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Posts posted by rl


    But i would never run that much compression on a car thats pump gas and most likely Driven often.


    Like several STOCK OEM turbo vehicles?


    It's fine if its done right. It's all cylinder pressure in the end.

  2. Passed a wreck right after it happened on 71 heading south between Polaris and 270 this evening around 6:30. Guy looked to be in pretty rough shape. He was on what looked like a white R6 or similar sport bike riding with a guy on a purple yamaha cruiser and maybe a 3rd bike. Several people had stopped to help him and the ambulance was headed there when we passed. Curious if anyone knows anything about it.
  3. I'm down almost 10 pounds since my son was born 10 weeks ago. Really watching what I'm eating and hitting the weights harder. Down a total of 85 pounds since April 2008. No good recent pic, but here's me this weekend at a hockey tournament. Second from bottom left:




    You play hockey with Baughman?

  4. I had one put in last year, its about 3 cars wide and replaced my front walkway and small corner flower bed. Basically the driveway wraps around to the porch. I've had some issues with it settling, but I park a 35k pound truck on it. It is not hard to fix when it does settle, and I've only had it settle in 2 spots from the truck. I love the way they look.
  5. I've never done it, but I can't imagine it is much harder than base board. Miter saw, tape measure, and a nail gun should do the trick nicely. Should be a pretty easy, after work one night DIY project.


    Doing crown correctly is MUCH harder. You are dealing with compound angles because the molding sits at a 45* angle to the wall and ceiling. If you are off a degree or two on the corners it shows up a lot more.


    I did my basement and it sucked, I got a few tools that made it easier but it still wasnt fun, I wasted a decent amount of material in miss-cuts.

  6. so basically you conceal carry it.... :dumb:


    I wouldnt call an outside paddle holster concealed, its just a small gun. But no, I am not packing a Redhawk with wranglers and my shirt tucked it.

  7. I open carry my keltec .380 in a paddle holster frequently. My T-shirt covers it, but its fairly apparent if you look at me. I never get bugged. The gun is so small most people probably think its a cell phone.
  8. What gets me is "If you don't pass this, we are going to cut / fire / whatever". That tells me that they did not have the funds to have them to begin with......




    So school should be 50 kids per teacher, with a few part time aids to make it legal, no gym, no art, and the shittiest cheapest teacher they can find? Thats whats going to happen in a lot of these districts. School districts DRIVE property values, if not for helping the youth thats a great reason to invest in schools. No one will want to move to a town/neighborhood with a shit stripped down district.

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