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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. 1) It was ugly overall, but Penn State finally got the "W". We were rooting for them as my wife is a Penn State alumni - 2) I too am rooting for Texas
  2. Very cool - perhaps worth an admin "stickying" ?????????
  3. Glad she's in the hospital, best place to be having professionals medically treat her & bringing the best medicine has to offer (which is damn good these days). We'll add in our prayers too -
  4. I've been with & stayed with "State Farm" for over 30 years. I know I've paid a lil more, but they have ALWAYS been there when I needed them. Sometimes (not always) but sometimes you get what you paid for. The insurance b/z calculates your premiums based on a # of things including (but not limited to) your tenure with them --
  5. To Nurkvinny, blackbird et al - my response last night was a lil strong & I've no beef with anyone either. 4 mich lites, worked 11.5 hours yesterday will do that to ya. 1) yes owners of dealerships certainly control the purse strings 2) people like me are the "worker bee's" & we get a SMALL fraction for our work & efforts 3) I work in Springfield, Oh for the Wyler group I think Copperhead & OSU GT hit the nail on the head earlier - But I do apologize for coming off so strong. I'm proud of my profession & what I do. N/N & Wyler are examples of dlrshps that operate ethically, agreed there are SOME that certainly do NOT -
  6. This toooo funny! Here we go again with dealerships ripping people off??? Questions = 1) before someone says dlrshps ripped them off, I ask WHO WORKED TODAY FOR THEIR EMPLOYER FOR NOTHING???? Answer - nobody 2) Like Greasemonkey said - why didn't you fix the fuckin car yourself? 3) If I had deep pockets, I'd be fast like Sam & the good Dr I get soo tired of people picking on dlrshps. If we made 1/3 of what people thought we made, I'd have retired long ago. But everytime their vehicle quits running, they come to the dlrshp to get going again! & Yes small shops have their niche too -
  7. Last name = Stock it's german & means = "club" like a policemens night stick! Yeah I know how appropriate! Haaaaaaaaaaaa
  8. I worked there for 2 yrs as a mgr. It's a top notch dlrshp. If they put new belts on, soooo what? I'd personally prefer getting new belts with the tensioner that was installed - I guess you can complain & probably run a bar of "soap" over the belts if they squeek? Thats what my Dad would do, me? I'd happily pay for the belts (my .02). Oh yeah one of the techs there is named Mike, he's been there for like 15 years & knows all there is on Nissans! Good store +1
  9. Ha ha ha. Actually I don't want to spray her at all. I need to stop spending my $$$ on my kids so I can purchase the twin turbo's. That would probably help me with both my rep & my time slips!!!!!! lol That spray thing (after seeing John's piston) doesn't excite me at all. I think my posture comes from the sixties era?????
  10. Austin - since my wife IS A NURSE, I've met lots of guys that are nurses. If you want to be a nurse - BE ONE! Who gives a shit what anyone thinks! Pay is good, job security is precious, hell you can find work almost anywhere. You do get crapped on regarding hours, treatment of a Dr vs a nurse sucks, but it' s a profession that many people can't do. You have to have the right attitude as depending on what area medically you want to be in - you can find yourself helping very very sick people get well again. Oh yeah one of the male nurses Barb works with at St Ann's just bought a new C6 ----
  11. No mods, just put a new shift knob in car last January. I did drive it more in 05 though. Took 1st road trip in it last May, went to anniversary party for my parents in Pgh. Car did fine & wife actually enjoyed it. Car did 29 mpg on the highway!!! Can't wait til spring to drive her some more ---
  12. We exchanged gifts last night & the family was very very good to Kohones! Some of the items I got = couple dozen "premier" golf balls, hi intensity back up lights I'll be installing in the vette (so I can see where the fuck I'm going), golf shirt, jeans, socks. &&&& a leather, C5 bomber jacket WITH the Z 06 logo shipped direct from the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, it's cool!
  13. To be politically correct???? Happy Holidays to all!!!!!!!
  14. Ant - you look GREAT! Actually this is the "happiest" I've ever seen you! Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah etc. I may have to try drinking less Mich Lite as my stomach is gettin out of line!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. BMW's = for reliability they CAN"T be beat, quality above reproach. I don't think you can go wrong with a beamer. Yeah parts are pricey but hey it's a BMW -
  16. We got the 400 hp Trailblazer in at Wyler Chevy too / What a waste! Oh well different strokes for different folks. As for the new Z 06 my wife has already told me to dream on ---
  17. I hate the advertising & retailing. But I do enjoy the actual holiday & watching my family opening presents & getting things they really wanted they'd normally not buy for themselves. Guess I enjoy the giving part - sometimes you get a present that YOU really wanted & can enjoy too -
  18. As I drove home from work last night, turned into my court, I oddly noticed something? Not ONE home had ANY Xmas lights out??? Now I've lived here since 1995 & Yes we've put lights up over the years. We stopped for several reasons, I'm older & it is a pain in the ass, obviously my sons are now grown, & WORST of all - we had some ass clowns cutting the wires over the past few Xmas's. But there are a number of homes with kids, believing in Santa etc. Maybe = * All the world unrest has impacted us more than ever? * Maybe others have had their lights wires snipped? * Perhaps this early winter weather stopped folks from putting them up I don't know, but it is odd? I guess this year willbe a little different, a quiet Xmas holiday???
  19. Kohones

    Fort Benning

    Lil extra tidbit of advice - In basic they'll break you mentally into believing you're an idiot & a piece of shit. Once thats accomplished, only then will they build you back up into there version of a mean fighting machine. Sooo mentally prepare yourself, it's only 8 weeks or whatever - the rest gets much easier. They're all correct too, don't = * volunteer for ANYTHING * do as you're told * tools get blanket parties (you aren't trying to win a personality contest) but you don't want trouble either. Behaving is difficult enough * You want NO ONE sending you cookies either. My Mom did that when I was in basic at Ft Dix NJ. Drill sergeant ate a few in front of entire platoon, then thru rest in trash & gave me shit for a week * I just remembered something? My cousin sent me a letter addressed to me at Ft Dicks!!!! Now that was a serious problem for me & I NEVER have forgiven that cousin, but you're fine as you can't screw up Ft Benning that way!!! Good luck, you're about to embark on an adventure you'll remember for the rest of your life. (If you think you've seen it all in people / you ain't seen NOTHIN YET BABY)!!
  20. One loss, no worries. My $$$$ says they'll win the superbowl!!!!!
  21. Just be careful that none of those marines tamper with it while you're going thru basic training etc etc --- You don't need busted windows, slashed tires, missing engine etc etc
  22. I used to "TIRED" of the local TV channels not showing NFL games I was interested in. I realized they didn't care about what I wanted to see? Sooooooooo I quit complaining, bought the NFL tix, now I WATCH ANY NFL game I wish -
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