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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. this thing sounds perfect for an ubuntu setup
  2. you fail Time warp to yesterday!! Still, seriously sucks. may xenu protect his midichlorians.
  3. sad story, sold it to my uncle because it was starting to look like it was going to rust out. I wanted to give it to someone who could take better care of it than I'd have time for in Boston. thanks to the guy above!
  4. 255/70/16 for a '98 explorer. Need them on the car by Wednesday, looking to spend less than $400, I've just got a couple bald tires that I'm not confident would make it back to Boston. PM me and let me know what you got. Also i'm east side, so closeness gets preference. thanks guys.
  5. if you realize the shit quality of components you'll end up with in that price range and want to reach out, I have a Kicker zx300.1 300W RMS amp that i'll sell for $80. You're getting a steal at that price. The catch is that I'm leaving town wednesday so you gotta decide before then. PMing you my number...
  6. What the title says, folks, not the 08 model (product # 08ZX300.1) but just as good. 900W max, 300W RMS into a 2 Ohm load (either 1 dual 4ohm voice coil sub, or 2 single 4 ohm voice coil sub, or other options those are just the most basic). I bought it from a college guy who thought he was getting the 08 model and overpaid for it, I'm just looking to get the 100 I bought it for back since I'm strapped for cash. I'll probably be back in OH in the next week or so, and I'll meet you anywhere in Cbus or within reasonable distance to Gahanna. I'm driving back from Boston though so if you're on that path, LMK. Shoot me offers people, I got rent to pay. edit: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-LP5Lup5NYZR/App/Product/Item/Main.aspx?I=206zx3001&search=zx300.1 comes with the wired remote that goes from 1-11 ("this one goes to eleven" /spinaltap)
  7. http://www.moviewallpapers.net/images/wallpapers/1998/fear-and-loathing-in-las-vegas/fear-and-loathing-in-las-vegas-3-800.jpg HST sez "well played" edit: from the grave:thumbdown
  8. What if his kind of muscle is measured in muzzle velocity? What if he's not as smart or CCW trained as I'm sure the CR muscle crew is? What if the shit hits the fan and lead starts flying? Let the fucking cops handle it, Peckinpah.
  9. 99% of people who have their CC info stolen is because they let their internet-retarded spouse buy shit online without properly teaching them how to not get suckered. I'd bet $20 its your damn wife's fault. also, 94% of statistics are made up. this is one. edit: still, sucks to hear its happened to you. Bank of America has a really tight loss prevention system that I have set to call me and email me even when its just me spending crazily. no need to pay for any other security service
  10. pictures of ganj right above pictures of his kids. class A citizen right there.
  11. you sure have been around the block a time or two huh. 3 nights in jail pretty much puts you up there with charles manson.
  12. best post of the thread so far. i'll take your $20 if you run me at Mid-Ohio with me in one of their cars (acuras) vs you in your car. best time, not head to head.
  13. i've been slacking, i know. i've never ever had any problems with the moderation on this site. i think you have to have a certain ceiling on your IQ if you're unable to not stick out to the mods.
  14. probably because w/o the warmth of a live rat, her body temp drops from eating and digesting. love those cold blooded animals. talked it over with the roomies and I think the girl I live with would strangle me. good luck selling her though
  15. qft. also n00bs trying to run the place. not saying that there aren't plenty of awesome people who just happened to have joined recently, but it seems like the spirit of cr (part of that spirit being exclusivity) has disappeared.
  16. how often do you feed her? mice or rats?
  17. cr has gone downhill. its not even worth spamming with my nonsense anymore
  18. http://www.lolwut.com/layout/lolwut.jpg
  19. how'd you get pictures of my penis? was hal sending that shit again?
  20. the faggotry is strong with this one
  21. its pretty easy being an OSU fan. about as easy as being a Red Sox fan. with both teams its obvious winning championships comes second to beating Michigan/the Yankees.
  22. fuckin sweet man. now just get a fucking sweet 22" LCD and your shit will be primo. looks like you got a vid card that could handle it
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