Your piece-o-shit did not overheat. Let me prove you wrong ONCE again.
Your stupid ass has not stated that your temp ever went over 230. That car will NOT overheat at 230 degrees, even if you are running straight water. FYI, H20 has a much higher boiling point under pressure. At 17 lbs, it boils at 245 degrees, it's called the Ideal Gas Law. At standard pressure (760mm HG=14.70lbs/in^2), water boils at 212 degrees (which would be if no cap was used on your radiator). At an increased pressure of 17lbs (adding your radiator cap), water now boils at 245 degrees fahrenheit. To make your situation even worse, you have already stated you are using coolant. Which means your car overheats at a temp much higher than 245 degrees, at least 260+.
Q: At which point, did you state your cars temp even approached 240, 250, or even 260?
A: NEVER, loser boy!
Make the post admitting your inferior-ness!!!! Do it now, you mullet son-of-a-criminal.