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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. When I am at work, I carry a little Gerber folding knife with me. It has a 3" blade on it. I think I paid $15 for it a while back. When I am not at work, I carry a Gerber Diesel
  2. I have a feeling there will be a lot of pressure from the people who live around there not to bring it there. I am sure they will complain about the noise. This might be a tough one to get approved.
  3. hmm, depending on how cloudy it is tonight, I might try to make it out to see. Also might drag out the telescope and hope it doesn't fog up with the cold.
  4. JoAnn Fabrics should have some. I would suggest going to the one at Polaris since it seems to be the biggest and has the best selection of stuff other than basic fabrics...God I spend way to much time toteing my mother-in-law around.
  5. I picked up one that plugs into the lighter outlet for $20 at Harbor Freight. Best investment I have ever made. The gauge seems to be off about 2 psi, but I can live with that.
  6. It is a nice looking truck. As for value, I am not sure. My wife deals with repos for a local bank. She has only got $8-12K for F350's at auction. This one does have a lot of custom work, so I am sure that is going to make the value jump for the right buyer. But that is the important thing, finding the right buyer if the work was done correctly.
  7. That is what the over night ghost tours are that I volunteer for. The haunted house is put on by a seperate company, and the preservation society really doesn't have much to do with.
  8. That would be a re-run from a few years ago. Interesting events happened, but I am still the type of person that has to see it in person to believe it actually happened. I know for a fact they re-inact some of the things that happen in their shows.
  9. BloodRed

    WTB..Zip drives

    I picked up an external 250 GB hard drive for like $75 last year. I am sure something that size would do you for some time. You just have to get into the habbit of making backups on a regular basis. That is what normally gets people.
  10. BloodRed

    WTB..Zip drives

    Bingo! Business financials should never be stored in the Cloud. I would hate to see what would happen if the company that host the Cloud services would ever go under. I wouldn't want to risk it if it ever happened.
  11. Yeah you will be fine for the Neon. Last weather report I saw said partly sunny and a high fo 34* on Wednesday.
  12. I was very leary to click on this thread. But nice collection.
  13. I have heard of people trying this, but it never worked out in the end.
  14. Exactly this if you are not going to use Photoshop. I know my DSLR allows up to about a 30 second exposure. You can do quite a lot in that time. I use it for some cool effects in some of my photos.
  15. I would rather just have a regular Charger, but I wouldn't mind a General Lee.
  16. When my dad got injured at work about 15 years ago, Workers Comp told him if he didn't do it, he wouldn't get paid any more. The courses were pointless and once he did get a job, he only stayed there for about a year before he found something else in another field.
  17. BloodRed

    3 rows

    Dodge Durango or Chevy Suburban if I was going to get something that had 3rd row seating.
  18. I am not a fan of mud flaps on anything but semis. Saying that, my 5-door Hyundai Elantra that I DD came from the factory with them. Still gets covered in crap during the winter. I wouldn't put them on the Jeep because they would just break/fall off when I take it off road. And I won't put them on my truck either.
  19. If your camera uses AA's, I highly recommend the Engergizer rechargable batteries. And go for the 15 minute rechargeable ones. On my old point & shoot, I had 2 sets so one could be charging while I am taking photos with my other. I could easily get 800 shots with the flash on the set of Mh2500. The other set I had were Mh2200 and I could still get 600-700 photos. Plus when they would go dead, 15 minutes later, I was back to taking more photos. I am not a fan of the battery pack types. Yes they take more photos per charge, but then you have to wait 2+ hours to recharge. I know my Canon Rebel had the battery pack, and I am getting use to it, but I do miss the quickness of the recharge if I need it.
  20. I think about that every time I don't get a wave back. I always try to wave. When driving my Jeep, I get a whole lot more, but most of those come from other Jeep owners.
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