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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Wow, self-perpetuating ignorance sucks. intarweb ftw.
  2. Here's how the territory works: nature = deer, paved, scary civilization = ours. And then, as was said before, gunpowder allows us the right to take anything we see fit.
  3. alex: thanks, man. now i know how all those guys from Overhaulin' feel "I can't believe its mine!!" lustalbert: oh i know that is possible, it'd probably be good for 450 under the right circumstances, but given what I know about the truck i was saying that my uncle's horsepower estimates were probably high gearhead: i'm with you, 300-350 sounds reasonable for what's done. i'm not sure about the cam, but for this summer i'm gonna have to stick to low-key mods because i can't afford to have it in the shop and not be driving it.
  4. It's gonna look something like this, minus the wheels (they are original). http://www.stovebolt.com/gallery/kamerer_shane_1959_01.htm As soon as it comes in, I'll have pics up
  5. ...from my crazy uncle in California. Within a couple days, there will be a truck transporting a 1959 Chevrolet Apache 3200 to my house. My uncle, a fucking maniac, decided that he didn't have the time to take care of "his baby" any more so in order to assure it went to the right hands, he gave it to me. The Good: Its a fucking sweet car. Originial Tartan Turquoise and White two-tone paintjob, original wheels, almost original everything except the engine. The motor is pretty sick. 1968 Chevy Racing 327/.30 over with Power Forge flat-top pistons (10:1 compression), crank kit w/Federal Mogel bearings, reconditioned heads and valve guides (this is quoted from what my uncle sent me...i have no idea what about 1/3 of it means). His friend/mechanic puts the est. hp at around 350-400, but I'm skeptical. The Bad: Fucked up front left quarterpanel from a hit and run by some crazy redneck, small dent in the hood, that sweet engine is still hooked up to the original 4-speed manual 235 transmission, meaning it basically drives like a bus. Still, I'm excited to find a new drain on my finances. It'll be here somewhere in the next week or so, and then you can bet I'll actually be at some of the meets.
  6. DJ, I know a guy that'll be selling a black S2000 with black/chrome lip SSR 5-spokes at the end of the summer. If you can hold out that long, he'd probably give you a decent price.
  7. this thread should be locked....lame, stupid, boring, whatev.
  8. Mazdaspeed6 = teh lose, Legacy GT > Mazdaspeed6 I believe it was R&T that did the test of AWD sport sedans. The response on the Mazdaspeed forums was hilarious when the 6 got scored below perfect. "They didn't put ice on the intercoolers! Subaru sent a factory freak!" E36 M3 if you can find one in as good condition as my dad's.
  9. did anyone else realize that it was a joke?
  10. Yeah, right, jesus and all his disciples all in one accord... He was Jesus of Nazareth, not frikkin Tijuana:rolleyes:
  11. Jesus would man the .50 cal machine gun on the turret of an M1A1 with seven LS6's and 28 turbos. It'd have a 3000 shot of unicorn blood and be driven by Chuck Norris. Also, it would play nothing but "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins on repeat for all eternity. And it'd have spinners.
  12. I've recently "acquired" a new money pit mobile (I'm not telling y'all what it is until its in my driveway...its in CA right now) that my uncle doesn't have the time to take care of anymore; it runs decently (small oil leak) and has some body damage (front left quarter panel and a big dent on the hood) that for this kind of vehicle are completely unacceptable. I've been recommended to look at Berberich Auto/Fab in Blacklick, which is literally 2 miles from me, for getting some high quality work done to get the vehicle in excellent running order. Has anyone on here dealt with Berberich, and if so, how was your experience and on what car/what was done? Also, does anyone know of any shops that do work on classic cars/trucks?
  13. this thread isn't gay enough http://x10.putfile.com/10/29209065630.gif
  14. ricer jokes are worse than janet reno's pussy
  15. look for PETA on facebook and all you'll find are groups called "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals" PETA is retarded for the sole reason of extremism. Just like Al Queda is a crazy bunch of fundamentalists who refuse to accept anything other than their translation of the Qu'ran as the sole truth of Allah's message to us mortals, PETA refuses to accept the idea that we as humans are biologically omnivorous (incisors, canines, etc. for cutting and tearing flesh, molars for grinding and chewing plants) because they believe that every damn thing that casts a shadow has feelings. Most rational people can understand that nature is inherently violent and to think that absolute natural harmony without death and the food chain is completely retarded. In his anti-PETA article, the oh so famous Maddox wisely points out that thousands upon thousands of rodents and insects are ground up in the harvesting combines on wheat and corn farms daily. Insecticides exterminate millions of insects, and though PETA claims that if all the cow-grazing area were used to farm, worldwide famine would end, they fail to realize that agriculture is not as simple as allocating land to eternally produce an endless supply of good wholesome bread to feed hungry mouths across the world. PETA is simply a group of individuals whose honest ideal has been bastardized and given a bad name by extremists who have problems with anything less than absolute coherence instead of compromise.
  16. long gif but funny as hellhttp://x7.putfile.com/10/27706370724.gif
  17. http://www.flickr.com/images/spaceball.gifhttp://www.flickr.com/images/spaceball.gif http://f5.putfile.com/5/14804060344.jpg /thread
  18. I WANNA HAPPY MEAL effin' hilarious
  19. and wtf is with the window-openness
  20. there's no such iffy situation; don't be a tard and drive a mustang in situations where you need chains. Its just natural selection when that mofo gets stranded on a backwoods road and dies. EDIT: i love the fact that the pic is taken from a WRX (cant tell if its STi, but the scoop looks big enough to be)
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