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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. I have the SVO 30lb injectors in my Camaro SS. With my combo, heads, cam and 75 Dry Shot I make 490 RWHP and my duty cycle is at 85%
  2. If you want your cake and eat it too, your gonna have to pony up and and spend some money, plan and simple. You sound like my Dad, "Tighter than 2 coats of paint" You can either wait and wait and wait till the BIG LCD Tvs come down in price or buy what you want now and enjoy it. ..... WTF is all this talk about resale value of a TV? It's not a car, most people by a TV and have it for 10+ years. Most people think of resale value on big purcahse items (New car, House, land, boat, etc). I have a Samsung 56" 1080P DLP and love it but if I had a big open room, I'd hate it because of looking at it on an angle, dull and dim. I view it straight on so no issues for me. LED LCD is the future and will be the standard for many years to come...
  3. If your unemployed and you guys don't have any other income there is help out there, you can't be too proud to ask for it though. Times are tough, I know... Your kids will qualify for Medicaid, mine do since I'm unemployed.
  4. If you can't do the job after your injury, why is that your fault? Don't pretend to be a lawyer or know how they think, GET ONE ASAP! I'm not trying to be an azz, until a lawyer explains your rights under workmans comp, you won't know all the facts. If you get the right lawyer, it won't cost you anything upfront. Bottom line, if you can't do the line of work after your injury, you will get some kind of settlement.
  5. If you don't drag race the car at the strip and your tight on $$$, just rebuild the stocker with some good gears. Bill
  6. You need to get a lawyer ASAP! Years ago my mom got hurt at work (plastic factory), long story short she won her case against workmans comp and got a settlement, wasn't 100's of thousands of $$$$ but it sure helped out. You and your family comes before anyone else, (including your employer) if you think other wise, then I don't know what else to say.
  7. My friend is the General Manager there, John Riley.
  8. Your MAF Curve. Post up your combo.
  9. It "straightens" the air going in it to it to make the reading more consistant. If you have a high HP car (450-500 RWHP) I'd say remove it because it will be restricting air. You can see this on your MAP reading at WOT.
  10. First off, Whats you price range? If you want to do it right the first time, get a 10k or higher guardian generator with a transfer switch. Do a propane conversion and get a small tank and your good to go. If you don't want to spend $3-4K, get a Troy Built 5500 watt generator and back feed it to your house (WHEN THE MAIN BREAKER IS OFF). I've done this for years and works fine. Your more than welcome to check out my setup if you want. Mine is a simple plug and play.
  11. Must have been changed then, awesome for you guys! I'd double check it manually, jack it up rotate the tires and check against the drive shaft.
  12. 13.62 @ 102 If its stock like you said over the phone, it has a 3.23 gear. Even though its mostly stock, Its still a fun 13 sec car.
  13. I need to use one as well to check a down cylinder through the spark plug hole...
  14. Sounds like a good day. Any other planned day trips?
  15. I wonder how many races he has been in and won... lol
  16. Exactly!!! You and I think a like, we had a great teacher! I've taken 2 of Greg's GM tuning classes, he stresses the importance of a good quality WB unit. The AFM-1000 is a great tool, the more affordable "version" so to say is the NGK AFX. The box is made by ECM. You can get this one for about $250 if you shop around. It works great, much better than the Innovate products, which I had.
  17. Had a personal best for my 2006 Silverado Crew Cab 6.0L - 14.95 @ 92 MPH Only mods are airtube and tune. Did anybody take a pic of my truck on the track?
  18. Thanks had a good time.... For once the track was hooking up at NTR. Congrats you 2!
  19. Good luck... Buy at least a 1 ct or she wont like it in 5-10 years, trust me I know. Nothing like dropping $5k on a WAY over priced piece of carbon.
  20. I talked to the owner of that company in detail a few months ago. Great idea but the cost is killer. From what I'm told the guy doesn't make that much $$$ off of each kit. The guy lives in my old hometown of Erie, PA
  21. What is the cheapest/decent one to weld up to 1/8" material? What do you guys suggest?
  22. Good job Sean! You look so sexy.... lol You and I need to catch up one of these days... Bill
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