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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Slick. Congrats on the job, that sounds like an awesome deal. As long as it's something you like to do. I just got flown out to Texas a few weeks ago, got to suit up and all that jazz. There's quite the number of good looking women in Texas. I like to think the suit got me the job.
  2. That's cool man. I always wanted to do that, but it was just cheaper/easier to go buy one. Your first problem though, DSL. It sucks donkey balls.
  3. Get a KIA. They're cheap as dirt, built out of dirt, and tiny.
  4. That's bullshit. Hope everything works out in the end.
  5. You missed out last night homo. Free beer. V-dub, holding it down.
  6. Ha ha. I've raced two z34's in the Cougar and beat them, surprisingly to me. Though it wasn't really fair since it's a modded 2.5 and still slow as crap versus a stock 3.8. I'll look into the z34 some more. I like the 98-02 Accords (I believe those are the years, that bodystyle), that type of bodystyle, but they're not cheap. Any clue on some good places to score a black one in decent shape? A lot of em have near 250k on em. Thanks.
  7. My car got beat to hell out of 3 years ago back in Cincy. It wasn't even a week old. Nothing in Columbus, although I did just get rear ended.
  8. That letters dumb. It is poorly written and ignorant.
  9. I was looking at accords, but they're not cheap, but they are really nice and pretty much exactly what I would be looking for. The job is 70% driving, i'd like an automatic so I dont' have to deal with that. Preferably American. I'd like a used car, so I don't pay out the butt for something new. NA or FI, I dont' really care. Probalbly NA, this is strictly a go from place A to B car with a nice ride and decent creature comforts. I was checking out a 98-99 z34. They're a bit cheaper then the newer SS's and I honestly prefer that body style. 600-1k miles a week is about the average mileage. It's not really hard to do. A round trip from Columbus to Cincinati is 200 miles. I just need to keep that in mind. The car needs to be a beast by not breaking, and repair easily and cheaply if it does break.
  10. Ok. I need another car for company use. I'm going to be putting a shit ton (that's a real term) of miles on this car. I dont' want to use the cougar as I'd basically destroy the car. It needs to have a nice ride, decent gas mileage, reliable, and look pretty good. I've always loved the monte's and they're relatively cheap. They have enough power to get out of their own way as well. The extent of modding will probalbly be a nice quiet dual catback and an intake if I get the monte. Any opinions on them? Any opinions on other cars? Thanks.
  11. Hilarious episode. I got most of the jokes. Better then the second episode of the season. "Now who dooked in the urinal!"
  12. What the fuck did they take! I want a divorce! You see what you're doing to me!
  13. Is your hand swollen, can't really tell. Looks like you hit him wrong. I'm willing to bet alcohol was involved.
  14. You sir, are a tard. Obviously, both have proved their incompetencies against the foreign market. I don't see how having one American company would monopolize the car market. They'd be competing against all the imports. Either way its doubtfull they will "merge." I would think it would be more of an "alliance" of sorts to stop being douchebags and start making cars people want/can afford, if that makes any sense.
  15. Milwaukee's Best sucks period. So how's the cannon made? Like a potato gun?
  16. http://www.the-windjammer.com/bikini2003/12-03.jpg That lady scares the crap outta me.
  17. The pictures on the right of the video threw a red flag for me. You sir, are lame.
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