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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. that is most unfortunate. the people i play with are all...well...not retarded. they understand that they are entirely liable for themselves. i guess if it is that bad, though, you should watch out.
  2. fran bar on E Broad, where they have the Haunted Hoochie or whatever the fuck they call it.
  3. that site is older than telephones. although for all the people that haven't seen it yet...its kinda fun
  4. It is if you watched Finding Forrester and saw Sean Connery screaming "YOU THE MAN NOW, DOG!" at a high school black kid.
  5. HOLY FUCK. I spent 4 hours last night in the ER because I coughed up a clot the size of a small mouse, and my throat started bleeding freely. They had to remove the rest of the clot OFF THE FRESH SCAR using three methods: suction, cotton swabs, and forceps. If you ever have the misfortune of unclotting your throat post-tonsilectomy, just die. Most painful procedure ever.
  6. this must be the first callout thread that coltboostin hasn't posted in since he joined CR...ironic
  7. My Zen Touch is pretty awesome, w/24 hour continuous play battery life. However, IMO the Creative Mediasource software totally blows ass, and iTunes is a really good program. It depends what you are looking for, but if you get the 2 year warranty thing, you'll be covered on basically any major problems you could run into with an iPod Video.
  8. Hahahahaha I love when the news tries to explain simple e-tardation.
  9. Stranglely, I've never had stitches.
  10. Anthony, that 3" of tongue thing sounds like....mad suckass for lack of a better phrase. My hospital visits include: Wisdom teeth, Hernia when i was 6weeks old, this tonsilectomy, adenoidectomy, 4 concussions, 6 broken fingers (separate times), broken arm, tests for meningitis (negative...but they had to do a spinal tap), and an ECG for my heart murmur that decided to become problematic a couple years ago. EDIT: RX7Dood, you're right Vicodin is all BS. Maybe it works for young kids, but for a 6'3" 230 pounder, its worthless. Thats why I had my girlfriend smuggle me some percocet for when the pain is really bad.
  11. Yeah, I've had my wisdom teeth pulled, and this was far easier. All my wisdom teeth + 1 12 year molar got pulled, and all were impacted.
  12. Just had a tonsilectomy this morning, and I'm plenty hopped up on vicodin or god knows what. Fucking glorious. What've you guys had surgery on, because being 18 for tonsils SUCKS.
  13. Andy: You're absolutely right about the curbing. Its fucking huge. Probably a good 7 or 8 inches. Eric: The concrete patches were simply a nice reference mark. The back of the carousel and the top of the hill @ the keyhole were nice to have, because they were good reference marks for relatively sharp turns.
  14. The Good: Repaved, and it is fucking AWESOME. The track is just beautiful now, and the surface is nice and sticky. The Bad: No more concrete patches visible for entry and exit, and the tracks that show the line are more or less invisible. The Ugly: The new Honda Civic can officially suck my left nut. Today I was there for a customer appreciation thing at the Mid Ohio School, which was basically just a huge marketing ploy to get you and your friends to do the school. Since I was a returning customer who had done their lapping program, I got to do some open lapping in the new TSX A-Spec. Not a bad car. The problem is that fucking everything in the car is electrical. Steering is soft, brakes are soft, the throttle response sucks. The suspension setup in the car is great, they just make it so that you can't feel a damn thing the car wants to tell you. I also got a chance to do some slalom stuff in the new Civic, and let me tell you: it is a complete piece of shit. If anyone ever had to do an emergency maneuver in that pile of crap, they'd most likely die. The power steering is slower than a retarded fat kid, and if you have do do a quick right/left or vice versa, you're shit outta luck because you're gonna be cranking the wheel one way and the power steering will be going the other.
  15. that is a damn nice looking truck welcome to the site
  16. wrong forum...you want the one below
  17. i would pimp that caddy...a 13 sec sleeper that you can fuck your biatch comfortably in...
  18. You know, there are studies that question the validity of 666 as Satan's number. Apparently, some coding has shown that the number should be 616. Satanists say they will use whichever Christians fear more. I love religious idiocy.
  19. When I first saw this thread title, I thought it was gonna be an angsty 16 year old rant about how his parents don't love him because he didn't get the color BMW he wanted. Hahaha Anyways, become the neighborhood asshole. Be a complete dick to the kids and when they learn that you are effectively "Old-man Wilson, the grouch" the parents will tell them to stay away.
  20. http://www.pillz.per.sg/jpn_pics/engrish/b_after_translation.jpg
  21. i'm not gonna think about it i'm not gonna think about it i'm not gonna think about it i'm not gonna think about it GODDAMNIT FUCK I WANT YOU TO DIE FOR MAKING ME THINK ABOUT IT
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