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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Lol wtf? Women really are crazy.
  2. This guy speaks the truth, but you forgot crowbar, just like on road rash. Damn that's quick though.
  3. Awesome car man. Pure sex. So Nate, you still wanna turbo the coug? lol
  4. This thread is fucked. Way to respect a dead guy. :roll eyes:
  5. Sorry to hear. RIP. The war's affected a lot of people I know.
  6. Making up for something? Ha ha.
  7. Yea... that's just sad. He's never screwing her again.
  8. I never got that to begin with. I was going to see Crank (awesome movie to see btw) yesterday and I heard a guy walking out saying "That was the best worst movie I've ever seen!" I can only assume it was this piece of junk.
  9. It might be the torrent health, but you can try turning off your firewall or adjusting the settings. If you're running a router, sometimes you need to open up a certain port.
  10. Yea. There's a lot of cops out, and they're doing checkpoints. Be safe out there. I'll keep driving to a minimum to avoid getting hit by some dumb fuck.
  11. I'm gonna go with the first reply to that thread.
  12. Lol. I was like "Ok. She thinks the motherboards the cpu." Then I got to the "chip". Then I gave up to retain iq points. That lady needs shot.
  13. I think road runners being extremely gay. My internet has been weird, it's on, but a lot of pages aren't loading. Anyone know if that net neutrality was passed?
  14. I remember watching that in high school english class, guess I didn't pay attention.
  15. Shrek's a good movie. I think adults pull more humor out of it then little kids can.
  16. The Caliber looks like a hair covered turd on fire. That's just my opinion though. Is the caliber AWD like the 6?
  17. Speaking of... video The guy damn near kills himself.
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