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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. ..... who wants to be the first to get their ass kicked?
  2. Actually, Glenn owns most of the girlfriends/wives on this site. I am witness to that.
  3. Here we have Rob, The Mulletman, discussing the idiocy of someone much superior to him. 1) Rob, while walking through those dewey meadows, does a mullet make a man? 2) Back in third grade, was Mrs. Drake actually better at fondling your sack than she was at spanking your ass? 3) Does Dad need his cigarettes hand delivered? 4) While nailing that very large grazer at home, do you find it hard to hold her attention when she eats that salted cured meat sandwich? Just curious.
  4. The ladies, on here, must be getting their panties at half price these days. Seems they are purchasing them in great quantities. That is good for them.
  5. You people are BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mulletman is BACK!!!!!!!!! Ready to carry on his very own family traditions.
  7. Come on all you infected secretions, argue with me. You all suck!
  8. Same old Bengals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9. Ricers suck balls!!!!!! Discuss.....
  10. Damn, I forgot about this thread. Damn funny!
  11. White trash is the new wave! Discuss...
  12. Take the extra $100. It's all about the dollar. I bet people will love to hear that this used to be my TV. He bought it from me.
  13. Bwahahahahahahaha's! That some's funny's shit's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s
  14. = lies. You should have spent the money on Park Place or Pennsylvania Railroad. You can Borrow it from daddy. Oh wait, he makes an hourly wage of 3 cigarettes/hour, so that won't work.
  15. That's because a junk yard block costs $20. The poor man machine shop in his garage will bore/hone it for him for free from the tools he bought at the flea market. The heads are from the same junk yard motor (they gave them to him for free for being a valued customer). Heads will be ported by the $19.99 Dremel kit.
  16. ....again here is Billy, Dusty, and Jeff following the reaction to Mullet Robs new excuse for not racing. http://whitetrash.net/media/images/1/94-trash_concert%20012.jpg
  17. Better yet! I want to see the temp reading of 268, that you supposedly took. Prove yourself, you dumbass!
  18. That's because there is a sign at the front gate that reads: "Please put trash in it's place".
  19. You are full of piss again. You are making this up as you go along. Make the post, you half-witted retard! Didn't daddy teach you ANYTHING (oh wait, if he did, you would be in prison)?
  20. Your piece-o-shit did not overheat. Let me prove you wrong ONCE again. Your stupid ass has not stated that your temp ever went over 230. That car will NOT overheat at 230 degrees, even if you are running straight water. FYI, H20 has a much higher boiling point under pressure. At 17 lbs, it boils at 245 degrees, it's called the Ideal Gas Law. At standard pressure (760mm HG=14.70lbs/in^2), water boils at 212 degrees (which would be if no cap was used on your radiator). At an increased pressure of 17lbs (adding your radiator cap), water now boils at 245 degrees fahrenheit. To make your situation even worse, you have already stated you are using coolant. Which means your car overheats at a temp much higher than 245 degrees, at least 260+. Q: At which point, did you state your cars temp even approached 240, 250, or even 260? A: NEVER, loser boy! Make the post admitting your inferior-ness!!!! Do it now, you mullet son-of-a-criminal.
  21. Rob, as stated earlier, you WILL now bow down. You WILL admit to being a douche! That JYM has no ability, neither do you. I am sick of hearing your lame excuses and your pathetic attempts at life. Make a post, NOW, admitting your inferior-ness. I will give you 24 hours to make this post. If not, I will bash you so hard, you will be begging Daddy to be set free. BTW, don't you get insurance settlement checks? Use that money to pay your money after you lose EVERY damn race. You are mine!
  22. Rob (you stupid mullett), Answer me this: You run your trash mouth as too "Oh my Mustang is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast". The race is setup, you WUSS out BIG TIME! I do not want to hear the lame excuse "my JYM is overheating, I can't race today". Come out and downright admit, your car is slow. You can't compete. I expect to see, Robby, you publicly post that you are not worthy. If you do not make such a post, I will come full force on EVERY post you make with a reply proving your idiocy! You Rob, are a damn idiot!
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