Yup! Wife's been going there for the last couple of years, and I went with her yesterday...she's got this whole process out: She brings in 3 bags, freezer stuff in one bag, pantry in another, fridge in another. Then, we got home and unloaded in less than 5 minutes. Her efficiency turns me on, plus I'm impressed when I'm snacking on something or cooking a steak to find out everything's coming from Aldi.
:fuckyeah: We still have a couple of things that come from Green Bean Grocery delivered to our house (Snoville Creamery milk, veggies and fruit). If I just shifted regular pharmacy stuff to CVS, I'd stop going to Giant Eagle 100% now. Love Aldi.
Admittedly, you do have to find which of their private label brands works for you for things like cereal, crackers, canned goods...but their peanut butter comes from JIF, they have a great red wine called Intermingle that's bottled with Menage-a-Trois, and top-notch meats, breads, and produce. After some trial-and-error, my wife has found the bulk of things our family eats and uses through Aldi and she easily is saving a couple hundo a month.
Scoreboard, Samsonite...in the game of life, let's check the scoreboard. Just providing food for thought to your starving-Ethopian mind.
Keeps costs down. Why pay some fatbody $15/hr to bag groceries you can do yourself?