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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I would do things to that car deemed illegal in third world countries.
  2. Mold is a health hazard and they must fix it. If they don't fix it, you could possibly start getting respiratory health problems.
  3. I bet he lost his virginity to that horse.
  4. Pac sun, JC Penny's, Kohls, whatever's cheap and comfortable. I don't really like shopping.
  5. It's supposed to play all the previous nintendo systems as well. I'd rock her.
  6. Sparkler bombs are sweet. I used to do dry ice bombs all the time. Mother would bring it home from work and we'd make bombs till we were out. A 2 liter's a lot louder. It's a little dumb doing in the middle of columbus though.
  7. How bored do you have to be to actually make something like that and post it online. Man... I only wish my car beeped when I got in it. All those gauges and lights, it must be fast as hell.
  8. Do not covet they neighbors wife. Do not covet they neighbors wife. Do not covet they neighbors wife. Do not covet they neighbors wife. Do not covet they neighbors wife. .....uhhhhh. Forget it.
  9. We're like long lost brothers. No one understands how sweet a track ball is for gaming! Maybe that's why I get called on for "hacking."
  10. I agree. Not really scary. Doom scared the living hell out of me though. A good game. I think I'm gonna install it again and play through once more.
  11. "Hi. I'm Ricky Bobby and if you don't chew Big Red then Fuck you!"
  12. I'm so glad your comment was the first. It saved me from w/e doom this video brought.
  13. Hope the actual production vehicle doesn't look like that, that concepts not very attractive. Ford could always redo the cougar. :shrug: They were introduced together, production cut the same year, why not have it come back w/ the Camaro? Oh well.
  14. Damn nice. PCI-E is the way to go. Trackballs ftw.
  15. Let me specify, my cat's at hom in Cincinnati. I live in Columbus, when I'm gone he's always out "hunting and lounging" or whatever cats do in the woods. When I come home he miracuously becomes a house cat and chills with me for the weekend. Very weird, but I love that cat.
  16. Awesome. Thank you. I can't have my car down for that long but I may work something out.
  17. I had to look it up to. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_cat Sounds like a sweet cat. Kinda like a somewhat larger housecat that acts like a dog, enjoys water, and obtains a loyalty to his owner. Not that cat's aren't loyal anyway, my cat loves me when I come home. How much do they run?
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