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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Ant I hope you'll be ok. Neck & back injuries are always scary because the healing process can take weird twists? As for her - yeah unfortunately very typical. Couple years ago my wife got hit by a camaro that was literally "airborne" as it lost control, hit the 6" medial on Cleveland ave JUST south of the rt 161 interchange, while in the air he broadsided her. She was driving her Olds Silhouette van. He was an immigrant mex, tried to get away running on foot!!!! Columbus's finest apprehended him. In court he was fined etc & was ordered to pay our deductible (of course he had no ins). That accident was 8 yrs ago or so / still no check from him. Moral = your health is the only thing that really matters. Her? she'll in all likelyhood NEVER get what she deserves, not fair (for sure) but thats life these days - Now HAD YOU REAR ENDED HER VEHICLE? As a regular working, tax paying, anglo american, voting, paying for insurance every 6 months, citizen??? Well Ant as you know, you'd be paying all her medical bills including but not limited to cosmetic surgery, new home, new Durango etc etc!!!! Just listen to the Dr's & get back to your normal self - thats all you can do - Damn her hitting you pisses me off as she drove away!!!!!!!!!
  2. * I've been to Heinz field for 3 games this year, then went to Cinncy for 1st Steeler/Bengal game * I froze last January in Heinz field in AFC championship (with my sons) as we watched Pgh get torched (again) by the Pats * I watched in awe at the Steelers during the 70's * I watched Neil O'donnell THROW the superbowl in '96 (i'll always hate that guy) * I've not done things around the house on Sundays becuase my Steelers were playing I love them both in good years & bad. Tailgating is serious stree relief & you meet neat people. List goes on & on. I could've probably done some serious mods to my vette, instead I spent lots of $$$$$$ going to Pgh over the years to watch the Steelers. Guess it's like a coke habit? Once you get started, ya just can't quit -
  3. Cool another "Vette" owner - Welcome aboard. Can't help you with mod advice as I haven't bought anything (broke) - ha ha
  4. Lucky????????? No we WON, that is all -
  5. Blown Yellow - I was extremely trashed last nite when I posted. I've no beef with you, hell I don't even think I've personally met you? The Steeler nation is obviously very surprised & pleased today.
  6. Thx Matt, glad we're not alone on here ---
  7. I'm waiting & waiting for jag off's blown yellow & co's response's????? They talk all kinds of shit, no response to the true AFC North Champions??? C'mon guy's you're the best turds on NFL responses on this board! Surely you can entertain us with your wit??? Blown Yellow & co will tell all how much Ben sucks & fuck the Steelers?? Haaaaaa
  8. We won, that is all. Mr Wright & Blown Yellow Rustang will probably become Bronco fans now - F Them too ----- Steelers Rule, that is all -
  9. Thx Space Ghost. Haven't heard from Blown Yellow Mustang nor Mr Wright??? We won that is all - period!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. To Blown Yellow Rustang GT & Space Ghost - I'm very intoxicated, however some of you owe MadMalibu $$$$$$. Steelers rule as they have since Cowher took over in 1991. We're going to handle Denver & go to the "Super Bowl". Oh yeah blown yellow this is directed at you - F You!!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa We won no ref calls, Pgh plain & simple won!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Ninety Fox - you'll find on this forum that NFL followers have their teams. Additionally you'll also find some of the teams are hated. I only hate N E because they've torched the Steelers over the least few years, nothing personal. Last night they beat themselves. After watching that game I've little doubt that Denver won't be able to do the deed against todays winner between Indy & Pgh. The new champs of the Super Bowl will continue to be the AFC Champion, either the (Colts probably) or my huge underdog Steelers. We'll know no later than 4:00 today -
  12. Patriots just fell to the Broncos!!!! I don't hate the Bengals or the Browns, but I do HATE new England. As for the Indy / Pgh game, we'll know at 4:00 tommorrow, that is a fact -
  13. As I read all of this, it's obvious that some folks just enjoy talking shit on this forum. Oh & Blown Yellow GT, Mad Malibu who resides in Ohio was born in Pgh. His father (me) lived there most of my life. I took Marc to the AFC championship in '95 when the Steelers (you hate) beat Indy. So for the record he IS a dyed in the wool steeler fan. Marc can fight his own battles, so I'm not trying to defend him. We are Steeler fans, we're also sorry for what happened to Palmer. It was similar to what the Ravens did to Ben in October. It's a physical game for sure. I truly believe it's Indy's turn & they'll win, but I don't believe you'll see them torch the Steelers. Sorry Blown Yellow, Pgh is coming to play -
