when will gay marriage be legal in Columbus, and is a moped the best way to ride off into the sunset with your lover? I can't answer the former, but the latter is a solid yes.
  8. ITT: All my problems are somebody else's fault, and ignorance is a substitute for responsibility.
  9. its the best of the high volume low cost beers, bottom line. If I'm buying a case of 24 for a group of friends to drink, Yeungling is by far the best. If I want to sip on something delicious myself, I'd probably get something microbrewed or by sam adams.
  10. One commenter on jalopnik claimed he was doing 100-110 in a 35/45 mph zone.
  11. Times square fucking sucks. There are about 8 million better places to stay in NYC, including gang territory. My vote is for Toronto. All the charm of NYC with none of the trash, and its pretty much exactly 8 hours drive from Columbus.
  12. good move. fuck people who hit and run
  13. I'm all for craft/good beers, which is a majority of what I drink, but not every beer should be served out of a ferkin or cask to release the most armoas and flavors of the yadda yadda yadda. Sometimes a beer is just for sloshing down ice cold and simple tasting. Hops, barley, and water.
  14. Yeungling is a unique flavored beer that they manage to produce at a consistently high level for mass quantities. How many people give a shit about what you produce on a daily basis?
  15. This Don't get a Kenwood, my old Explorer had one and though it was very good, it had a hard time working in cold weather and the interface was counterintuitive.
  16. AWD is nice but I prefer 2wd honestly. AWD is several hundred pounds that will do nothing but hurt your gas mileage for 99.9% of the year, and the times that it comes in useful, you could just drive 5mph slower and give a little more stopping distance.
  17. Portugal tried this, and devoted the money to building state-run rehab facilities to help people dry out. Theres no one saying its a rousing success, but drug related crime is waaaaaay down obviously.
  18. 8 years old: http://therollerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/spinal-tap.jpg They had to stick a needle between 2 of my vertebrae and drain some cerebrospinal fluid to see if i had bacterial meningitis. By far the worst pain I've ever felt, and my dad to this day said its the hardest thing he's ever had to do as a father to hold me down while they did it; and he watched my heart rate drop to nearly nothing when I was born.
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