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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. This thread is a massive disappointment. -2/10 would not LOL again.
  2. headlights when lit up have very distinct LED-strips. Best suggestion yet IMO
  3. Also true, they both have those LED DRLs, don't they?
  4. VW Touareg? http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/12/07-2012-volkswagen-touareg-hybrid-review.jpg
  5. If you clowns are on twitter, @Torts2point0 aka Condescending Torts is a great follow. His prediction? 74-8-0
  6. BRB starting a transportation LLC so I can qualify as "not the general public" to get onto this bitch
  7. Only the worst one, apparently. Also: Sounds about right.
  8. As I've said many times before, Autopilot was simply another marketing tool in the very large, very well thought out toolkit that Elon keeps handy to soften bad news as it comes out. Consumer Reports is going to rip us for reliability issues (this says nothing to how I feel about CR, I think they're a crock of shit but it's still bad press)? Send Autopilot OTA so everyone's talking about that instead! Quarterly reports coming out showing we're bleeding cash? Announce Ludicrous Speed upgrades!!! If you think these things are mere coincidences I've got some oceanfront property in Boise for sale.
  9. Oh no doubt, I just went with the 3 that make CR wet its collective panties. Mentioning the Vette might've distracted from the point I was making.
  10. Bob Lutz is the man who brought us the CTS-V, G8, and modern GTO. Elon Musk produces slot cars for rich guys. Lutz > Musk
  11. All of my friends in Austin say it's a light drizzle. They're also all from New England and slightly fucked in the head.
  12. Between CBJ being a dumpster fire and the Bruins turning into the Causeway Street Bullies, I think I'll just root for the Panthers this year. Mullet Jagr is Best Jagr. Dumpster fire: ignited https://twitter.com/smitchcd/status/657978930725453824
  13. http://nhl.nbcsports.com/2015/10/23/report-torts-told-johansen-that-hes-not-in-shape/ :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: this season is gonna be fucking HILARIOUS
  14. He's putzing around Columbus, I was up at MAG Mini on Tuesday and saw that abortion of a Ferrari with a £ logo getting washed around back.
  15. All 20k of them are probably Chad McMongoloid on dupe accounts.
  16. They jackets are so deep at forward they'll end up dealing some 2nd or 3rd line talent. I think Cam is #1 on the trading block, he's not a locker room leader and he's a great talent. He'll be too expensive to re-sign, I say try to package him with JMFJ (who will be a 3rd-line D anywhere else) for a top pairing Dman. I think the person in most danger of getting traded is Joey. He was benched for the last 6min of the 3rd yesterday, Torts obviously didn't like his level of hustle compared to guys like Wennberg Jenner and Dubi who were busting their asses out there. One person who I think will shine under Torts is Hartnell. He's played for Laviolette, he knows how to handle ball-busters and he has shown a lot of fight in the losing crusade under FHCTR. EDIT: OH and I agree that Tyuts needs to go but no one will take him. I like Connauton, he's just being asked to fill a role too big for him right now. He's a future stud though.
  17. Jar Jar was bad but what really killed the first 3 for me was slow-as-molasses relationship development between Angsty PreVader and Momma Skywalker. The acting was...just awful.
  18. Oh man this makes me miss my '59 1/2 ton. GL with this build, that thing is a beauty. And I too know the pain of a granny gear, my '59 got to about 2mph at redline in 1st
  19. Yeah but we all know Lucas has no idea how to properly apply CGI, whereas JJ is a bit more refined, worst we should get will be a little too much shaky camera/motion blur/lens flare.
  20. Anyone who isn't excited for this movie is a Commie and a traitor and should be watched closely.
  21. One the one hand, I don't think anyone in the organization or fan base was calling for Todd Richards' head. He's a great coach, he's a brilliant tactician (not counting last night's abomination, CBJ had among the best PP efficiency in the league), and players love him. But it's not about what players love, and it's not about how brilliant you are. It's about getting the best out of the players on the ice. HCTR has failed miserably in that regard at the beginning of each season. Their first 15 games, basically the first 20% of every season, they dig themselves into a hole of confusion and subpar performance. That can't happen with any regularity for a team that SHOULD be in the playoffs.
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