  14. The Steelers have been playing well (very well). Unfortunately even though they've won every game since their record was 7-5 at one point this season, a win against Indy would be a huge upset = * Indy is well balanced all around, offense, defense, special teams, & they damn near score at will * Pgh's secondary continues as it has for the last several years to be suspect to the long pass completions * a shoot out with Manning vs Roethlisberger / shit Pgh loses I anticipate a much better game than the media or sportswriters are giving Pgh credit for, but a win???? Again it would be a huge upset. Though as I said earlier, if that upset would occur - look out the black n' gold would be looking at Detroit & have every right too - Peace Ghost
  15. Whats there to say really (Space Ghost)??????? I WANT the Steelers to win, reality says they have a SMALL chance. They've been my team since BEFORE you were born & will always be my team / even when their record stinks which there have been those years too (only a couple years ago they mustered only 6 wins) BUT they're my team. Colts should put them away period. I'm hoping Pgh will give them a better game than last November, we'll see. I'll tell you this (Ghost) - if just (IF) Pgh were to have a game plan that beat Indy / the rest will have to brace themselves, because they'll bring it to either Denver or New Eng. Without starting shit with you & letting you go on & on vs the Steeler fans on this board, I've answered you honestly -
  16. Veeery Nice! You'll not regret buying it. As for the badging, personal choice I think. It does look cool without them though -
  17. Quote from Mr Wright = Pittsburg is going to get the pink sock special from indy! 1) It's actually spelled PITTSBURGH 2) You're probably correct, but at least they'll be there! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. I didn't find the one you just posted all that ugly! Yeah the Aztek & Element are indeed drop dead ugly! Also the Toyota Scion is UGLY too. We're all getting older but I don't think that means we have no taste??? Manufacturer's will build whatever they think the public will buy! Personally you couldn't GIVE me any of the previous mentioned vehicles - I'd guess more new "ugly" vehicles will be introduced over the upcoming years ---
  19. Ghost you're VERY GOOD at starting shit. I KNEW you & Blown Yellow would be startin this thread! He NEVER mean't to hurt Carson, just look at the replay, Steeler player was yellin for a medic after it happened, even Bengal coach after talking to ref knew it wasn't intentional. Football is a tough game, just like when Baltimore player slid into Ben's knee in October & knocked Ben out for 3 weeks - Additionally as much as it pains me to say this = I'd be happy if the Steelers gave Indy a run for their $$$$ next Sunday. I don't think we can beat them all I hope for is giving them a hell of a game - We'll see =
  20. Kohones

    Team Z06 Beware

    Ha ha ha ha. Very cute - hey the young lad looks pretty cool too!!!! Couple years & before you know it, he'll be cruising (in your car)!!!!
  21. Dustbuster Ant??? Ha ha ha, buy two would you????? ha ha
  22. Linn would race him actually I think thats him on the left in the back setting it up Very good!!!!! Haaaaa
  23. I had a fellow who was sort of like a stepfather to me when I was growing up, he worked in a mine outside of Pittsburgh. He worked there his entire life, I approached him when I graduated High School & I said "Foster, I heard I can start in that mine & make $7 an hour to start"!!!! Now in 1970 $7 an hour was ALOT of $$$$$. Foster looked at me & said = Tom you need to make your own way in life. I'm not going to help you get in that mine at your age, knowing the day may come when YOU CAN'T COME OUT OF THE MINE AT THE END OF YOUR SHIFT! I never worked in that damn mine & glad I didn't!!! I feel very badly for those men & their families -
  24. TelHio - I also deal with them & thats where the Vette is financed. They have a branch just South of 270, down high st, then off wilson bridge rd. I have no complaints -
  25. I was "NEVER" a Clarett fan & could've cared less what he did FOR the OSU fans before he screwed up & what he's done since. I would agree he has recieved more than his share of bad advice. Actually when you look back on it, after he originally messed up, he got chances to correct his mistakes, but he continued on making even more!!!! His cocky & aloofness posture coupled with all these "dumbass attacks" are resulting in him getting just what he's asked for - When this recent escapade gets all the evidence out - I'd be surprised if he's innocent. You can bet he was "there" & involved to some degree. Why was he there? Why would he put himself in ANY SITUATION like this? Who knows - he's a moron.
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