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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i've gone to a couple games in my life. its more about the journey, but fun if you go with a buncha friends
  2. i've got a pretty strong gastrointestinal tract, but man...i'd be shitting straight beef and blood if i tried to do that.
  3. you are now my adopted n00b. welcome. should you have any questions and not wanna be flamed, PM me. or just get flamed. i don't care. its something new and dumb i proposed
  4. http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_DisplayProductInformation-Start?ProductSKU=DCRHC28&Dept=cameras&CategoryName=dcc_DICamcorders_MiniDVHandycamCamcorders time to invest
  5. quoted for truth...pwned by bandwidth
  6. THREADJACK ALERT. where the FUCK did you get that awesome sig quote?
  7. if anyone asks you to answer anything involving numbers, ask them to pose the question in a manner that only deals with units expressed as a fraction of the speed of light, thereby eliminating error. seriously, though, i'm an algebra and calculus ace...i won't be back in cbus until march 10th though.
  8. lookin real good man, looks so much cleaner
  9. A hog roaster? What's that? We always just did a makeshift spit in a dug-out pit in the backyard with a cover made of chicken wire and aluminum foil.
  10. Fortunately, Motorola has since adopted the mini USB charger on the razr, krzr, and Q. I'm definitely heavy on the texting, I just wonder if it's cumbersome to have a non-flip phone? Has anyone here used that Samsung u-740 or whatever? The double-hinged one? I'm kinda curious about it, but Samsung phones always break on all my friends.
  11. Sounds like you had the same issues I'm having. I figure I'll get the warranty replacement, and if nothing improves I'll go down your path. Thanks.
  12. http://www.lugarus.com/soft/motorolae815.jpg RX7dood, does yours get the scratches on the metal plate right above the camera? I'm really good about keeping my phones in good condition. I clean it almost every week to keep dirt out of it, I keep the screen as clean as I can, I don't drop them. I just hate the way phones look in cheap protective cases, so I dont use it. My friend had the old V710 (the phone that the e815 basically shares its entire design with) and it had the same self-scratching problem. If I can borrow a friend's digicam I'll post pics later. Also, harry's94tsi, do you like the Q other than that error? I've been thinking about caving and buying one, since I am not much of a fan of the new phones Verizon has out (i.e. Razr, Krzr, LG Vx8600, Samsung double hinged POS)
  13. shit that's nothing. I hear JP is building a Toyota Sienna that traps 2000 knots in the 1/4.... If you any of you guys haven't been there, take the time to go to the Dayton Aviation Museum. They have 1 or 2 SR-71's there I believe As far as the replacement, I believe the consensus is the unacknowledged "Aurora" project. Though the F-22 is acting as a replacement for the F-117 and the F-15. I think they may be also designing a JSF Fighter (F-35 I believe) to replace the F/A-18, but for now I think they're ok using those UAVs for recon.
  14. what the hell do you contribute to this thread?
  15. Alright, I know there's at least one person here who works for Verizon and since DJ doesn't anymore, I didn't know who to ask. Here's my problem: I have a Motorola e815 and I absolutely love this phone, I don't care how bulky or busted up it is. That said, I'm kinda annoyed that this phone scratches itself, and I HATE phone covers so that's not really an option. I'm in the habit of keeping my phones in pristine condition as much as possible. In my 5 years of owning a cell phone, out of 3 phone's I've owned, I only dropped one of them once. This thing is beating itself to hell. So I kinda want a new phone, but I'm not available for an upgrade. Oh well, at least I'm still under warranty for this one (<one year since I got it) Anyways, as much as I love this phone, it has begun to piss me off. At least 5 times a day, when I go to send or recieve a text message, the screen freezes for about 30 seconds, then goes blank, restarts (quickly) and says "No Service" then immediately goes back to the home screen. Its really starting to piss me off, and it shouldn't be doing this. Also, I have two batteries. The normal 1030 mAh battery and the extended 1500 mAh battery. And neither of them will charge normally. I think it has to do with the contact points on the phone, but if I don't put the charger thing in at just the right angle, the phone shuts off. So I went into Verizon today and they don't have a phone available to give me as a warranty replacement, which makes sense since this phone is no longer produced and hasn't been for several months. If one shouldn't turn up, am I going to get a credit to buy another phone for a similar price?
  16. everything about CS sucks because of the idiot haxxors. battlefield 2 is a lot harder to hack. i haven't played for a while, but the last time i did there was only one glitch people could exploit, and that was only if friendly fire damage was turned off
  17. dude, i like hot sauce, but i don't like shitting spicy blood. EDIT: who does pig roasts? I would love to participate in a CR pig roast, and I've got a bit of experience doin it. My grad party featured a 110 pounder, which i realize is pretty small.
  18. I've always been a fan of marinating meats in habanero for some kick, but I absolutely hate it as a sauce. Something that hot is more of a party trick than a condiment. I'm particular to cayenne peppers; they are delicious and spicy. I have a friend that I lost contact with whose dad used to grow a ton of different hot peppers in his backyard. He also brewed his own beer. He was truly a man's man. EDIT: I usually use Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce as a marinade, which apparently is only a quarter of a million units of death spice or whatever. And a bottle of that stuff will liven up (to put it lightly) 2 pounds of hamburger meat. So I only can imagine what something 52 times that strength would do.
  19. I guess I've been lucky enough to have been able to say that up til now, I'd never lost a friend in a particularly tragic way. I've known people that died at a young age, or been loosely associated with someone who has, but the other night a couple people I know died in a fire at BU. http://www.bu.edu/phpbin/news-cms/news/?dept=4&id=43683&template=4 I know there's a lot of more experienced guys and girls on this board who have had more than 19 years to contemplate the value of a life, but to anyone who has never experienced a loss, I hope this can put some perspective on it. You come to a realization that after so many years, you won't see your grandparents or parents or uncles and aunts. They're older than you. But there must be some embedded bond between friends, even casual friends, that makes you feel like they'll always be there as long as you are because you're both young and healthy. The feeling of loss and the void of someone not being there because of something as simple as an accidental fire is so overwhelming. Make as many friends as you can in this lifetime. It's special enough to have a few people that can really understand you, but when stuff like this happens you don't want to be alone to deal with it. I know I wasn't particularly close to these people, but a few of my friends knew them very personally and the few times we'd met, they were genuinely good people. I guess the good really do die young.
  20. no game worth playing can be played on a laptop. i have an HP zd8000 series (17" monitor, 1G RAM, ATI x600 126MB graphics) and i can run Battlefield 2 on medium-low quality with reasonable framerate. then again, this computer is trash.
  21. does that roof scoop double as a gamma particle cannon?
  22. thread winner right fucking there. maybe that would settle the benchracing once and for all
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