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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. Nice car. Interesting.... A no option base 2002 Camaro V6 went for less than 17k.... So thats basically a 35% increase in price. Sure its a 2010 model but who in the hell gets a 30+% increase in the their pay in 7 years, average is 2-3% max a year for the average joe...
  2. Hello, I am getting a new PS3 for Christmas. (Already have it but can't open it until then) Does anyone have any PS3 games and Blu Ray movies that they don't want? I'm willing to spend up to $20.00 for each game and $10.00 for Blu Ray movies. If you have some that you want to unload post up and or send me a PM Thanks, Bill
  3. Seen that many times. VERY COMMON. The screen does not keep the MAF "clean", its main purpose it to make sure the MAF gets "straight" air for a better signal, a by-product of having it there is to keep big stuff out of the engine. The K&N Airfilter for the F-body allows this to happen all the time since the filter is not the correct height and doesn't seal to the lid properly. Regular maintance will prevent stuff like this.
  4. I see the reason to have some parts of this law but other parts are such BS. The police will abuse this new law big time next summer to make a few examples out of people. I always hear some cars that sound like they are taking off fast and then when I look I'm like "all that noise for nothing" If this new law really passes then the police should be held to the same standards but they won't. I can't count how many times this year I have seen a police car take off very fast and almost causing an accident weaving in and out of cars. They NEVER wreak or cause accidents for going fast... lol We could always install a small video camera to continuously record as we drive so if a cop does pull you over you might have some proof if you weren't doing anything wrong. I see in the future that mini van and turbo kit sales going up next year!!!
  5. yummm, Ours smells so good, can't wait to dig in. Have a safe Thanksgiving! Try not to eat too much... lol
  6. Thats indirecting saving lives. I have a wife and daughter thats why I'm concerned.
  7. Exactly! In the long run, it's far cheaper to do a test every year than do treatment for Cancer and hope you live a long life. Even though it is a recommendation, there will be so many doctors that will accept it and many women will get screwed. This is no different for us guys with Prostate cancer. We should be checked earlier than recommended as well. You gotta catch it before it gets out of control...
  8. Better safe than sorry. With breast cancer very common, there is no reason to increase to age 50. So let me ask you this, say a 35 year old woman asks her doctor for the test, he says no because your not "old" enough. You then call your insurance company and they say no because your not old enough for the test. You request a letter stating this and get one. 6 months - 1 year goes by and said woman ends up with the begining stages of breast cancer, should the woman be able to sue the insurance company? I say yes. Insurance companys suck when it comes to saving your lives.
  9. Those are a piece of cake to remove and solder back in. Those are standard DIP chips, very easy. I can do it for ya, I'm IPC certified. http://www.ipc.org/ContentPage.aspx?pageid=J-STD-001
  10. That is very sad. Just think, some health panel raised the checkup to 50 years of age. Sure makes sense to me.. not... It should be 30, Spielman was 31.
  11. Great idea but it will never really sell since it will have the same power as the SS and cost a few grand more. Sure V6 cars are cheaper on insurance but that one won't since it will be classified as high performance.
  12. It's $35.00 for 10 FT. I can use any 1.5" OD pipe as long as it's for outdoor use and has a thick wall for strength.
  13. Hi guys, I need 1-2 pieces of rigid conduit with a max OD of 1.5". I'm using it for a special outdoor project but the OD can't exceed 1.5" Without spending an arm and a leg, any electricians out there have any? Thanks, Bill
  14. Wash and Wax, maybe do a few small appearance things under the hood.
  15. I thought about storing my car for the winter. - Will it be semi heated? - Insurance? - Security? - Can we do basic things there if needed? - Do month to month rental? - If my car needs moved, who moves it? Are you thinking of moving the dyno there? Post pics of said building.
  16. I'm on a forbearance payment plan with my mortgage company so I didn't have to go into any kind of foreclosure since I'm unemployed. My new payment is about half what it was. Once I'm back on my feet, I have to pay back all that was missed. According to them I will take a neutral hit on my credit score since I am on a payment plan. Going into a payment plan with a VERY high credit score and never late on payments helps my situation. Good luck and hope it all works out well for you guys.
  17. The little boy was in cub scouts with my son, very sad for our pack.
  18. Those motor weren't that bad. I'm not the only one that this has happen to. I had a friend switch in a dodge car and did the same thing. It just seems the synthetic cleans up the engine a bit. I bought my Camaro brand new with 15 miles on it. Drove it for 500 miles or so then switched to Mobil 1 and never had issues. My 2006 Silverado 6.0L was bought new with 5 miles on it and after 1,000 miles on it I switched to Mobil 1. I have almost 28k on it now and no leaks. Bottom line, if you have a 60K+ mile car don't switch, stay with dino oil.
  19. Some how you got VERY lucky. I switched on 2 cars, one was a 1994 GP (60k miles) with a 3.1L and the other a 1992 Z34 (80k miles) DOHC 3.4L and both leaked oil after switching, happened within 5k miles of switching oil. Both cars were clean before.
  20. Awesome! If I ever got a C6 Z06 it would be that color!
  21. My left hip has been hurting me on and off the past few months. I went to see Buzz, got adjusted and was ok for a few weeks but now it hurts again. I only have pain when I stand. I have to get this checked out again to see whats going on.
  22. Don't buy online, buy local. I had major issues with Driveline Solutions, a sponsor of LS1tech.com. My 9" had major noise, long story short, guy didn't want to fix it and had it redone locally. Cost me another $600 to get rebuilt. It's better but still makes some noise which I'm not to happy about it, but at this point at least it's liveable. If you want to know more, give me a call. Bill
  23. Billiumss

    I'm A Dad...

    Congrats!!! Now the many sleepless nights await. lol
  24. Great article, I'd be proud! Kinda curious, have you ever checked your MPG, wondering if its still gets over 20 MPH on the highway.
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