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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Works good unless your baby is a freak like and eats 36oz a day. My wife cannot keep up. But back to the original topic, I will try and get with you about at least a couple of cans, we can always use them as backup for the car. PM me a good time for you.
  2. Are you sure that you aren't getting coupons for enfamil? Isomil coupons and similac coupons should be one in the same, go ahead and use them for her Similac and save some money!
  3. Isomil is soy based! Thanks for letting me know on the size. I am afraid that once again Ross gives their own employees the shaft and gives better deals to Sams Club. This was what I found when I worked there, ensure, infant formula, all cheaper at Sams Club then at the cash sales desk. This is why I encourage all with babies to buy their shit at Sams Club.
  4. I agree if they are the 30.8 oz cans. It is $0.90 an ounce at Sams Club and we get coupons from Ross every month for $5.00 off a purchase so it makes it about $0.74 an ounce.
  5. Which size are they? I might be interested in some of it.
  6. http://www.vwvortex.com ??? Of course not as cool as here though!
  7. I would go for the Jeep Liberty, or you might have her look at the Jeep Cherokee (not the grand). Honestly I would stay away from the newer VWs as they seem to have a lot of electrical bugs that creep up.
  8. First person with $25 dollars gets it. It is too big for our desk in the office.
  9. The new desk is too small for the CRT monitor that I have so I am looking for a 17" or 19" LCD monitor. PM or email me with anything you might have.
  10. Okay I think you mean exemptions which are from line 6. You will be able to reduce your tax liability by 3100 last year if you could claim an exemption for yourself. I think it is like line 23 on the EZ form, although I am not sure as I use the 1040 long form. Powers if you are not taking these exemptions on your return you too are losing out on a lot of money that is due to you. I do agree though that dependent is not quite the the right term in this case.
  11. My grandfather makes wooden hall trees, would those be of interest?
  12. Josh, since you were complaining about the valves leaking at the shower, did you ever check to see if the valves were leaking into the wall? If the water is clear I would not suspect the drain as the culprit as the water would be cloudy and smell like soap.
  13. Just don't buy a building or vehicle out of state and have it shipped here. My wife's uncle got audited on that since there was a 17000 item that he didn't pay any sales tax on. My thought is that if I claim like $6-10 in use tax that there is no way that I will get audited.
  14. Agreed, that is why you have to machine it. The LT1 intake will work on the LT4 heads though if I am not mistaken. There is some sort of lip on the LT4 intake that makes it unusable with the LT1 heads at least that is what my memory tells me although it has been known to fail me!
  15. Actually it has more to do with the mating surfaces between the heads and the intake. You can machine the LT4 intake to work with the LT1 heads, but generally speaking there wouldn't be much to gain without also doing the heads since the heads are more the limiting factor than the intake.
  16. Maybe he meant he had the air intake box off of an LS1, that would be possible if he had a cowl induction hood.
  17. No problem. If you can take pic of it and send it to my email addy tuttle_36atyahoo.com that would be most helpful that way I can narrow down the brand, probably American Standard though. The ACE hardware store by OSU generally has or can get any and all replacement valve bodies for showers.
  18. Josh, what is the brand on the faucet? You should be able to replace the o rings in the old one and it should stop the drip. Is it the cold or the hot that drips, or can you tell. I have replaced the insides a couple of times with good success.
  19. I was waiting till I got permission but here is the information I have: Joe Gianetto ExhibitSource 951-2900 ext. 22 Give him a call, I play soccer with him and his place did the shirts for our league and they have held up very well.
  20. Last Result: Download Speed: 13007 kbps (1625.9 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 12019 kbps (1502.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
  21. Anybody else have one for sale? I am still looking and would like to just find one locally rather than risk getting something DOA off ebay.
  22. You should check on ebay. I put in a wood stove a couple of years ago that a guy in New Albany sold me for $100. I did the hearth in brick and ran with a stainless through the attic. Lowes by campus sells the pipe you'll want. If you have questions I can help you out.
  23. I am looking for a receiver to upgrade from the horrible integrated DVD/receiver that I currently have. I just need the receiver as I have speakers, subwoofer, etc.
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