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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Scion TC? Hope she's got good insurance. Sorry about your loss, and if you need the CR lynch mob, I'm sure pitchforks are already being retrieved.
  2. I love how the redzone doesn't start exactly at the minimum ratio. There's always that "fuck it, I'm drunk" buffer zone between bare minimum and redzone batshit crazy.
  3. Money can definitely buy happiness but it can't buy intelligence. It can, however, provide a false sense of superiority. "If I have this much money it must be because I'm better/smarter than everyone else" type of thing.
  4. I'll just leave this here (sorry about the mirroring, CC loves copyrights)
  5. Pics sell cars, but great price for a great car.
  6. We've had 2 3.7 GCs sit on our lot for a while. Just not a very appealing motor.
  7. a cop child pornographer? he's gonna be in segregation his entire time. he'll kill himself or wish he did by the time he gets out.
  8. You're already on the first step to avoiding such a situation. Step 1: Stay the fuck outta Cali.
  9. One of my customers was about to buy a 2011 Jeep (from our Jeep dealer) when a tech walked up to him and said "Ed, you're going to have to fight me if you want to buy that 3.8 piece of shit. Buy one with the Pentastar"
  10. I think for his budget, an 05-06 would not be too hard to come by with a manual I-6. My boss has an 06 Golden Eagle edition with around that mileage and book value has it around that price range.
  11. Set fire to the property, blame it on deadbeat tenant, collect insurance, move on.
  12. A friend of mine has a salvage-titled Supra and she's having a bitch of a time registering it because where she got it (SC where she lived at the time) rules are different, and she doesn't have any receipts for the work performed to make it roadworthy again. There will always be wonky hoops to jump through depending on the situation. I would never touch anything with frame damage, but cases where the repair cost of non-safety components > value and that's how it became "salvage" is no big deal.
  13. My mistake. Did they say if it was stick or auto? I was sorta watching at Roosters but wings > NHRA.
  14. This. They're looking at LTV (loan to value) ratio and deciding it's too high. It may be that they lend from wholesale/trade-in value rather than retail value (this can be a function of bank policy or your credit history, or both). Money down, and lower sale price are the only way to get around that really.
  15. In some cases it can happen, in some it can't. Any car a dealer would REFUSE to CPO is likely down to 2 reasons: 1 is it won't pass inspection, and is therefore not worth buying and 2 would be that it could pass inspection but it'd require too much money for them to do. A big reason for this is tires, they're expensive and they have to be at a certain tread depth for CPO status. So if they straight up refuse to, it may just be because their profit margin is too thin to allow for it, which brings me to my next point. Never withhold a desire/condition until the end of negotiations. You'll always have a better experience being up front and honest. Easiest way to buy a car at a price you want is to walk in (yes, BE THERE, as opposed to email. Especially with used cars) tell them EXACTLY what it takes to earn your business, and be willing to do business on the spot. If they can do it they will. If they can't, they'll explain they can't and counteroffer. If you're not willing to budge, that's OK, thank them for their time and move along to the next hunk of metal. In some cases, it really just comes down to the dealer not having any profit and CPO can reduce profitability.
  16. Ran 12.4 at Mile High this weekend, I believe on street tires. Hell of a time for altitude
  17. This is accurate. Also considered by drivers is shipping routes. If you're having a car shipped TO somewhere they're likely going to be able to pick up more cars and take elsewhere (aka make more money) they'll give you a better rate. If you want a car shipped somewhere that nobody ships out of, they're going to be burning gas making no money on the return trip, so you're going to pay for that.
  18. If possible, take the performance bits out and sell them separately. Non-tuned cars are worth more, and you'll get the additional money from selling parts.
  19. Between weed, alcohol, and tobacco, IMO weed is the least harmful. The only reason it's still illegal is because it's a gateway drug. Not for drug users, mind you, but for the DEA. It's their gateway to continuous funding on the war on drugs. "Oh we haven't rounded up enough coke/meth/H dealers? Just go bust Harry the Harmless Hippie, he's got a few hundred thousand worth of plants on his farm." My mom's side of the family (except for my mom) is all stoners, including my uncle whose miraculous re-growing of salivary glands has confused his doctors. I bet it's got something to do with the 2 pot brownies per day.
  20. I'm gonna quote myself from earlier in the thread since some people still don't seem to understand. You couldn't make a Camaro fast or cheap enough that I'd buy over that Challenger. Camaros will probably be recalled before they arrive in the showroom (you may laugh, but the Chevy Trax isn't in showrooms yet and has been recalled already). I love Ford as a brand in general, but what the GT500 and the Challenger are trying to accomplish is totally different. Obviously Chrysler is looking at contemporary benchmarks with the Hellcat but they're not trying to make it something it's not, and that should be applauded.
  21. Truth There's a reason most states are raising speed limits. It's because the only reason speed limits are so low in the first place is fucking Nixon's idiotic idea to lower speed limits to save gas. It didn't work, but it interrupted the natural progression of speed limits increasing with advancing car technology. Why, with probably 90% of cars on the road capable of cruising safely at 80mph, should speed limits ANYWHERE be 55? Hell, the 45mph corridor on 70 downtown is a joke. It's more dangerous to interrupt the flow of traffic in such a way. Speed enforcement is like NBA reffing. The fouls happen all the time but they're only called in the 4th quarter/holidays to keep the game interesting/keep revenue flowing.
  22. I always heard 9 you're fine, 10 you're mine. Jalopnik put together an infographic that seems to support this, and the "mph over the limit" data was collected over 2million tickets issued in...OHIO! For the lazy: 9mph over = 8703 tickets 10mph over = 77,000 tickets 14mph over = 150,000 tickets There's more data in there (like how fucking Ohio issues more tickets than any other state) but that's the particularly relevant stuff.
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