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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. We actually went and got one from Harbor Freight yesterday, so the tool issue's been solved, but we'll be working on my 86 all day tomorrow if you still wanna help (No longer have the Neon, so it's my only transportation now)
  2. Kuruma

    Free Bed: GONE!

    I don't have any bed at all. I'm interested
  3. I'm looking for new work, myself. I've done a lot of call center stuff (can't re-apply at calltech till the end of feb.), some retail and other cust. service type jobs. Would be willing to do deliveries in my hachi, but I've had a lot of speeding tickets in 2003/2004, so most places won't hire me as a driver, though if you know anywhere that doesn't care as long as it's no accidents, I can do it.
  4. Nah, Karl & Schrock, but I got some friends who live in the place you're talking about, and I party there sometimes with my 86 or my Neon.
  5. Any AE86es there? (Coupe or hatch?) There used to be an AE86 (SR5) Coupe there, but it's gone now.
  6. If I had been driving, she would have smashed the hell out of my car's front end with her "mad ricer skillz". That, and the Circle K is just across the street anyway.
  7. So last night, me and Mik decided to go walk to the store to buy some smokes, and this stupid cunt driving a green Honda Civic, complete with the JDM-plastic-sheet-window shit on the drivers side comes ripping her fatass way into the parking lot, and then tries to zip to the left to turn down Jones Mill Rd, right into the left lane where a car would fucking be stopped, and almost plows over both of us, then starts screaming at us not to "walk in the middle of the fucking road". Well excuse me, yeast infected little whorespawn ricer cunt, but when there's no fucking SIDEWALK, and the grass on the fucking side of the road is so soaked that your feet sink a fucking INCH into it people are going to walk on the extreme side of Jones Mill Rd. when they are trying to LEAVE THE FUCKING LOT TO WALK SOMEWHERE. Did you not notice that your car was ricing it's fucking way into a lane where it would have hit another car head on, had one been there? Watch where the fuck you drive, ya fucking ricer bitch.
  8. Heh. I don't work at Calltech anymore (got tired of making less money then I was spending to get to/from work.), so I'm looking too. Gasoline isn't free, and neither are replacement parts for my hachi! Blew the head gasket the other day, so it's back to driving the Neon until we can install the new one. Was gonna go for a courier job, but all the tickets (all speeding) disqualify me from that one. Does spherion piss-test?
  9. +1. I bought my AE86 for me, and I could care less if someone thinks I bought it just to drift, or that I bought it because I like Initial D. Granted, I have watched the series, and without having done so, I prolly wouldn't have paid any attention to an AE86 (or known what it was), but I don't have delusions of taking my SR5 on the touge and talking shit to Evo and RX-7 drivers. I drive it pretty fast for what it is (Finally got it up to 110MPH on the way up to Cleveland on New Years Eve, which is impressive for a 4A with 256k miles on it, especially with 2 passengers in the car and a whole bunch of shit in the hatch weighing down the car.), but I'd rather not risk drifting my 86 into a guardrail or the side of a mountain, really. There's always gonna be someone wanting to talk shit no matter what you drive, but if you bought the car for you, and it makes you happy, fuck 'em. The car's doing what it was intended to do.
  10. Grand Prix = FWD, therefore it does NOT have the best handling out there, in my opinion. Not knocking it as a car, but I think RWD and 4WD are superior. Don't tell him off, you still have to work with this person, after all. Instead, have someone with something like a 1983 Audi Quattro Sport (the 4WD turbo version) race against his Prix. The best way for someone to realize that there's always something that's faster/handles better is for them to lose to it.
  11. Kuruma


    Then how do you explain Turbo Slut?
  12. Kuruma


    What a bitch. Maybe she thinks you're the woman that stole her boyfriend or something?
  13. Kuruma

    Idiot drivers...

    Heh, my AE86 is mean in the snow. other people are bitching, but the car is fun as hell in snow. I like RWD.
  14. The AE86 is my first RWD, so I'm having to learn how to drive in the snow all over again. The tires suck so they have barely any grip. Looks like I'll be getting free drifting lessons this winter, like it or not.
  15. Kuruma

    Fuck Tards

    Hah. FDs are cool, but they're not the ultimate car. I'd rather have an Evo, or a 4A-GZE transplanted into my AE86.
  16. I haven't used them myself, but there's a shop called Pendelton or something like that in Powell that my Uncle recommended when I moved here. Said they fixed his Honda Accord up pretty good. Prices are supposed to be reasonable as well.
  17. Snow + AE86 = Free drifting lessons, like it or not.
  18. I'm not sure if I need this done on the 86 or not. Anyone who knows carbs/can rebuild them wanna take a look sometime?
  19. Kuruma

    1989 240 SX

    Really? I got a friend who *needs* a car, as some douche bag totaled his van and he needs the car to get to/from work. PM with more info I can get him in contact with them?
  20. Yeah, a lot of native ohio residents don't seem to know how to fucking drive properly. Columbus isn't anywhere NEAR as bad as Toledo though. Fucking crackheads and dilaudid addicts tearing through red lights in bigass Buicks and shit causing accidents, and middle aged douchebags in little riceboxes that think they're invincible, like the dumbass in a Del Sol that took the Angola Rd. S-curve at 50mph (which you really shouldn't take above 25mph when there's traffic) and attempted to drift into a parking lot (which happened to be a body shop) in front of my car a couple years ago. Dumbass got a nice big gash in his quarter panel for his trouble. My bumper... well... it was a Buick, so it got some of his paint on it and not a whole lot else happened to mine.
  21. Kuruma

    time for speed's

    I've never been there... What's it like? How much, and should I bring the 86 or the Neon?
  22. There should be a sticky about this or a reminder as it gets closer to April.
  23. Kuruma

    It's Back!

    The AE86 is finally back to being driveable, and I got a free part to replace the lid on the center console too That is all.
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