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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. what the feck!? I understand they want to curb losses caused by burning/pirating, but the bluray should help that enough. This idea is gonna be shot down; i have no doubts.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/teens/lads/pictures/film/images/8mile01_1024x768.jpg
  3. damn that book is our already...sweet
  4. are you 11 years old? cuz thats what your info says
  5. I've never taken a latin class in my life, and I had no problems with the book at all. Castigo Corpus Meum: Castigo = Chastise - Punish; Corpus = body...duh; meum = hmmm, Punish + Corpse + self mortification values....must mean "mine"! I though the book was pretty well written, but I really hated how much it made up while using actual fact to back it up; it made assholes who think they know a shitload after they read something that much more intolerable. The movie was actually very little like the book. The book had a lot of text that incorporated the thoughts of the characters, so that would've never worked well on the screen. Ron Howard did a damn good job taking a so-so book and turning it into a damn entertaining movie. It wasn't a particularly good movie by any standards, but it was entertaining at the very least, and I think a lot of people who didn't read the book will enjoy it a lot more than those who read it. I'd give it a B-, which is pretty good because I'm a damn harsh critic when it comes to movies. Rottentomatoes.com (basically the best movie review site around by most standards) has the critics (journalists, etc.) giving it a 22% and the users giving it a 75%. The users giving it a C is a DAMN good showing. From the critic John Beifuss: "You know a movie's a dud when even its self-flagellating albino killer monk isn't any fun. "
  6. hey DJ, i sweet talked my way into a $25 e815 with a new contract. Those fuckers at Easton had no idea what the fuck hit them. I basically got one of them to give me incorrect information saying that I could upgrade (as the primary line) as of April 30 instead of June 30. They messed up, so I went in and basically just complained until I got something. That's the one problem with dealing with you, I can't pull the wool over your eyes.
  7. Damn that is a nicely maintained car. My dad had a 94 Probe GT 6cyl before he got his M3, and just judging by the condition of that car, he probably took as good care of it as my dad did of his. I'd be interested to know what you paid for that car, considering that kbb could never accurately price the TLC that car has recieved.
  8. do it...Kill Stories has been severely lackluster in recent months
  9. Haha, Subarua told me on the phone and was like "I think it was black...maybe red? I don;'t know, it could have been more than one color"
  10. Posting on behalf of SuBarua: Older MR2 in Gahanna (didn't ask him about color) with a giant fart can severely angled: Are you on here, and why were you revving the shit out of your motor against a black Legacy GT? Why were you and your emo girlfriend trying to stare down a brown kid in a Subaru? Are you racist or something?
  11. megaman, you can get razrs on ebay for like $30 nowadays
  12. decent team, they usually show up well in the season. are one of those teams with no stars but that just work well together. in '05, they were second in the Pac-10 (that doesnt say too much), but their games are generally low scoring for both sides.
  13. Daler Mehindi ftw! look up the Tunak Tunak video if you haven't seen it...you'll probably die laughing
  14. What they fail to point out until the end of the story is that its not the kids' fault. Its the yearbook editors' fault. They are the ones who must deem things appropriate/inappropriate for publication. I can't believe that they punished the players at all; its like saying "we have evidence that you said something mean about people ON SCHOOL GROUNDS." Still, people will sooner or later realize that high school yearbooks might be the most insignificant pieces of shit ever.
  15. Buoyancy is entirely dependant on density of displacement. The reason a hull is buoyant is not because the fiberglass/steel/CF is light, its because the mass of the volume of water displaced is greater than the mass of the [material] + the mass of the air that does the displacing aka fills the void. Remember that density = mass/volume So when a log floats downstream, thats because water hasn't permeated all the orifices and soaked through. If you go to the bottom of a stream, you'll find tons of wood at the bottom that has been soaked and rotted, thus lowering its density. So to answer the original question, you're probably gonna have to experiment. If you have a somewhat shapely piece of CF, you can determine its volume using cubic centimeters. Fortunately, as many of you know, one cubic centimeter = one milliliter. Therefore, you can get the volume of water you need. If the mass of the water is > 3% + the mass of the CF, it's buoyant. Physics pwns joo.
  16. Ahhh the H6...he talks about it like its his penis or something.
  17. this goes up there with that video of the prissy fag kid prancing around like a ninny. this thread ftl
  18. thanks for the feedback guys, i was just wondering if it was worth parting with, because it was a pretty cool gift that an uncle gave to me, so if its only worth this much its not worth giving up. Thanks!
  19. kekekekekekeke u r teh funnah
  20. hay guys, what's going on in this thread *poop*
  21. So I got back from college and realized I still had a bunch of archery stuff in my closet from a childhood obsession. I have a Brown Bear (I think probably made by Fred Bear) compound bow, which I'm pretty sure is a damn nice bow. I have no clue. Its old. I have googled, ebayed, everything, and can't find this thing anywhere, so maybe I've got my hands on a collector's item. Either way, it's taking up space and I need cash, so I'm thinking of selling. Its approx. 45 inches top to bottom, has an attatched quiver, and a Proline sight (I don't understand archery anymore; its got four little adjustable needles on it, basically). Just looking at it, its a nice piece of equipment to the untrained eye...which is what I have. I also have three crappy wood arrows and two aluminum hunting arrows, along with two armguards and a three-fingerguard. My uncle tells me this is some kind of bear hunting bow, but he's probably as clueless as I am. So can someone tell me either what this is worth, or what you might want to pay for it? Could I get like $200-$300?? Pics: the bow http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603434036.jpg closer http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603440770.jpg next to me; I'm 6'3" http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603421116.jpg holding it http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603413444.jpg brown bear http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603424250.jpg the info about it http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603425952.jpg more info http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603432183.jpg arrows and guards http://f5.putfile.com/5/13603442788.jpg
  22. That is a damn nice garage, dude. Damn nice. Congrats on the new acquisition.
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