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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. A geo with ricer wing and big motor? hey man. I'm trying, but you're extremely stretched to compare a colt to above said cars.
  2. That's badass. No more kitty litter, now just teach the pussy to flush.
  3. ^Lol. That movie was extremely dumb, but beware the electrical gun that fries your ECU! Also. 100cc Honda 2stroke > Police Cruiser. True story. Hell. 100cc 4 stroke + woods/fields is greater then old dodge 4x4 chasing after you through a field.
  4. http://www.best-celebritees.com/gallery_week/sarah_jessica_parker/sarahJP035.jpg Doesn't really beat that girl, but I find her face very unattractive.
  5. Parry Check Strike That's badass. I need to get back into martial arts.
  6. That sounds dumb. You wouldn't suffocate because?
  7. I saw this video before, pretty sweet. I like how they exagerrate the flame "the flame instantly turns hotter then the surface of the sun, three seconds turns a brass ball into liquid metal... blah blah blah" I hate reporters.
  8. Ugh.... not really. Most cars. Yes. But there are exceptions. Definitely most cars aren't fast enough (my car.) Either way, it's not easy outrunning a cop, or at least as I imagine it would be. Once the choppers out you're done. I've heard of people doing it before though.
  9. I'd hit it. I really need to get another dirt bike.
  10. The main thing you want to do is stop the person doing it. Maybe the mailbox will fall off, but they'll never want to hit a mailbox again eh? So.. make 'em regret ever hitting it like said story above.
  11. That's good to hear. My main reason was the stupid SUV's with the HID's that tail gate you no matter what lane you're in.
  12. You can go to home depot if you have enough time, I dunno, if you have enough time. Should be a really good day.
  13. I doubt many cases people win when they're hurt whacking mailboxes. My girlfriends dad took one of those big metal mailboxes, insert a small mailbox, and filled inbetween with concrete. After the previous one kept getting nailed, that thing got hit once and never again was it touched. They found a broken bat next to it though. Little fuckers.
  14. Lustalbert: that's gross. She's like twelve.... I saw that dvd at work yesterday. I was like "oh, so that's where that sig pic came from."
  15. I remember watching that, the family guy episode is hilarious too. Did that guy really lick up that vomit?
  16. With all their beady little eyes And flapping heads so full of lies
  17. **************CONVICTIONS************** C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: FAYETTEVILLE COURT CASE: 234 OFF. DATE: 10/13/2003 CONV. DATE: 10/28/2003 POINTS: 02 OFFENSE: SPEED ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** Fucking Podunk town busting a teenage college kids balls. I wasn't speeding, but who else is there to say I wasn't! How long does it take for a ticket to fall off?
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