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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Just got back on CR. This shit cray. Pleased at the comments of my fellow CR members since the election.
  2. Wow...early voting tallies normally favor the democratic candidate. Not good for Biden. If Biden doesn’t win PA - his birth-state - DJT is going to take this election.
  3. https://theweek.com/speedreads/947506/trump-starts-election-day-by-going-fox-news-complain-about-fox-news
  4. Speaking of bishes...my Lincoln is laid out, no leaks. I had to say it was a good day.
  5. Yes, to be clear gents...I'm not worried about Biden's tax hikes as there are ways I will take care of myself, let alone I'm not at $400k. "Losers" and "suckers" are going to pay full sticker. Corporations are going to pay their fair share. Trump or Biden, someone's going to HAVE to make some tough choices and up tax rates. We've got a 27 TRILLION deficit we need to start working on or our kids and grandkids will be some other country's bitch.
  6. Michael, You’re more scared of change than I have faith that Trump will continue benefitting our society, our economy, and our world. Smart, resourceful people can look out for both themselves AND the greater good. That’s where we have the greatest impact. Our country prospered more through people working together, than being hoarders with thousands of rounds of ammo they’ll never shoot. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me...I have a Lincoln that needs rear air bags fitted.
  7. Trump gets away with paying $750 a year in taxes. I’ve gotten a refund every year since I’ve been married, largely to the deductions of taxable income my wife and I benefit from. As Biggie said, “my accountant handles that.” The macroeconomic data I’m seeing from BofA/Merrill, PIMCO, Vanguard, Bloomberg/Economist, Euler Hermes, etc shows government stability and collaboration as a far better benefit to the US economy than right-wing scare tactics would have you believe. You and I BOTH know the economic data over the last 15-20 years - even with the Great Recession - supports this. Looking back at the 2016 CR Election thread I posted above, there was a lot of guessing back then that never happened either.
  8. Biden is no more “pro-business” than the fact that Trump caused more long-term damage in his last 4 years than people feel he’ll be effective in the next 4. Srsly, you think Don is going to do LESS golfing? If the Senate goes blue, you think he’s going to get more done? Gotta look at the big picture. Trump’s caused irreparable damage locally and globally that won’t be fixed with him still at the helm. I didn’t vote for Obama, but he was our President and I still did well. Many of us did. Do you really think Trump’s got aces up his sleeve for the next 4 years that he didn’t already pull? Why would dozens of past administration officials (many people he picked) and top brass in the military rip him apart? Maybe he’s not as good as he says he is?
  9. Honestly, I’ve seriously considered both. Here’s where I stand going into tomorrow: - If I vote for Biden, I give a chance of meaningful societal change for my fellow Americans. The markets have baked in his impact on the business landscape already. - if Biden loses, as a business professional with a diversified investment portfolio and a savvy CPA, I’ll still be well-positioned for continued economic success as much as can be afforded under Trump. :gabe:
  10. Don’t remember. But he was definitely my pro-business pick over Hillary. EDIT: one post on page 3 back in 2016. Definitely didn’t “rave” about Trump. Actual presidential performance 4 years later a let down. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125359&highlight=Trump+Hillary&page=3
  11. Food for thought: When an Asshole complains that every other person in the room is an asshole, and they are totally corrupt and fake news towards him....maybe, just maybe, HE'S the arsehole? Trump's still complaining today about the prior administration. He's had 4 years to "lock her up" and Hitlary is still a free woman. #winning #promiseskept
  12. Trump: "Sleepy Joe's gonna take yor covfefe guns and hamberders!" Geesammy: "Antifa's taking over Portland! THEY TERK OUR JERBS!!!1!1"
  13. Was going to say $50-75. $100/mo and you're competing with storage facilities that are asphalted, security, and easy in-out.
  14. Awesome job as usual, Tim! Anything that can be done with the yellowing of the tail lenses?
  15. I agree: when people say that someone who supports Trump is automatically a racist, that is hateful speech. I've been called that as a Trump supporter myself. However, the thing more disappointing than Trump's ongoing, tone-deaf behavior or commentary that paints him as a sexist or racist are the people that back him up, and react so negatively. Fundamentally, that is what I have a problem with after 4 years of him as President: he's stoked the divisiveness in our country more than a few thousand Antifa/BLM participants could do for the next 100 years.
  16. Trump said it'll "magically disappear". I think you're right on this one. :gabe:
  17. Everyone takes issue with either the extreme left, the extreme right, or both. The problem you're exhibiting is you're letting that hatred for a very small subset of our society occupy too much of your political views and decisions. No doubt, MSM, social media, and the current administration thrives off of ginning up this sort of ill-will. Everyone thinks of themselves as civil and pleasant until they're stocking up on ammo.
  18. Any thoughts on this one? It was literally $199 yesterday...grabbed the link to paste here and now it's $249. Still seems solid... https://www.bestbuy.com/site/tcl-55-class-4-series-led-4k-uhd-smart-android-tv/6422762.p?ref=8575135&loc=3d12d7e81c9b11eb8bc396097eac07130INT&acampID=3d12d7e81c9b11eb8bc396097eac07130INT&skuId=6422762&fbclid=IwAR06O5AC6V329M-vBDeO_LVpWmHZwvuLzGlXHRWCLk_Nk9tdkxsFEzHFTJ8
  19. Thank you. C'mon, Mace. Will you shut up, Mace? :gabe:
  20. Saw the news and came to CR to post my thoughts as well. RIP Sean Connery. I just saw League of Extraordinary Gentleman a couple of nights ago and I though to myself what a badass Sean was. Getting old is tough, seeing your heroes pass away. May I live to be 90 as well. https://werethemannowdog.ytmnd.com
  21. Looking awesome. Will the new steel wheels be cream-colored like the skinnies in the picture further up thread?
  22. Can you show articles, evidence of Pelosi doing this? That's amazing, how she can remove someone from an elected position they haven't even won yet. QAnon tin-hatters are strong in this thread. WWG1WGA, amirite?
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