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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. If people would simply educate themselves how this happened they would realize BP had very little to do with it. It is just easier to blame the big name oil. Go read up on how oil rig contracting operations work and see how little the company BP had to do with this spill.
  2. I guess he probably has the mindset that it can't really matter that much to you if you got up and left because something was more important than his presentation. Also, if it was a group presentation and you left, then you weren't a team player in his eyes, no matter what went on behind the scenes. Id probably take it as a learning experience and move on. PS. Fuck group projects.
  3. Right on. I figure this is so. However, it does perplex me as to why all videos and pictures, even at a larger size, look great. It is simply the text that sucks. I don't have a cable in my room as I just moved from college and have been watching movies, TV shows, etc. from online and they all look perfect on the thing.
  4. Makes sense. This is not an option on my display settings, however. So I guess I will just have to stick to watching movies on it only.
  5. I guess a TV? I played around with all of the settings and it only made it worse.
  6. Claw wrench is the shit. When I worked at Ford it was the only way to get those fuckers off 80 percent of the time.
  7. So, I have a Hisense 20" monitor I want to use as an external monitor along with my laptop to watch movies on, have an extended desktop, etc. It works fine in doing this except the text is blurry and hardly readable. Images and movies look fine. Is there any way to correct this? I feel like it should be able to display text if videos and pictures look perfect. Thanks.
  8. Also, remove wing. Looks way better without it.
  9. That is a good looking boat. Good luck!
  10. Wait....are they going to talk to each other?
  11. Thank you. I never realized this until I ate at any other chicken place in the entire world. Where they get these baby dick wings is over my head.
  12. Second set without a doubt.
  13. I actually have that as a live clock in my living room.
  14. I just can't help but thinking, while it might be hot now, when you are 50+ it might just look kind of odd. This seems to be different for old men -- but would be weird if my grandma had a sleeve.
  15. Congrats, bro. Going to take me awhile with student loans but hope to be there one day. Obviously school paid off and got me a good job in this economy so I cannot complain.
  16. I own the smaller box that goes on top. It is actually a pretty nice piece and has held up well for me.
  17. Congratulations on regurgitating useless stat information in a feeble attempt to sound intelligent. I am graduating this Saturday, and I can tell you that going to any school doesn't automatically qualify you as "intelligent". Some odd 80 percent of graduating high school seniors are going to attend a college somewhere -- 50+ percent of which will be serving me a McMuffin or delicious latte on my morning commute to work. In order to relate this information to this thread, I came up with this statistical problem. With a 100% confidence and 0% MOE, what is the probability everyone on this board wants you to shut the fuck up? Hint: It's everyone.
  18. Understandable -- it just appears to have a "shaved-esque" look going on for it with no emblems or any BS on the outside (which I love) so the flames appear out of place to me. However, still a badass truck.
  19. Much better color. Nice job man -- thanks for updating us so often!
  20. Sucking herpe cock for meth.
  21. Badass. Would look so much cleaner without the flames though. Even the blue window tint isn't that bad.
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