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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I read about this last night. That has to suck big time. I wish your friend a speedy recovery.
  2. They sell the range passes for the ODNR ranges at any place you can buy a hunting or fishing license.
  3. BloodRed

    Explain this

    Wow that is a train wreak. I will admit, I still love the old first gen Neons. They are great little fun cars. But that is horrible.
  4. Yeah real head turner...Yeah because everyone is saying WTF is that piece of crap. "i have a bungie cord on it 2 keep it closed" - That got me laughing.
  5. I can believe it hasn't sold yet. It isn't worth anything. I had a 93 Grand Cherokee with V8 engine. The only problem with it was it had a bad fuel pump. I couldn't sell it for less than $300 on CL and here. Yeah I could have parted it out and made more money, but the wife wanted out of the driveway.
  6. That is one nice looking little car
  7. I have seen him on a few X Games. He didn't do very well this past X Games, so I hope he can do better in the Olympics
  8. Has your friend contacted the apartment complex management? If they can prove the history, they might be willing to move them into another apartment a little further away. Or they may use the events as reason to evict the problem neighbor.
  9. Yeah that is about all I have figured out from it. LOL
  10. Nice, can't wait to hear what it can do.
  11. Not sure if they have any now, but you might want to check the Sears Outlet store on Cleveland Ave. I was there on Saturday and they had a ton of them that were returns and such.
  12. I know they have them at the Mansfield fairgrounds like every couple months. There is a guy on a gun forum I am on that helps put it on and he said it is much better than the ones we have around Columbus. But I haven't made it to one there yet.
  13. Yep just call or stop by your local PD and file a report. Then stop into your "home" bank office and talk to them. You would be surprised what they might be able to do for you.
  14. Yeah we will see. Not saying it couldn't happen, but at this far out, it could be sunny and 60* instead of a Blizzard.
  15. I still don't understand that sport
  16. I have always been a fan of the turbo Chrysler's. I have always wanted a Turbo Daytona
  17. BloodRed

    WTB Car GPS

    I got my Garmin 1300 before x-mas for $130 from NewEgg. It does the street names with directions. It didn't come with the window mount, but did come with a dash stand. Oh it is not for sale, but throwing that out there for a cheaper GPS that does the street names.
  18. If I can convince my wife to let me buy a new surround sound this weekend, I will have my old one up. Pretty much eactly what you have pictured. It is a Zenith brand one.
  19. Very cool. I would love to learn how to re-load and get my own set up.
  20. Yeah I was going to say the Sigma doesnt' have an external safety. It is a good gun, but it has a very heavy trigger pull (that's the safety). Plus I would like it is a little large for a CCW gun if that is what you are looking for. I like the Walther PK380 as well. It is a little bigger than most other CCW 380's out there, but it is built off the same frame as the P22. I own one of the P22's and love to take it to the range to shoot. The frame is just the right size for my hands, so that is why I am leaning a little more torward that. But best suggestion anyone can give you is to go to a range and rent these guns and see if it shoots the way you like. Handling a gun fully loaded may change the way you feel about the size and weight. Plus I always want to know how the gun will feel when I hoot before I buy. Oh and if you know someone that is an NRA member and gets the American Rifleman magazine, there is a great write up on all the 380's that have been coming out for CCW.
  21. http://www.gunbroker.com would be a start to see what guns like that are selling for. But taking them to a good gun store for appraisal would be the best.
  22. The Winter Olympics are always so much better than the Summer. Pratically all the sports I like are winter sports. But like most, I will be watching hockey the most out of anything. I think Team Canada is going to be killer this year. But like everyone said, it will be their egos that will get in the way if they don't win. They have the tallent by far. I still can't wait to see Nash and Crosby on a line together. I think Nash will have multiple points each game if he is put with Crosby.
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